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Boy Names associated with Author


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Author baby names and what they mean, for author, poet, writer, novelist, with 340 results. These boy names reached the height of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 50.83%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 18.39%, DOWN 63.8%), with names such as Doyle becoming somewhat outmoded. The most fashionable names for newborns in this list are Theodore (#44), Ezra (#59), Leo (#50), Roman (#85) and Bennett (#120), while Barritt (TOP 18%) and Bennette (13%) are conventional surnames.

Author names

Addison - Aslan | Auberon - Buckley | Burgess - Conan | Connor - Devin | Dinesh - Emerson | Emil - Fyodor | .. - .. | Wadsworth - Zane

Addison - Aslan


.. The English poet and essayist Joseph .. Common as surnames, and Addison (TOP 1%), Adison (68%) are comparable to common -ison surnames Atchison (TOP 3%), Amison (25%). [Adisson, Adison, Addeson, Ad, .. 2 more]

English writer Conrad Aiken. Not that popular as a children's name, Aiken is used more conventionally as a last name. [Aykin, Aikin, .. 2 more]


.. Author Alan Paton; lyricist Alan Jay .. Conventional, with usage of 0.182% for Alan and variants as boys' names in 2018, though lower than 0.192% a year ago. [Alyn, Allyn, Allie, Allen, Allayne, Allan, Allain, Alano, Alain, Al, .. 15 more]

.. Made famous by writer Aldous Huxley. Aldous and variants became less trendy last year, falling -115 rankings as baby names with Aldo leading the fall. [Eldous, Eldon, Eldin, Aldus, Aldivin, .. 6 more]


.. English poet Alexander Pope; American statesman .. Used widely as baby names, Allie, Alexander, etc. are pronounced like the common Ali. [Zandros, Zandro, Sikander, Sasha, Sandro, Sandor, Sacha, Lexo, Iskender, Iskander, .. 60 more]


.. Poet Alfred Tennyson; movie director Alfred .. Avery (TOP 1%), Alfred (4%), Fred (10%), Alfrey (14%) and Al (28%) exist commonly as last names. [Fredo, Avery, Alfredos, Alfey, Alfeo, .. 16 more]


.. English poet Algernon Swinburne. Less popular today. Al was the version last listed (2000) in the Top 2000. [Allgernon, Algy, Algernone, Alger, .. 4 more]


French writer Alphonse Daudet. Adoption of Alfie and forms was well-received among parents during 1900-1909 and is now less, with Alphonse becoming less trendy. [Phonz, Phons, Fonzie, Fonz, Alphonzus, Alphonzo, Alphonsus, Alonzo, Alonso, Alfonso, .. 13 more]


.. Writer Ambrose Bierce; Civil War General .. A conventional birth name (#1480 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Ambrose also occurs frequently as a surname. [Emrys, Amby, Ambrus, Ambrosius, Ambrosio, Ambros, Ambrogio, Ambroggio, Ambroeus, .. 8 more]

.. Writer Cleveland Amory. Avory is a marginally prominent baby name. [Amry, Amorey, .. 2 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Author names: Addison, Alan, Alexander, Alfred, Algernon

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Author names: Alphonse, Ambrose, Amos, Anatole, Archibald

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Author names: Arion, Arnold, Arthur


.. Novelist Amos Oz. Usage of Amos, Am, etc. as boys' names in 2018 was 12% more than a year ago. [Amoss, .. 1 more]

.. French novelist Anatole France. Less common today. Anatole was the version last found (1880-1889) in the Top 2000. [Antoly, Antole, Antol, .. 5 more]

.. first known Welsh poet (sixth century) .. Not Top 2000 names. [Nye, .. 1 more]


.. Poet Archibald MacLeish. Usage of Archibald as a children's name has waned since 1880-1889. [Baldie, Arquibaldo, Archimbald, Archibold, Archer, Archambault, .. 8 more]

.. Writer Ardian Lee. Outside Top 2000.


.. of a Greek poet and musician .. Arian and variants were popular with parents 5 years ago and have become less conventional. [Aryon, .. 2 more]


.. English novelist Arnold Bennett; golfer Arnold .. Arnold, Arne, Arnie and Arnoldo are commonplace as variant forms. [Arny, Arnout, Arnot, Arnoldo, Arno, Arni, Arnel, Arne, Arndt, Arnauld, .. 11 more]

.. Author Artemas Ward. Artemas and variants were popular as birth names 128 years ago, but now, Artie has become somewhat outmoded. [Arty, Artimus, Artimis, Artie, .. 5 more]


.. writer Arthur C. Clarke; playwright Arthur .. Popular as baby names, Arther, Arthur, etc. are similar to the popular Archer. [Arty, Artus, Artro, .. 14 more]

Name used by author CS Lewis .. Aslan was not among 2018's Top names. See also Ashlan.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Author names [and variants] for boys.

1. Addison - Aslan
Addison [6], Aiken [4], Alan [25], Aldous [11], Alexander [70], Alfred [21], Algernon [8], Alphonse [23], Ambrose [17], Amory [4], Amos [2], Anatole [8], Aneirin [2], Archibald [13], Ardian, Arion [3], Arnold [21], Artemas [9], Arthur [17], Aslan

Auberon [4], Bacchus, Baird [6], Baldwin [10], Balfour [4], Bard [7], Barrett [8], Barry [9], Baruch [3], Bede [1], Bennett [4], Booker, Booth [4], Boris [4], Bourne [7], Bracken, Bram [3], Bramwell [6], Brett [11], Buckley

Burgess [3], Burton [3], Byron [10], Cadman, Caleb [6], Calvin [4], Carl [3], Carroll [6], Caspian, Catullus [1], Chaim [10], Charles [27], Christian [25], Clarence [12], Clement [13], Cleveland [6], Clive [3], Coleridge [3], Collins, Conan [4]

Connor [4], Conrad [10], Cooper [1], Cormac [2], Covey [1], Crockett [5], Cullen [3], Cyrano [1], Dallan [6], Dalton [5], Damian [19], Dana [2], Daniel [20], Dante [7], Darrien [6], David [21], Day [1], Deepak [1], Delmar [3], Devin [5]

Dinesh, Dixon [2], Don [5], Dooley, Dotson [2], Douglas [3], Doyle, Dryden, Dunn [1], Dyer, Dylan [6], Earl [10], Edgar [12], Edmund [19], Edward [27], Eli [5], Elliot [6], Ellison [5], Elmore, Emerson [1]

Emil [18], Ennio, Eric [31], Ernest [9], Erskine [9], Eugene [24], Euripides, Evelyn [1], Ezra [7], Falco [11], Fielding [3], Finlay [15], Firdos, Fleming [3], Ford [3], Forest [5], Francis [43], Frayne [5], Frost, Fyodor [4]

Gabriel [21], Garrison [1], Gaylord [7], Geddes [2], Geoffrey [28], Gerard [31], Gilbert [13], Gillett [3], Giovanni [19], Golding [2], Goran, Gore [1], Graham [4], Graves, Gray [2], Guillaume [6], Gunnar [14], Gustav [16], Hadrian [4], Hamlet [5]

Hans [6], Hardy [1], Hart [1], Havelock, Hawthorne [1], Haywood [2], Heddwyn [3], Henry [36], Herman [15], Herrick [2], Homer [6], Honore [2], Horace [7], Horatius, Howell [2], Huxley [4], Ian [6], Irving [8], Irwin [5], Isaac [19]

Isaiah [8], Israel [1], Italo, James [28], Jarrell [1], Jay [6], Jean [6], Jerzy, Jessamine [1], Joachim [10], Joel [2], John [85], Jonathan [4], Joseph [43], Jules, Junius [4], Juvenal, Kalil [7], Keats, Ken [4]

Kenelm [2], Keyes [2], Kingsley [9], Kipling [1], Kirkwood, Knute [3], Kurt [1], Langston [3], Larkin, Lawrence [46], Lawson, Leo [9], Leon [5], Leroy [6], Lewis [4], Litton [4], Logan [1], London, Longfellow, Louis [16]

Lowell [5], Lucretius, Lytton, Madison [5], Malachi [9], Mallory [3], Manley [3], Mann, Marcel [10], Mark [18], Marvell [1], Masefield, Massey [1], Matthew [34], Maurice [30], Max [4], Melville, Mercer [1], Merlin [7], Merrill [6]

Micah [4], Milton [6], Monroe [3], Moore [1], Nash, Nathaniel [15], Norman [5], Norris, Oberon [3], Octavio [8], Ogden [2], Oisin [2], Olaf [9], Omar [2], Orrick [1], Osbert, Ovid, Owen [6], Pablo [1], Packard [2]

Paddy [4], Patton [5], Percival [10], Percy [3], Peregrine [3], Philip [20], Plantagenet, Pope, Porthos, Powell [1], Primo [3], Prosper [2], Quentin [8], Quiller, Rainer [6], Ralph [7], Randall [13], Raphael [14], Ray [11], Raymond [19]

Remy [7], Rider [2], Ring [1], Roald, Robert [30], Robinson [4], Rollo, Roman [7], Rudyard, Rushkin, Russell [3], Sacheverell [1], Salman, Samuel [7], Sandberg [3], Sandor [2], Saul [4], Scott [4], Scribner, Seamus [3]

Shelby [2], Sheldon [2], Shelley [1], Sherwood [2], Sidney [3], Sinclair [3], Sloan [1], Somerset [2], Spencer [2], Stephen [26], Sterne [4], Swinburne [5], Tadhg [3], Taliesin, Tamerlane [9], Tasso, Teagan, Teague [7], Tennyson [1], Terence [15]

Theodore [19], Theophilus [3], Thoreau, Thornton, Timothy [19], Tobias [14], Tracy [3], Trahern [3], Truman [3], Twain [2], Umberto, Updike [1], Upton, Vachel [1], Vance, Verlyn [6], Vermont, Victor [13], Vidal [3], Virgil [4]

Wadsworth [1], Waldo [2], Walker, Wallace [8], Walter [13], Ward [3], Washington, Wharton [1], Whitcomb [2], Whitley, Whitman, Wilfred [10], William [34], Wistar [1], Wyndham [3], Wystan [1], Yates [1], Yesenin [1], Zalman [2], Zane [3]

Usage comparison for Author names
