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Boy Names associated with Flower


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Flower baby names and what they mean, for flower, flax, broom, heather, with 37 results. Usage of these boy names was at its highest in 1994 (ADOPTION OF 1.6%) and is now significantly reduced (ADOPTION 0.6%, 66%), with names such as Hugh becoming somewhat outmoded. Axel (#94) is the most chic birth name in this compilation, while Buron (TOP 36%) and Beron (33%) are common last names. Here is the list of Flower names for girls.

Flower names

Aciano - Hayden | Hedley - Wistar

Aciano - Hayden

Origin fr. Spanish word. "The blue bottle flower." Unconventional, but Aciano is similar to popular -iano last names Anguiano (UPPER 2%), Amiano (76%).


Singer Axl Rose. Axel is more familiar than the rest, although Aksel appears to be becoming a favorite too. [Axl, Axell, Axe, .. 4 more]


.. where there is an official aristocracy .. Baron (TOP 1%), Barr (1%), Barron (1%) and Barren (18%) appear often as surnames. [Barron, .. 3 more]

Derived fr. Old English. "Broom well; raven well." Branwill and variants are hardly found as male names. Place name .. [Branwyll, Brammell, .. 4 more]


From Old English. "Broom, gorse hill." Used widely as birth names, Brandon, Brandin, etc. are comparable to the popular Braydon. Refers to the plant .. [Brennan, Brandin, .. 6 more]

Derived fr. Old English element. "Broom, gorse settlement." Branten and variants are seldom found as men's names, and Branton occurs often (UPPER 7%) as a surname. Transferred use of the surname and .. [Brantin, Brannton, .. 1 more]

Origin fr. Old English element. "Meadow where broom grows." Bromlee and variants are not Top 2000 names. Broom is a shrub related to .. [Broomlie, .. 3 more]

Stems fr. Old English element. "Well where broom grows." Bromell (TOP 25%), Brumwell (48%) are popular surnames. Place name. [Bromwyl]

From Spanish, Greek words. "Gold flower." Cresento and variants were not among 2018's Top names. Usually refers to a chrysanthemum. [Crizanto, Crizant, .. 2 more]


.. . Darcy, with connotations of Norman aristocracy. Darcy (UPPER 4%), Darsey (19%) and Darcey (23%) are found regularly as surnames. [Darsy, .. 3 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Flower names: Axel, Baron, Brandon, Darcy, Florian

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Flower names: Hadley, Hayden

.. a surname in the English aristocracy. Rarely used as a children's name, Egerton occurs more commonly as a last name. [Edgerton]

From Italian language. "Little flower." Scarce as a boys' name, Fiorello is used more commonly as a last name. New York mayor Fiorello La Guardia.

Origin fr. Old French element. "In flower." Less used today. Florentino was the version last found (1992) in the Top 2000. The feminine version is Florence .. [Florus, Floris, Florentin, .. 6 more]


Origin fr. Latin word. "Flower." Florian has declined in popularity as a birth name since 1910-1919. From the Latin word flos .. [Floryan, .. 2 more]

Flower name: the gentian was named .. Scarce as a baby name. [Jentian, Jenshian, Genshian]

Derivative of Old English. "Ford with yellow flowers." Scarce as a children's name. Place name. [Guilford, .. 1 more]

Source fr. Arabic element. "Rose garden." Scarce as a boys' name. Also a girls' name. The name is mainly feminine, but ..

Root fr. Old English word. "Hill of heather." Hadden, Haddin, etc. are hardly found as masculine names. Place name. [Hadon, Haden, Haddan, .. 2 more]


Origin fr. Old English word. "Heather meadow." Hadley (UPPER 1%) and Leigh (2%) occur commonly as last names. Place name .. [Leigh, .. 4 more]


.. Haddon hill of heather, or Heydon .. Adoption of Hayden and variants as boys' names in 2018 was down 61% compared to a decade ago. [Haydon, .. 3 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Flower names [and variants] for boys.

1. Aciano - Hayden
Aciano, Axel [Ax, Axl, Axe, Axil, Axill, Axell, Aksel], Baron [Barr, Barron, Barren, Baronicio], Bramwell [Bramwel, Branwyll, Branwill, Branwell, Bramwyll, Brammell], Brandon [Brand, Brennan, Branton, Brannon, Brandyn, Brandin, Branden, Brandan], Branton [Brantin, Branten, Brannton], Bromley [Bromlee, Bromlea, Broomlie, Bromleigh], Bromwell [Bromwyl], Crisanto [Crizant, Crizanto, Crisento, Cresento], Darcy [Darsy, Darsey, Darcey, D'Arcy], Egerton [Edgerton], Fiorello, Florent [Florus, Floris, Florino, Florenz, Florinio, Florentz, Florentin, Florentino], Florian [Floryan, Florien, Florrian], Gentian [Jentian, Jenshian, Genshian], Guildford [Gilford, Guilford], Gulzar, Hadden [Hadon, Haden, Haddin, Haddon, Haddan], Hadley [Leigh, Hadly, Hadlee, Hadlea, Hadleigh], Hayden [Haydn, Haden, Haydon, Haydan]

Hedley [Hedly, Headly, Headley, Headleigh], Hugh [Ugo, Huw, Shug, Hugo, Ugolin, Hugues, Hughie, Shuggie, ..], Hyacinth [Hy, Hyacinthe, Hyakinthos, Hyacinthus, Hyacinthos], Jacinto [Jacindo, Giacinto, Giacintho], Lindford [Lynford, Lindford], Linley [Linly, Linlee, Linlea, Linleigh], Linn [Lyn, Lin, Lynn, Linnie], Linton [Lynton, Lyntonn, Lintonn], Linus [Lino, Linos], Lynley, Nalin [Nameen], Plantagenet, Rhodes [Rodas, Rhodas, Rhoads], Roosevelt, Strickland, Varten, Wistar [Wister]

Usage comparison for Flower names
