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Boy Names associated with Famous
Famous baby names and what they mean, for famous, popular, fame, renowned, with 374 results. These boy names reached the apex of their popularity during 1880-1889 (ADOPTION OF 36.35%) and have become significantly less widespread since (ADOPTION 13.24%, 63.6% LESS), with names like Louis becoming somewhat dated. The most fashionable baby names in this list are Theodore (#44), Lincoln (#40), Sebastian (#18), Elias (#67) and Lucas (#8), while Borrett (TOP 83%) and Berrett (14%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of Popular names for girls.
Abel - Aloiki
.. century, and is popular in Spain. Abed is also a marginally prominent boys' name. [Avel, Abie, Abe, .. 5 more]
.. Made famous by the 12th century .. Popular as last names. Compare Abelard (UPPER 68%) with common surnames Attard (UPPER 18%), Allord (57%), which also end with -rd. [Abelardo, .. 5 more]
.. The name was popular while Abraham .. Common, with usage of 0.239% for Abraham and variants as children's names in 2018, higher than 0.234% a year ago. [Ibrahim, Bram, Avi, Abrami, Abrahan, Abie, Aberham, .. 15 more]
.. King David, was renowned for his .. Alsalom and Arsalom are creative variations. [Avsholom, Absolon, Absolem, Abshalom, .. 3 more]
.. in Homer's "Iliad", famous for his .. Achilles, Akil, etc. are rarely found as first names. [Quilo, Aquiles, Akillius, Achilleo, Achillea, Achill, .. 10 more]
.. Joseph Addison was popular and influential .. Usage of Addison, Addy, etc. as baby names in 2018 was down 18.3% compared to the previous year. [Adisson, Adison, Addeson, .. 3 more]
From Old German element. "Noble, famous." Unusual, with the androgynous-sounding -mar suffix, like Alomar.
.. Made famous in the 20th century .. Less common today. Addie was the version last listed (1920-1929) in the Top 2000. [Atli, Atlee, Addy, .. 3 more]
.. First popular in the 1950s in .. Adrian is familiar (TOP 19%) as a given name. [Haydrien, Hadrien, Edrian, Adron, Adrion, Adrin, Adrien, Adriano, Adreean, Adiran, .. 17 more]
.. prophet Muhammad, and popular with American .. Usage of Ahmed and variants as baby names in 2018 was 0.4% more than in 2017. [Amed, Ahmod, Ahmad, .. 7 more]
.. Aiden is a popular modern form .. Aidano, Edan and Eidan are more uncommon as variant forms of Aidan. [Eiden, Eidan, Edan, Aydin, Aiden, Aedan, .. 6 more]
.. Popular in the Middle Ages, with .. Adoption of Alan, Alun, etc. as birth names in 2018 was 5.2% less than the previous year. [Alyn, Alon, Allyn, Allon, Allen, Allayne, Allain, Alen, Alann, Alain, .. 15 more]
.. Also, made famous by Albert Einstein .. Albert (TOP 1%), Alberto (5%), Albrecht (1%), Allie (10%) and Elbert (6%) exist commonly as last names. [Ulbricht, Elbrecht, Delbert, Berty, Aubert, Alvertos, Albrekt, Albie, Adelbrecht, Adalberto, .. 17 more]
.. Made famous by writer Aldous Huxley. Eldon and variants were favored 98 years ago and have become less conventional. [Eldous, Eldis, Aldus, Aldo, Aldis, Al, .. 6 more]
.. has become more and more popular .. A highly familiar boys' name (#153 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Alex also exists frequently as a last name. [Elex, Allex, Alik, Alick, Aleco, Alec, .. 6 more]
.. century was a popular saint of .. Used frequently as birth names, Alejo, Alexis, etc. are similar to the common Alek. [Alexy, Alexios, Aleksius, Aleksi, Aleksei, .. 9 more]
.. has long been popular in Scotland .. Aly and variants peaked in popularity in 2016 and are almost as popular now. [Aly, Alister, .. 6 more]
.. , which made it popular in the .. Not Top 2000 name. See also Alaister.
Famous from the "Little House" books .. Almanzo is a unique men's name. See also Alanzo.
Based on Hawaiian, Old German. "Famous warrior." A novel baby name. See also Aloisio. Variant of Aloysius.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Famous names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abel - AloikiAbel▲ [8], Abelard [6], Abraham▲ [22], Absalom [7], Achilles▲ [15], Addison▼ [6], Adelmar, Adlai [6], Adrian▲ [27], Ahmed▲ [10], Aidan▼ [11], Alan▼ [25], Albert▼ [27], Aldous [11], Alex▼ [11], Alexis▼ [14], Alistair▲ [8], Allaster, Almanzo, Aloiki
Alonzo▼ [12], Aloysius▼ [14], Alun, Alva▼ [2], Alvis [4], Amos▼ [2], Aneirin [2], Anfernee▼ [1], Angel [18], Anthony▼ [32], Antonio [8], Anwar, Apollo▲ [3], Aramis, Archer▲, Archibald▼ [13], Aristides [3], Aristotle [6], Arlo▲ [3], Arsenio [15]
Artemas [9], Asa [1], Ascot [3], Aston, Athos, Atticus▲, Augustine▲ [11], Avon, Aylmer [6], Baldemar [4], Barclay [13], Barney▼ [2], Barrett▲ [8], Barry▼ [9], Bayard [4], Ben▼ [6], Berkeley [13], Bernard▼ [23], Berthold [10], Bertram▼ [13]
Beverly [4], Bevis [4], Bingo, Blaise▲ [6], Bligh [1], Blythe [2], Bogart [6], Bond, Booth [4], Bouvier, Bradley▼ [9], Brandon▼ [8], Brant▼ [4], Broderick [11], Bruce▼ [2], Buell [4], Burbank, Burr, Buster▼, Byron▼ [10]
Cadfael [1], Caesar [9], Caleb [6], Calum▲ [3], Calumet [1], Campbell [1], Campion [1], Candido [2], Canfield, Casey▼ [6], Casimir▼ [9], Catlin [3], Chandler▼, Charles▼ [27], Charlie▼ [1], Christian [25], Christmas [1], Christopher▼ [32], Churchill [1], Cicero▼
Cimarron [3], Clark▲ [3], Claude▼ [14], Cliff▼ [3], Clive [3], Clovis [4], Cochise, Colbert [4], Colin▼ [6], Columbus▼ [2], Conan [4], Constantine [10], Corey▼ [15], Cormac [2], Cornelius▼ [18], Cornwallis, Cosmo [3], Coty▼, Craig▼ [3], Cree
Curragh, Cuthbert [1], Cyrano [1], Dagwood, Daquan▼ [6], Darius▼ [7], Darrien [6], Delbert▼ [4], Delphin [8], Demos [2], Derby [2], Derek▼ [21], Dieter, Donte▼ [9], Dooley, Drury [3], Dustin▼ [5], Dwight▼, Edmund▼ [19], Egbert [2]
Eli▲ [5], Elias▲ [22], Elmar, Elmer▼ [6], Elois [2], Elvis [6], Emmet [5], Endymion [1], Enoch [3], Epemetheus, Erie, Errol▼ [6], Estes, Ethan [4], Ethelbert [2], Eusebius [12], Evian [1], Ewing [2], Fermin [1], Filmore [3]
Fingal [4], Finlay [15], Firdos, Flynn▲ [3], Forest▼ [5], Fortney [5], Fraser [4], Freeborn, Fulbright [4], Gable, Gamble [5], Gardner [8], Garnet [1], Garrick▼ [5], Gary▼ [6], Gay, George▼ [55], Germain [14], Geronimo [6], Gilbert▼ [13]
Gilmer, Godfrey [14], Gomer, Goran, Grover▼, Hale [1], Haley [7], Halley, Hannibal [2], Hans▼ [6], Hassan▲ [3], Hawk [1], Helge [3], Henley [2], Herbert▼ [10], Herman▼ [15], Hippolytus [6], Hobbes [2], Hopkin [5], Horatius
Hubert▼ [11], Hugh▼ [14], Humbert [2], Hywel [3], Isidore▼ [14], Jaden▼ [9], Jamal▼ [22], James▼ [28], Jaromir, Jaroslav [2], Jed▼ [2], Joel [2], John▼ [85], Jordan▼ [28], Jurgen [1], Kasimir [4], Kaycee, Kenelm [2], Kermit▼, Kevin▼ [9]
Killian▲ [3], Lamar▼ [4], Lancelot [1], Lanny▼ [1], Lawrence▼ [46], Leonard▼ [22], Lewis▼ [4], Lincoln▲ [2], Loring [1], Lothar [4], Louis▼ [16], Lucas▲ [3], Ludwig [3], Macadam [1], Mahmud [4], Manasseh [5], Mark▼ [18], Marland [4], Marmaduke [2], Marmion [3]
Maximilian▲ [27], Meir [4], Melville▼, Merritt [3], Moses▼ [15], Nashua, Neil▼ [18], Nevin [6], Newman [4], Nickleby, Nixon▲, Obama, Odo, Odysseus [1], Orlando [9], Oxford [1], Parker▲ [4], Patrick▼ [25], Paul▼ [26], Peter▼ [21]
Placido [6], Plato [1], Ponce, Porfirio [2], Potter, Presley [7], Quintrell [2], Radek, Radimir, Ramiro [1], Ramon▼ [3], Raphael▲ [14], Ravi [1], Redford [3], Reginald▼ [37], Remus, Rhodes [3], Rip, River▲ [1], Roald
Robert▼ [30], Robin▼ [5], Rocco▲ [7], Rock [1], Roderick▼ [34], Rodman [1], Rodolfo▼ [3], Roger▼ [15], Roland▼ [16], Rolf [5], Romeo▲, Roosevelt▼, Royce▲ [1], Rudiger, Rudolph▼ [18], Rugby, Rurik, Said [1], Sancho [5], Satchel [1]
Saturnin [1], Savion▼ [2], Schubert [1], Seal, Sebastian▲ [8], Shandy [1], Shane▼ [3], Shelley [1], Shem, Shenandoah, Sherlock [2], Shiva, Sidney▼ [3], Sigmund▼ [13], Slavomir, Smokey [1], Socrates [1], Spiridon [7], Stavros, Stephanus [5]
Stetson▲ [2], Stian [3], Tacitus, Taj [1], Tannon [5], Taos, Tarquin [3], Tay, Tennessee, Terence▼ [15], Thatcher▲ [3], Theodore▲ [19], Theophilus [3], Thomas▼ [24], Thoreau, Tiger [3], Timothy▼ [19], Tremain [5], Tristan [10], Troy▼ [2]
Truman▼ [3], Tudor, Twain [2], Tyree▼, Ulmer [2], Umberto, Usher [1], Vail [5], Valdemar [1], Valentine▼ [9], Viator, Victor▼ [13], Vladimir [4], Waldemar [1], Waldo▼ [2], Wallace▼ [8], Warren▼ [4], Washington▼, Wayne▼ [2], Wedgwood [1]
Welby [4], Wellington, Wells▲, Wenceslaus [8], Winston▲ [6], Wolfgang [3], Woodstock, Woolworth, Wright, Xiomar, Yesenin [1], Yucatan, Yukon, Zarek