Home > Actor Names

Boy Names associated with Actor

Actor baby names and what they mean, for actor, celebrity, comedian, comic, with 448 results. These boy names reached the peak of their popularity 78 years ago (ADOPTION OF 70%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 34.1%, 51.2% LESS), with names such as Arnold becoming less fashionable. The most trendy baby names among these are Everett (#95), Leo (#50), Lucas (#8), Oliver (#5) and Sebastian (#18), while Brownson (TOP 14%) and Clarck (62%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of Actress names for girls.

Actor names

Aaron - Antonio | Armand - Bill | Bing - Burr | Burt - Christian | Christopher - Cuba | Curt - Desiderio | .. - .. | William - Zero

Aaron - Antonio


.. baseball celebrity Hank Aaron; composer Aaron .. Aarion is also a marginally prominent birth name. [Ronny, Ronnie, Ayron, Arron, Arran, Arin, Ahron, Ahren, Aharon, Aeryn, .. 27 more]


.. straight man to comedian Lou Costello. Abbott, Abott (compare Arscott, Arnott) are popular -ott suffix last names. [Abott, Abot, Abbie, Abbey, .. 7 more]


.. Basketball celebrity Kareem Abdul Jabar. Abdul (UPPER 68%) and Del (92%) are recognizable as given names. [Del, Abdoulla, Abdoull, Abdoul, Abdell, Abdal, Ab, .. 8 more]


.. with Al Capp's comic strip Li'l .. Abby and variants were popular as baby names during 1880-1889 and are now less common, with Abe becoming somewhat outmoded. [Ebner, .. 12 more]


.. actor Adam Sandler. Adoption of Adam and variants as baby names in 2018 was 17.3% less than a decade ago. [Edom, Atkins, Adom, Adnet, Adim, Adhamh, Ade, Addy, Addison, Addem, .. 14 more]


.. actor Adolphe Menjou; fashion designer Adolfo .. Adolph and variants became more popular in 2018, gaining on average +4 rankings as boys' names with Adolfo leading the upswing. [Dolphus, Adollf, Adolfo, .. 10 more]


.. actor Adrien Brody. Usage of Adron and forms peaked 9 years ago and is almost as widespread now. [Haydrien, Hadrien, Edrian, Aydrian, Aydrean, Arjen, Adryan, Adrin, Adriano, Adriaan, .. 17 more]


.. Actor Aidan Quinn. A very familiar children's name. [Eiden, Edan, Aydin, Aedan, .. 7 more]


.. the popularity of actor Alan Ladd .. Adoption of Alanson and forms was common in the 1950s and is now lower, with Allan becoming somewhat outmoded. [Alyn, Alun, Allyn, Allon, Allin, Allayne, Allan, Alanson, Aland, Alair, .. 15 more]

.. actor Alistair Sim. Conventional, with usage of 0.017% for Alastair and variants as baby names in 2018, though lower than 0.018% the previous year. [Alyster, Alystair, Alysdare, Allystair, Allistir, Allister, Alistar, Alester, Alaistair, Alastor, .. 16 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Actor names: Aaron, Abbott, Abdul, Abner, Adam

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Actor names: Adolph, Adrian, Aidan, Alan, Albert

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Actor names: Alexander, Alistair, Alonzo, Andre, Andrew

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Actor names: Anfernee, Anthony, Antoine, Antonio


.. actor Albert Finney; philosopher Albert Camus .. Well-used, with usage of 0.061% for Albert and variants as baby names in 2018, but lower than 0.062% in 2017. [Ulbricht, Elbrecht, Dalbert, Albrecht, Ailbert, Adelbert, Adalberto, Abert, .. 19 more]


.. actors Sir Alec Guinness, Alec Baldwin .. Adoption of Alexander, Alic, etc. as children's names in 2018 was 2.9% less than the previous year. [Zandros, Zandro, Saunders, Sandie, Sandros, Sandero, Alyksandr, Alsandare, Alix, Alistair, .. 60 more]


.. actor Alistair Sim. Alistair has surged in prominence as a birth name since 1880-1889. [Aly, Alisdair, Alastair, .. 5 more]


.. due to basketball celebrity Alonzo Mourning. Usage of Alonzo and Lonnie as boys' names has waned circa the 1880s. [Lonny, Allohnso, Alanzo, .. 9 more]


.. actor André Gregory; composer/conductor André .. Widely used, with usage of 0.194% for Andre, Andras, etc. as children's names in 2018, but lower than 0.206% the previous year. [Ries, Ohnrey, Dre, Deandre, Andrey, Andrei, Andrae, .. 15 more]


.. actors Andy Devine, Andy Griffith, Andy .. Anders (UPPER 1%), Andres (2%), Andrew (2%), Andrews (1%) and Drew (1%) appear regularly as surnames. [Ondrey, Ondrej, Ohndrae, Drue, Dru, Andy, Andru, Andros, Andries, Andrews, .. 39 more]


.. famous by basketball celebrity Anfernee Hardaway .. Less widespread today. Anfernee was the version last listed (1999) in the Top 2000. [Anferney]


.. Actors Anthony Quinn, Anthony Hopkins, Anthony .. Adoption of Anthony, Antwahn, etc. as children's names in 2018 was down 5.8% compared to the year before. [Twan, Tony, Toney, Thonus, Antwon, Antwohn, Antuwan, Antun, Antonius, Antonine, .. 22 more]


Actor Antwon Tanner; football player Antone .. Usage of Antoine as a boys' name has declined since 1980-1989. [Antwone, Antwon, Antwoin, Antwohn, Antwaun, Antwahn, Antuwayne, .. 10 more]


.. actor Antonio Banderas. Antonio (UPPER 8%), Tony (8%) and Anton (48%) are recognizable as masculine names. [Tony, Antonino, Anton, .. 5 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Actor names [and variants] for boys.

1. Aaron - Antonio
Aaron [37], Abbott [11], Abdul [15], Abner [13], Adam [24], Adolph [13], Adrian [27], Aidan [11], Alan [25], Alastair [26], Albert [27], Alexander [70], Alistair [8], Alonzo [12], Andre [22], Andrew [49], Anfernee [1], Anthony [32], Antoine [17], Antonio [8]

Armand [13], Armin [4], Arnold [21], Arsenio [15], Arthur [17], Ashton [6], Audey [1], Autry [1], Azariah [8], Baldric [4], Balthasar [8], Basil [23], Beau [6], Bellamy [5], Ben [6], Benedict [23], Benjamin [29], Bernard [23], Bert [7], Bill [3]

Bing, Bo [1], Bob [4], Bogart [6], Boris [4], Boyd [1], Brad [1], Bradley [9], Brendan [10], Brian [14], Broderick [11], Bronson [6], Bruce [2], Bruno [3], Bryan [2], Buck [4], Bud [4], Burgess [3], Burl [2], Burr

Burt [2], Burton [3], Buster, Caine, Cal, Campbell [1], Carlin [2], Cary [2], Casey [6], Cedric [11], Chad [5], Chamberlain [3], Chaney [3], Chaplin [3], Charles [27], Charlton [4], Chaz [2], Chevy [3], Chris [3], Christian [25]

Christopher [32], Clark [3], Claude [14], Claus [3], Cleavant [4], Cliff [3], Clinton [3], Coburn [4], Colin [6], Colum [7], Cooper [1], Corbin [12], Corin [6], Cort [9], Cotton [1], Courtney [4], Crane [4], Crispin [7], Cromwell, Cuba

Curt [1], Cyril [10], Dabney [3], Dagwood, Dan [1], Dana [2], Dane [5], Daniel [20], David [21], Davis [8], Dean [5], Delbert [4], Delroy [5], Denholm, Denis [1], Dennis [17], Denver, Denzel [5], Dermot [3], Desiderio [11]

Diamond, Dillon [6], Dolph [5], Dominic [16], Don [5], Donald [1], Dooley, Douglas [3], Dudley, Duke, Durand [5], Dustin [5], Duvall [1], Dwight, Dylan [6], Earl [10], Earland [1], Earvin, Eckhard [5], Edward [27]

Efrain [7], Eli [5], Elijah [15], Elliot [6], Elvis [6], Emil [18], Emlyn [1], Emmet [5], Engelbert [4], Eric [31], Erland [2], Ernest [9], Ethan [4], Euan [5], Everett [13], Ewan [3], Fairbanks, Fisher [4], Floyd, Flynn [3]

Forest [5], Franchot, Frank [8], Frederick [41], Gable, Gabriel [21], Gallagher, Garner [2], Garrick [5], Gary [6], Gavin [14], Gene [3], George [55], Gerard [31], Gibson [8], Giovanni [19], Glover, Godfrey [14], Gonzalo [4], Goodman [3]

Grant [2], Graves, Gregory [27], Griffin [13], Guy [1], Hackman, Hal, Haley [7], Hamill [3], Hamlin [4], Hank, Harman [4], Harrison [3], Harry [3], Hart [1], Hayden [4], Heath, Henry [36], Hoffman [3], Holbrook [2]

Hugh [14], Humphrey [15], Hutton [1], Ian [6], Ivan [4], Ivor [7], Jack [8], Jacob [61], Jamal [22], James [28], Jason [12], Jay [6], Jean [6], Jeff, Jeremy [12], Jerry [5], Jet [2], Jim [6], Joachim [10], Joel [2]

John [85], Johnson [2], Jonathan [4], Jordan [28], Joseph [43], Joshua [9], Joss [2], Judd [1], Jude [6], Jurgen [1], Justin [18], Kaufman [1], Keane [4], Keanu, Keaton [1], Keefe [1], Keenan [7], Keir [1], Keith, Kelsey [2]

Kenneth [5], Kiefer [8], Kieran [11], Kingsley [9], Kirk [5], Klaus [2], Kris, Kristopher [10], Kurt [1], Kyle [8], Ladd [4], Lambert [5], Larry, Lawford, Lawrence [46], Lawton [2], Leary, Lee [2], Leo [9], Leonard [22]

Leonardo, Leslie [6], Liam [1], Lindford [2], Linus [2], Lionel [16], Lloyd [2], Lonnie [6], Lord, Lorenzo [9], Lorne [2], Louis [16], Lucas [3], Lucian [7], Luke [11], Maccrea [5], Macmurray [1], Macy [1], Malden [1], Malik [6]

March [2], Mark [18], Marlon [6], Marshall [7], Martin [17], Marvin [11], Mason, Massey [1], Matthew [34], Maurice [30], Max [4], Maximilian [27], Mel, Meshach, Michael [51], Milo, Milton [6], Misha [1], Montgomery [4], Morgan [3]

Nathan [5], Neil [18], Nelson [10], Newman [4], Newton, Nicholas [61], Nigel [5], Noah [5], Noel [5], Nolan [5], Norton, Olin [2], Oliver [11], Omar [2], Onofrio [3], Orlando [9], Orson [8], Osman [7], Oswald [9], Otis [4]

Owen [6], Parker [4], Patrick [25], Paul [26], Paxton [4], Pendleton, Pernell, Peter [21], Philip [20], Phoenix [2], Pierce [9], Pitt, Placido [6], Preston, Prince [5], Quin, Quinn [2], Radcliff [4], Raines [5], Ralph [7]

Ramon [3], Randall [13], Raoul [3], Raul [1], Ray [11], Raymond [19], Redford [3], Reece [4], Reginald [37], Rene [5], Rex [1], Rhys, Richard [33], Rick [15], Rip, Ritter, River [1], Roark [4], Rob [3], Robert [30]

Robin [5], Robinson [4], Rock [1], Rod, Rodney [2], Rodolfo [3], Roger [15], Rooney [4], Roscoe [3], Roth [1], Roy [4], Rudolph [18], Rupert [1], Russell [3], Ryan [7], Sage [2], Said [1], Sam [4], Samuel [7], Sayer [3]

Scott [4], Sean [7], Sebastian [8], Sellers [1], Sennett [1], Seth, Shaquille [6], Sharif [3], Shashi, Shia, Sidney [3], Skeet, Skinner, Slater, Somers [2], Sonny [2], Spencer [2], Springer, Stacy [2], Stanley [4]

Stefan [7], Stephen [26], Sterling [2], Stewart [2], Sylvester [3], Tab [3], Talbet [4], Taran [1], Ted [6], Terence [15], Thomas [24], Tiger [3], Toby [8], Tom [3], Tommy, Tony [3], Tracy [3], Trevor [3], Trey [3], Troy [2]

Tyrone [5], Tyson [7], Ulric [6], Val, Van [3], Vandyke, Vaughn [1], Victor [13], Viggo [1], Vincent [19], Waite [3], Wallace [8], Wally, Walter [13], Warren [4], Wayne [2], Webb [3], Wesley [5], Whittaker [2], Wilford

William [34], Willie [3], Woodward [1], Woody, Yaakov [7], Yaphet [3], Yves [7], Zero

Usage comparison for Actor names
