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Boy Names associated with Author
Author baby names and what they mean, for author, poet, writer, novelist, with 340 results. These boy names reached the height of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 50.83%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 18.39%, DOWN 63.8%), with names such as Doyle becoming somewhat outmoded. The most fashionable names for newborns in this list are Theodore (#44), Ezra (#59), Leo (#50), Roman (#85) and Bennett (#120), while Barritt (TOP 18%) and Bennette (13%) are conventional surnames.
Addison - Aslan
.. The English poet and essayist Joseph .. Common as surnames, and Addison (TOP 1%), Adison (68%) are comparable to common -ison surnames Atchison (TOP 3%), Amison (25%). [Adisson, Adison, Addeson, Ad, .. 2 more]
English writer Conrad Aiken. Not that popular as a children's name, Aiken is used more conventionally as a last name. [Aykin, Aikin, .. 2 more]
.. Author Alan Paton; lyricist Alan Jay .. Conventional, with usage of 0.182% for Alan and variants as boys' names in 2018, though lower than 0.192% a year ago. [Alyn, Allyn, Allie, Allen, Allayne, Allan, Allain, Alano, Alain, Al, .. 15 more]
.. Made famous by writer Aldous Huxley. Aldous and variants became less trendy last year, falling -115 rankings as baby names with Aldo leading the fall. [Eldous, Eldon, Eldin, Aldus, Aldivin, .. 6 more]
.. English poet Alexander Pope; American statesman .. Used widely as baby names, Allie, Alexander, etc. are pronounced like the common Ali. [Zandros, Zandro, Sikander, Sasha, Sandro, Sandor, Sacha, Lexo, Iskender, Iskander, .. 60 more]
.. Poet Alfred Tennyson; movie director Alfred .. Avery (TOP 1%), Alfred (4%), Fred (10%), Alfrey (14%) and Al (28%) exist commonly as last names. [Fredo, Avery, Alfredos, Alfey, Alfeo, .. 16 more]
.. English poet Algernon Swinburne. Less popular today. Al was the version last listed (2000) in the Top 2000. [Allgernon, Algy, Algernone, Alger, .. 4 more]
French writer Alphonse Daudet. Adoption of Alfie and forms was well-received among parents during 1900-1909 and is now less, with Alphonse becoming less trendy. [Phonz, Phons, Fonzie, Fonz, Alphonzus, Alphonzo, Alphonsus, Alonzo, Alonso, Alfonso, .. 13 more]
.. Writer Ambrose Bierce; Civil War General .. A conventional birth name (#1480 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Ambrose also occurs frequently as a surname. [Emrys, Amby, Ambrus, Ambrosius, Ambrosio, Ambros, Ambrogio, Ambroggio, Ambroeus, .. 8 more]
.. Writer Cleveland Amory. Avory is a marginally prominent baby name. [Amry, Amorey, .. 2 more]
.. Novelist Amos Oz. Usage of Amos, Am, etc. as boys' names in 2018 was 12% more than a year ago. [Amoss, .. 1 more]
.. French novelist Anatole France. Less common today. Anatole was the version last found (1880-1889) in the Top 2000. [Antoly, Antole, Antol, .. 5 more]
.. first known Welsh poet (sixth century) .. Not Top 2000 names. [Nye, .. 1 more]
.. Poet Archibald MacLeish. Usage of Archibald as a children's name has waned since 1880-1889. [Baldie, Arquibaldo, Archimbald, Archibold, Archer, Archambault, .. 8 more]
.. Writer Ardian Lee. Outside Top 2000.
.. of a Greek poet and musician .. Arian and variants were popular with parents 5 years ago and have become less conventional. [Aryon, .. 2 more]
.. English novelist Arnold Bennett; golfer Arnold .. Arnold, Arne, Arnie and Arnoldo are commonplace as variant forms. [Arny, Arnout, Arnot, Arnoldo, Arno, Arni, Arnel, Arne, Arndt, Arnauld, .. 11 more]
.. Author Artemas Ward. Artemas and variants were popular as birth names 128 years ago, but now, Artie has become somewhat outmoded. [Arty, Artimus, Artimis, Artie, .. 5 more]
.. writer Arthur C. Clarke; playwright Arthur .. Popular as baby names, Arther, Arthur, etc. are similar to the popular Archer. [Arty, Artus, Artro, .. 14 more]
Name used by author CS Lewis .. Aslan was not among 2018's Top names. See also Ashlan.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Author names [and variants] for boys.
1. Addison - AslanAddison▼ [6], Aiken [4], Alan▼ [25], Aldous [11], Alexander [70], Alfred▼ [21], Algernon [8], Alphonse▼ [23], Ambrose▼ [17], Amory [4], Amos▼ [2], Anatole [8], Aneirin [2], Archibald▼ [13], Ardian, Arion [3], Arnold▼ [21], Artemas [9], Arthur▼ [17], Aslan
Auberon [4], Bacchus, Baird [6], Baldwin [10], Balfour [4], Bard [7], Barrett▲ [8], Barry▼ [9], Baruch [3], Bede [1], Bennett▲ [4], Booker▼, Booth [4], Boris [4], Bourne [7], Bracken, Bram [3], Bramwell [6], Brett▼ [11], Buckley
Burgess [3], Burton▼ [3], Byron▼ [10], Cadman, Caleb [6], Calvin [4], Carl▼ [3], Carroll▼ [6], Caspian▲, Catullus [1], Chaim▲ [10], Charles▼ [27], Christian [25], Clarence▼ [12], Clement▼ [13], Cleveland▼ [6], Clive [3], Coleridge [3], Collins, Conan [4]
Connor [4], Conrad [10], Cooper▲ [1], Cormac [2], Covey [1], Crockett [5], Cullen▲ [3], Cyrano [1], Dallan [6], Dalton▼ [5], Damian▲ [19], Dana▼ [2], Daniel▼ [20], Dante▲ [7], Darrien [6], David▼ [21], Day [1], Deepak [1], Delmar▼ [3], Devin▼ [5]
Dinesh, Dixon [2], Don▼ [5], Dooley, Dotson [2], Douglas▼ [3], Doyle▼, Dryden, Dunn [1], Dyer, Dylan [6], Earl▼ [10], Edgar▼ [12], Edmund▼ [19], Edward▼ [27], Eli▲ [5], Elliot▲ [6], Ellison [5], Elmore▼, Emerson▲ [1]
Emil▼ [18], Ennio, Eric▼ [31], Ernest▼ [9], Erskine [9], Eugene▼ [24], Euripides, Evelyn [1], Ezra▲ [7], Falco [11], Fielding [3], Finlay [15], Firdos, Fleming [3], Ford▲ [3], Forest▼ [5], Francis▼ [43], Frayne [5], Frost, Fyodor [4]
Gabriel▲ [21], Garrison [1], Gaylord▼ [7], Geddes [2], Geoffrey▼ [28], Gerard▼ [31], Gilbert▼ [13], Gillett [3], Giovanni▲ [19], Golding [2], Goran, Gore [1], Graham▲ [4], Graves, Gray [2], Guillaume [6], Gunnar▲ [14], Gustav▼ [16], Hadrian [4], Hamlet [5]
Hans▼ [6], Hardy▼ [1], Hart [1], Havelock, Hawthorne [1], Haywood▼ [2], Heddwyn [3], Henry▼ [36], Herman▼ [15], Herrick [2], Homer▼ [6], Honore [2], Horace▼ [7], Horatius, Howell [2], Huxley▲ [4], Ian▲ [6], Irving▼ [8], Irwin▼ [5], Isaac▲ [19]
Isaiah▲ [8], Israel▲ [1], Italo, James▼ [28], Jarrell [1], Jay▼ [6], Jean▼ [6], Jerzy, Jessamine [1], Joachim [10], Joel [2], John▼ [85], Jonathan▼ [4], Joseph▼ [43], Jules▼, Junius▼ [4], Juvenal, Kalil [7], Keats, Ken▼ [4]
Kenelm [2], Keyes [2], Kingsley▲ [9], Kipling [1], Kirkwood, Knute [3], Kurt▼ [1], Langston▲ [3], Larkin, Lawrence▼ [46], Lawson▲, Leo▲ [9], Leon▼ [5], Leroy▼ [6], Lewis▼ [4], Litton [4], Logan▲ [1], London, Longfellow, Louis▼ [16]
Lowell▼ [5], Lucretius, Lytton, Madison▼ [5], Malachi▲ [9], Mallory [3], Manley [3], Mann, Marcel▲ [10], Mark▼ [18], Marvell [1], Masefield, Massey [1], Matthew▼ [34], Maurice▼ [30], Max▲ [4], Melville▼, Mercer [1], Merlin▼ [7], Merrill▼ [6]
Micah▲ [4], Milton▼ [6], Monroe▼ [3], Moore [1], Nash▲, Nathaniel [15], Norman▼ [5], Norris▼, Oberon [3], Octavio▼ [8], Ogden [2], Oisin [2], Olaf▼ [9], Omar [2], Orrick [1], Osbert, Ovid, Owen▲ [6], Pablo [1], Packard [2]
Paddy [4], Patton [5], Percival [10], Percy▼ [3], Peregrine [3], Philip▼ [20], Plantagenet, Pope, Porthos, Powell [1], Primo [3], Prosper [2], Quentin [8], Quiller, Rainer [6], Ralph▼ [7], Randall▼ [13], Raphael▲ [14], Ray▼ [11], Raymond▼ [19]
Remy▲ [7], Rider [2], Ring [1], Roald, Robert▼ [30], Robinson [4], Rollo, Roman▲ [7], Rudyard, Rushkin, Russell▼ [3], Sacheverell [1], Salman, Samuel [7], Sandberg [3], Sandor [2], Saul [4], Scott▼ [4], Scribner, Seamus [3]
Shelby▼ [2], Sheldon▼ [2], Shelley [1], Sherwood [2], Sidney▼ [3], Sinclair [3], Sloan [1], Somerset [2], Spencer▼ [2], Stephen▼ [26], Sterne [4], Swinburne [5], Tadhg [3], Taliesin, Tamerlane [9], Tasso, Teagan, Teague [7], Tennyson [1], Terence▼ [15]
Theodore▲ [19], Theophilus [3], Thoreau, Thornton▼, Timothy▼ [19], Tobias▲ [14], Tracy▼ [3], Trahern [3], Truman▼ [3], Twain [2], Umberto, Updike [1], Upton, Vachel [1], Vance, Verlyn [6], Vermont, Victor▼ [13], Vidal [3], Virgil▼ [4]
Wadsworth [1], Waldo▼ [2], Walker▲, Wallace▼ [8], Walter▼ [13], Ward▼ [3], Washington▼, Wharton [1], Whitcomb [2], Whitley, Whitman, Wilfred▼ [10], William▼ [34], Wistar [1], Wyndham [3], Wystan [1], Yates [1], Yesenin [1], Zalman [2], Zane▲ [3]