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Boy Names associated with God
God baby names and what they mean, for god, lord, jehovah, thor, with 429 results. These names related to gods are usually given because of devotion, belief and faith in a higher power. Usage of these boy names was at its peak in the 1980s (ADOPTION OF 26.18%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 16.33%, ▼38%), with names such as Dennis becoming less in vogue. The trendier boy names in this list are Adriel (#229), Elias (#67), Ezekiel (#87), Kyrie (#222) and Theodore (#44), while Arial (TOP 94%) and Syrus (69%) are common last names. Here is the list of God names for girls.
Abdul - Ahmed
.. in Abdullah, or "servant of God" .. Abdur is also a moderately popular birth name. [Del, .. 14 more]
Based on Arabic element. "God's servant." Popular as last names, and Abdullah (TOP 4%), Abdallah (7%), Abedellah are similar to popular surnames Awadallah (TOP 31%), Atallah (20%), with the -llah suffix. One of the most common names .. [Abedellah, Abdualla, .. 6 more]
.. was the Babylonian god of wisdom .. A quaint baby name. [Abednego]
Derivative of Hebrew. "God is my father." Abba (UPPER 52%), Abila (15%) are conventional last names. Biblical name used for both men .. [Aviah, Avia, Abija, .. 2 more]
From Arabic, Hebrew elements. "God's worshipper; God knows." Alid and Asid are creative variations. [Abidan]
Source fr. Hebrew element. "My father is the Lord." Not that prominent as a boys' name. Biblical name that the Puritans used .. [Aviel, Ahbiel, .. 3 more]
Source fr. Hebrew element. "Gift of God." Not Top 2000 names. [Abishai, Abidjah, .. 2 more]
.. Abraham's name before God changed it .. Widely used, with usage of 0.043% for Abram, Abriel, etc. as birth names in 2018, but lower than 0.044% the year before. [Bram, Abran, Abie, Abey, .. 6 more]
.. then lamented, Would God I had .. Absolon and variants are not Top 2000 names. [Avsholom, Absolom, Absalon, .. 4 more]
From Hebrew word. "God will judge." A rare boys' name. [Ahim, .. 1 more]
Stems fr. Hebrew element. "God witnesses." Unusual. Adael, like Azrael, has the androgynous -ael ending. [Adayel]
Derivative of Hebrew, Old German languages. "God is eternal; noble." Adal, Adel and Edel are rarely found as masculine names. More familiar as a part of .. [Edel, .. 1 more]
.. the seven Hindu gods who are .. Aditya is uncommon as a given name.
Root fr. Hebrew word. "God is just." Addy (UPPER 8%), Addie (21%), Adley (22%) and Atlee (38%) occur commonly as last names. Aramaic contracted form of the Hebrew .. [Atli, Addy, Addie, Ad, .. 2 more]
Based on Hebrew language. "My lord is Jehovah." Unique, with the -ia suffix for Adonia, like Addonia, Alia. Biblical .. [Adoniya, .. 4 more]
From Hebrew. "Of God's flock." Adoption of Adriel and Adriell as baby names in 2018 was significantly more than a decade ago. Biblical name. [Adriell]
.. the sign of Zeus, and also .. Unusual, with the masculine-sounding -eus ending for Aegeus, Aigeus, like Alfeus. [Aigeus, .. 1 more]
Aiolos was the god of the .. Uncommon, with the -us suffix for Aeolus, Aiolus, like Adolphus, Aegeus. [Aiolus, .. 2 more]
Source fr. Celtic element. "Horse lord." Unusual, with the unconventional -rn ending for Ahearn, Hern, etc., like Auburn, Arn. [Hern, Ahern, .. 6 more]
Source fr. Arabic. " .. or one who constantly thanks God." A conventional children's name (#534 LAST YEAR), Ahmed also occurs often as a last name. One of the many names of .. [Amed, Amahd, Ahmad, .. 7 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of God names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abdul - AhmedAbdul [15], Abdullah▲ [8], Abednago [1], Abia [5], Abid [1], Abiel [5], Abisha [4], Abram▲ [10], Absalom [7], Acim [2], Adael [1], Adel [2], Aditya, Adlai [6], Adonia [5], Adriel▲ [1], Aegeus [2], Aeolus [3], Ahearn [8], Ahmed▲ [10]
Ailesh, Akim, Alexander [70], Alexis▼ [14], Ali▲ [1], Alvis [4], Amadeus [16], Ambrose▼ [17], Ames [2], Amiel [1], Amos▼ [2], Amrit, Angel [18], Angus [6], Ansel [2], Anselm [8], Aodh [1], Apollo▲ [3], Ares▲, Ariel▲ [12]
Arius, Artemas [9], Arthur▼ [17], Asael [4], Asgard, Ashbel, Ashur [1], Athanasios [7], Atif [3], Attila [5], Augustine▲ [11], Aviel [1], Avital [1], Azariah▲ [8], Azim [3], Aziz, Azrael, Azriel [2], Bacchus, Balder [3]
Baron [4], Bartram [1], Bethel [1], Bogdan [2], Byron▼ [10], Cai [3], Caleb [6], Castor [3], Cedric▼ [11], Chan, Chanan [1], Chancellor [4], Chaniel [4], Cid [1], Ciriaco, Ciro, Comus, Corey▼ [15], Corin [6], Cronus [1]
Cyril▼ [10], Cyrus▲ [2], Dagon, Dan▼ [1], Daniel▼ [20], Dardanos [4], Darnley, Demetrius [19], Dennis▼ [17], Deodar, Deus, Deval [1], Dinesh, Dionysius [7], Dominic▲ [16], Domino, Donato [4], Douglas▼ [3], Ebisu, Eder
Eilam [1], Eilif, Eilad, Eion [4], Elchanan [5], Eleazar [8], Eliachim [1], Eliam [1], Eliana, Elias▲ [22], Elihu [1], Elijah▲ [15], Elimelech, Eliron [1], Eliphalet [3], Elisha [9], Eliyahu, Elkanah [2], Elliot▲ [6], Ellis▲ [3]
Elmo▼ [1], Elrad [5], Emmanuel▲ [23], Emrys, Engelbert [4], Eoin [2], Ephraim▲ [15], Epifanio [6], Eros, Esias [3], Eskel [3], Evan [15], Ezekiel▲ [10], Faunus [1], Feivel [1], Fenris, Francis▼ [43], Frey, Fyodor [4], Gabriel▲ [21]
Gadiel [1], Gahan [1], Gamaliel [2], Ganesh [1], Gedaliah [4], Gennaro [4], Geremia, Gevariah [4], Gian [3], Giovanni▲ [19], Giuseppe, Gjorn [1], Gobind [3], Goddard [9], Godfrey [14], Godric [3], Godwin [10], Golding [2], Gopal [1], Goronwy [1]
Gottlieb, Griffith [7], Gustav▼ [16], Hadi, Hadriel, Haidar [4], Hakeem▲ [3], Halim, Halldor, Hamdi, Hamid [4], Hamilcar [2], Hampus, Hannibal [2], Hans▼ [6], Hansel [1], Harel [2], Hari, Harinder [1], Harish
Harjit [1], Harpal, Harpreet, Harrell, Hazaiah, Heimdall [2], Hercules [7], Hermes [4], Hezekiah▲ [1], Hieremias, Hovannes, Huon, Ian▲ [6], Ib, Ieuan [2], Ilias [1], Ilya [2], Immanuel▲ [5], Indra, Ingemar [4]
Ingo, Ioanis, Ioakim [2], Iosef [2], Isaiah▲ [8], Ishmael [4], Ismail [8], Israel▲ [1], Itai [2], Ivan▲ [4], Ivor [7], Jabin, Jace▲ [6], Jack [8], Jadon▼ [9], Jairus [2], Jan▼ [4], Jarah [2], Jason▼ [12], Jean▼ [6]
Jed▼ [2], Jediah [2], Jedidiah▲ [4], Jehoiakim [9], Jehu, Jens [3], Jeremiah▲ [17], Jeriah [3], Jeriel [2], Jesimiel [1], Jesse▼ [6], Jesus [1], Joab, Joachim [10], Joash, Job [3], Jock [1], Jody▼ [3], Joed, Joel [2]
John▼ [85], Jon▼ [10], Jonah▲ [2], Jonathan▼ [4], Joram [1], Jose▼ [3], Joseph▼ [43], Joshua▼ [9], Josiah▲ [3], Jotham, Jovan [13], Jove, Juan▼ [5], Jupiter [1], Kadir [3], Kadmiel, Kaniel, Kannon▲ [2], Kareem▲ [3], Kemuel
Keon [1], Khalid▲ [1], Kiril [6], Kyrie▲, Ladon, Laird, Lazarus [8], Lemuel▼ [2], Lleu [2], Llewellyn [6], Loki, Lord, Lot, Maccabee [2], Malachi▲ [9], Mansur [2], Manuel▼ [6], Marcel▲ [10], Marcus▼ [4], Marquis▼ [15]
Mars, Martin▼ [17], Maryland [4], Mataniah [4], Matthew▼ [34], Matthias▲ [8], Mayhew, Mercury [3], Meredith [3], Micah▲ [4], Michael▼ [51], Michelangelo, Miguel [1], Mohandas, Mordecai [4], Moriel [1], Murray▼ [4], Nathan [5], Nathaniel [15], Nebo
Neckarios [5], Nelson▼ [10], Neptune, Njord, Nuriel [4], Obadiah [8], Odin▲, Olimpio [4], Omari▲, Orestes [3], Orpheus [2], Osbert, Osborn [6], Oscar▼ [4], Osgood, Osman [7], Osmar, Osred, Osric [1], Oswald▼ [9]
Oswin [4], Othniel [1], Owen▲ [6], Pagan, Pagiel, Paltiel [2], Pazel [1], Pedahel [2], Perseus, Pesach [1], Petuel, Phoebus [1], Pluto, Poriel, Poseidon, Procopio [2], Proteus, Qadir [2], Rafael▲ [8], Raiden▲
Rahim [2], Raines [5], Ramses [3], Randi, Randolph▼ [7], Raphael▲ [14], Ravi [1], Raziel, Reuel [1], Ronel [2], Saahdia [2], Samael, Samson▲ [6], Samuel [7], Saturnin [1], Sean▼ [7], Senior, Seraphim [6], Shadrach [3], Shane▼ [3]
Shawn▼ [7], Shia, Shiva, Sigmund▼ [13], Silvanus [7], Sinjin, Solomon▲ [9], Soren, Speed, Tarleton, Ted▼ [6], Tennyson [1], Teo [1], Terrell▼ [12], Thaddeus [15], Thane [2], Theodore▲ [19], Theophilus [3], Thor [8], Thorald [5]
Thorbert [1], Thorburn [2], Thorley, Thormond [3], Thurlow [1], Thurman▼ [1], Thurston [8], Tiernan [3], Timothy▼ [19], Tobias▲ [14], Toby▼ [8], Tor [1], Torger, Torquil [4], Torry [4], Traugott, Tudor, Tuvya [6], Tyr, Tyrell▼ [6]
Ubadah, Ull, Uriah▲ [8], Uriel▲, Uziah [1], Vanya, Varun [1], Wahib [1], Wole, Yakim [4], Yale [1], Yann [2], Yannis [3], Yochanan [2], Yorath, Yovanny [2], Yusuf▲ [4], Zaccheus [3], Zachariah▲ [30], Zachary▼ [13]
Zane▲ [3], Zebediah [2], Zedekiah [3], Zeno [3], Zenobios [3], Zephaniah [2], Zeus, Ziv [2], Zuriel