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Boy Names associated with Gracious


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Gracious baby names and what they mean, for gracious, kind, grace, compassionate, with 72 results. These boy names were at the height of their popularity in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 8.7%) and have become much less widespread since (ADOPTION 3.4%, 61%), with names like John going out of style. The more fashionable birth names here are Kyrie (#222), Gael (#132), Ellis (#317), Zane (#200) and Kannon (#593), while Ellias (TOP 56%) and Molan (48%) are conventional last names. Here is the list of Gracious names for girls.

Gracious names

Aidan - Gian | Giovanni - John | Jon - Racham | Rahim - Zane

Aidan - Gian


.. noted for his kindness and generosity .. Aidin is also a slightly prominent birth name. [Eiden, Eden, Aydin, Aydan, .. 7 more]

Origin fr. Arabic. "Kind." Anif and Asif are creative variations. In Islam, one the ninety nine .. [Atiph, .. 2 more]

.. meaning "one without mercy", or a .. Unconventional. Compare Atli with popular last names Almli (TOP 87%), Adili (83%), which also end with -li. See also Atley.

From Japanese language. "Compassionate warrior." Not Top 2000 name.


Origin fr. Latin element. "Kind, well born." Adoption of Benigno was well-received 6 decades ago. From the word "benign".


Based on Old English. "Kind and loved." Common, with usage of 0.036% for Cedric and variants as boys' names in 2018, higher than 0.036% in 2017. [Sedrik, Sedrick, Cedrik, .. 8 more]

From Spanish, Hebrew. "God is gracious." Chan was not among 2018's Top names. See also Conn. Nickname for John ..

Derivative of Hebrew word. "God was compassionate." Not that prominent as a baby name. [Hanan]

From Hebrew word. "Grace of God." Chaniel, Chanyel, etc. are not Top 2000 names. [Hanyel, Chanyel, .. 2 more]

Root fr. Hebrew language. "Gracious." Not much used as a baby name. [Honi]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gracious names: Aidan, Benigno, Cedric, Ellis, Eoin

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gracious names: Esmond, Evan, Gael, Gian

Based on Irish, Hebrew. "God is gracious." Eion, Eann, etc. are rarely found as masculine names. Variant of John via Ian. [Ion, .. 3 more]

From Hebrew language. "God is gracious." Elchana and variants were not Top birth names in 2018. Biblical name. [Elkanah, Elchanah, .. 3 more]

Based on Welsh. "Kind." Elisud is not often adopted as a birth name. From elus ..


.. derives from elus meaning "kind, benevolent" .. Ellis is familiar (UPPER 35%) as a first name, while Elli, Elliss and Ellyce are unusual. [Ellyce, Elliss, .. 1 more]


Derivative of Irish, Gaelic, Hebrew words. "God is gracious." Adoption of Eoin, Ion, etc. as children's names in 2018 was up 1% compared to the previous year. Irish form of John, by way .. [Ion, Ean]


From êast meaning "grace, beauty" and .. A somewhat offbeat birth name, Esmond occurs more often as a last name. [Esmund]


Origin fr. Hebrew, Welsh, Scottish. "God is gracious; born of yew;." Usage of Evyn and variants was widespread a decade ago and is almost as conventional now. Welsh variant of Iefan, a later .. [Van, Ewan, Evyn, Evann, Euen, Euan, .. 10 more]


.. name Judicaël, meaning "generous leader" .. A highly familiar children's name. [Gale]

.. of John (Hebrew) "God is gracious" .. Gagan (UPPER 32%), Gajan (80%) are conventional surnames. [Gehan]


Stems fr. Italian, Hebrew. "God is gracious." Widely used, with usage of 0.05% for Gian, Gianny, etc. as birth names in 2018, higher than 0.036% in 2017. Respelling of John, often used in .. [Gianny, Gianni, .. 1 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Gracious names [and variants] for boys.

1. Aidan - Gian
Aidan [Eden, Edan, Eiden, Eidan, ..], Atif [Atef, Atiph, Ateef], Atli, Atsushi, Benigno, Cedric [Ricky, Sedrik, Sedric, Sedrick, ..], Chan, Chanan [Hanan], Chaniel [Hanyel, Haniel, Hanniel, Chanyel], Choni [Honi], Eion [Ion, Eon, Ean, Eann], Elchanan [Elkanah, Elhanan, Elhannan, Elchanah], Elisud, Ellis [Elli, Ellyce, Elliss], Eoin [Ion, Ean], Esmond [Esmund], Evan [Van, Ewy, Owen, Ewen, ..], Gael [Gale], Gahan [Gehan], Gian [Gianny, Gianni, Gianney]

Giovanni [Jovan, Jovanno, Jovanni, Jovanney, ..], Hampus, Hannan, Hannibal [Anibal, Anibale], Hans [Hanss, Hanns, Hanzel, Hansel, ..], Hansel [Hanzel], Hiroshi, Hovannes, Hulbert [Bert, Hulburt, Hulburd, Hulbard], Huon, Ian [Ion, Eon, Iain, Eion, ..], Ieuan [Ifan, Iefan], Ioanis, Ivan [Iwan, Ifan, Ivano, Ivanhoe], Jack [Jaq, Jak, Jacq, Jacqin, ..], Jan [Jano, Hans, Janos, Janek], Jean [Jeanluc, Jeanpaul, Jeanpierre, Jeanphilippe, ..], Jens [Jensen, Jenson, Jensson], Jock [Jocko], John [Zane, Yanno, Yanni, Vanya, ..]

Jon [Jonte, Jonny, Jontae, Jonpaul, ..], Jonathan [Jon, Jonathon, Johnathon, Johnathan], Jovan [Jovi, Jovon, Jovin, Jovito, ..], Juan [Juwan, Juanito, Juanluis, Juanpablo], Kannon [Kannen, Kannan], Kareem [Karam, Karim, Kharim], Kedrick [Kedric, Keddrick], Keon [Kian], Kerem, Kieran [Kiran, Kierron, Kierrin, Kierren, ..], Klemens [Kliment, Klement, Klemenis], Knud, Kyrie, Latif [Latiph, Lateef, Lateeph], Maccrea [Mccrea, Macrae, Maccrea, Maccray], Milan, Naman, Nicholas [Nils, Nilos, Nikos, Nikolos, ..], Qasim, Racham [Rahim, Raham, Rachim]

Rahim [Rahiem, Raheem], Sean [Shawn, Shaun, Shane, Shaughn, ..], Shafiq [Shafik, Shafeek], Shane [Shayn, Shayne, Shaine], Shawn [Shonn, Shawnn, Shawnel, Shawnell, ..], Sinjin, Vanya, Yann [Yannic, Yannick], Yannis [Yanni, Ioannis, Yannakis], Yochanan [Johanan, Yohannan], Yovanny [Yovanni, Yovanney], Zane [Zain, Zayne, Zaine]

Usage comparison for Gracious names
