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Boy Names associated with Brown


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Brown baby names and what they mean, with 26 results. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity in the 1970s (ADOPTION OF 0.6%) and are somewhat less popular today (ADOPTION 0.4%, DOWN 40%), with names like Duncan becoming less fashionable. Bronson (#703) and Jasper (#154) are two of the more trendy boy names here, while Brunson (TOP 1%) and Broun (36%) are common last names. Here is the list of Brown names for girls.

Brown names

Auburn - Jeb | Lebrun - Umber

Auburn - Jeb


From English. "Moderate or reddish brown." Gender-neutral name. Popular as last name, and Auburn (UPPER 64%) is similar to common -burn last names Amburn (UPPER 13%), Ashburn (5%).


Derived fr. Middle English word. "Son of the brown man." Bronson and variants became less trendy last year, dropping on average -2 rankings as children's names with Bronson falling the most. Actors Charles Bronson, Bronson Rinchot. [Bronsson, Bronsin, .. 4 more]


.. in reference to brown hair or .. Adoption of Brown was widespread among parents a century ago. See also Bryen.


From Old German element. "Brown." Adoption of Bruno, Brunon, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 4.1% less than a year ago. Used as a name in the .. [Brunon, Bruin, .. 1 more]


Actor Bryan Brown; singer Bryan Ferry. Bryan (UPPER 8%) and Bryon (51%) are commonplace men's names, whereas Bryen is intermittently used. [Bryon, .. 1 more]


Stems fr. Old French. "Small brown one." Moderately atypical as a birth name, Burnell is found more commonly as a surname. [Brunell, Brunel, Bernelle, .. 1 more]

Derivative of Old French. "Brown." Burnet, like the similar Benett, occurs more often as a surname. [Burnett, Bernett, .. 1 more]


.. 1930s called Buster Brown, and the .. Buster has fallen off in favor as a birth name circa the 1900s. See also Baxter.


Derived fr. Scottish, Irish elements. "Brown haired fighter." A somewhat untypical boys' name, Donnell is used more frequently as a surname. Also used as a variant of .. [Donnelly, .. 3 more]


Derived fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Brown haired chieftain." Donovan is a recognizable (TOP 55%) male name. Football player Donovan McNabb. [Donovon, Donoven, .. 4 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Brown names: Auburn, Bronson, Brown, Bruno, Bryan

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Brown names: Burnell, Buster, Donnell, Donovan, Duane

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Brown names: Duncan, Edmund, Jasper, Jeb


.. Most Gaels had brown hair and .. Duane and Dwayne are in the Top 2000. [Dwayne, Duwayne, Duayne, Dewain, .. 6 more]


Stems fr. Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Brown fighter." Conventional, with usage of 0.013% for Duncan, Dunn, etc. as boys' names in 2018, but lower than 0.014% in 2017. A royal name in early Scotland .. [Dunn, Dunc]

Origin fr. Gaelic word. "Brown man." Durham is a somewhat popular baby name. See also Denham.

Source fr. Gaelic element. "Brown." Duna (TOP 51%), Dunk (18%) are common surnames. Writers Dominick and John Gregory Dunne. [Dunne]

Derivative of Old English word. "Brown stone; brown hill with stones." Dunstan and variants were not among 2018's Top names. Place name .. [Dunston, Dunsten, .. 1 more]

Root fr. Scottish, Gaelic elements. "Horse brown." Elchann and Michann are creative forms. From each donn .. [Eachtar, Eachan]


.. Governor Edmund "Pat" Brown; Senator Edmund .. A conventional children's name (#1137 THE PAST YEAR), Edmund also occurs conventionally as a surname. [Teddy, Ted, Neddie, Edmondine, Eamonn, .. 14 more]

.. name for the brown, yellow and .. Hari is not a Top 2000 name. See also Bari.


.. glass, and red or reddish brown .. Jasper has gained increasing favor as a children's name since 1970-1979. [Kacper, Jaspar, Gaspar, .. 2 more]


.. general James Ewell Brown Stuart, who .. Jeb was favored in 2004.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Brown names [and variants] for boys.

1. Auburn - Jeb
Auburn, Bronson [Bron, Bronsin, Bronsen, Bronsson, Bronsonn, Bronnson], Brown, Bruno [Bruin, Brunon, Bruino], Bryan [Bryon, Bryen], Burnell [Burnel, Brunel, Brunell, Bernelle], Burnet [Bernet, Burnett, Bernett], Buster, Donnell [Donal, Donell, Donnel, Donnelly], Donovan [Donovon, Donoven, Donevon, Donevin, Donavon, Donavan], Duane [Dwain, Dwayne, Dwaine, Duwain, Duayne, Duante, Duwayne, Duwaine, ..], Duncan [Dunn, Dunc], Dunham, Dunn [Dunne], Dunstan [Dunston, Dunstin, Dunsten], Eachann [Eachan, Eachtar], Edmund [Ted, Ned, Odon, Teddy, Neddie, Eumann, Edmwnd, Edmundo, ..], Hari, Jasper [Kacper, Jesper, Jaspar, Gasper, Gaspar], Jeb

Lebrun [Lebron, Labrun, Labron], Livingston [Livingsten, Livingstin, Livingstone], Rhydderch, Sable, Sorrell [Sorel, Sorrel], Umber [Umbro]

Usage comparison for Brown names
