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Boy Names associated with King
King baby names and what they mean, for king, ruler, royal, prince, with 389 results. These names of kings have an aura of majesty and power, a trait parents may wish to give to their newborn. Adoption of these boy names was at its highest 138 years ago (ADOPTION OF 56.21%) and is now significantly diminished (ADOPTION 16.84%, ▼70%), with names such as Lemuel going out of style. The more fashionable names for newborns among these are Sebastian (#18), Roman (#85), Kingston (#117), Julian (#36) and Enzo (#228), while Syrus (TOP 69%) and Ibraham (52%) are familiar last names. Here is the list of Queen names for girls.
Abbas - Albert
.. referring to the king of the .. Abaas is also a slightly prominent baby name. [Abo, .. 5 more]
.. A royal name in Saudi Arabia .. Popular as last names, and Abdullah (UPPER 4%), Abdallah (7%), Abedellah are similar to common surnames Awadallah (UPPER 31%), Allah (27%), which also end with -llah. [Abedellah, Abdulla, Abdalah, .. 5 more]
.. fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar, and .. Abednago and Abednego were not among 2018's Top names. [Abednego]
Based on Hebrew word. "The king is my father." Abimelech is not in the Top 2000. Used occasionally in the 19th century.
King Saul of Israel's army chief .. Usage of Abner, Abnar, etc. as boys' names in 2018 was up 6.8% compared to a year ago. [Ebner, Ebby, Abnar, Abby, Abbie, Ab, .. 8 more]
.. the Eastern Roman Empire also bore .. Usage of Abraham and variants as birth names in 2018 was 48.4% more than the previous decade. [Ibrahim, Ebrahim, Avraham, Avi, Abramo, Abrami, Abrahim, Abe, .. 14 more]
Absalom, son of King David, was .. Alsalom and Arsalom are creative forms. [Avsholom, Absalon, .. 5 more]
Source fr. Old German element. "Noble, regal ruler." Adelric and variants are not Top 2000 names. [Adelrick, Adalrick, .. 3 more]
.. of one of King David's herdsmen .. Somewhat common as boys' names, Addie, Adlai, etc. are comparable to the familiar Eddie. [Atli, Addie, Ad, .. 3 more]
.. German and Swedish royal name and .. Adolfo (TOP 46%) and Adolph (53%) are commonly occurring as male names. [Dolphus, Dolph, Adolphus, Adollf, Adulfus, Adolf, Addolph, .. 6 more]
One of King David's sons. Adon, Adonias, etc. are seldom found as men's names, and Adon is found often (TOP 49%) as a surname. [Adoniya, Adonijah, Adonias, .. 2 more]
.. by the Roman emperor Publius Aelius .. Adrian, Adrino, etc. became less trendy last year, dropping -9 positions as birth names with Adrien leading the decline. [Haydrien, Hadrian, Arjen, Adrin, Adriaan, Adreean, Adiran, .. 20 more]
.. King Aegeus was the father of .. Not in popularity charts. [Aigeus, .. 1 more]
The Trojan hero prince of Virgil's .. Unique, with the androgynous -as suffix for Aeneas, Aineias, etc., like Aonghas. [Enneiss, Aineias, Aineas, .. 8 more]
Derivative of Old German language. "King of work." A birth name that is seldom used. French name. [Imre, Aymeric, .. 4 more]
.. was a legendary king of Salamis .. Ajax and Aias are not in the Top 2000. [Aias]
.. of William the Conqueror, such as .. Usage of Alan and variants as birth names in 2018 was down 5.2% compared to the year before. [Alyn, Allon, Alleyn, Allen, Alano, .. 20 more]
Root fr. Old German element. "Noble, regal ruler." Al is a prevalent (UPPER 36%) masculine name. .. was the Gothic king of the .. [Ulrick, Ulrich, Alric, Allerick, Alleric, Allarick, Allaric, Aleric, .. 6 more]
.. in the Roman Empire called Alba .. Adoption of Al and forms was widespread a century ago and is now reduced, with Alvin becoming somewhat dated. [Aubin, Alvan, Alby, Albis, Albin, Albany, Al, .. 10 more]
.. in honor of Prince Albert of .. Albert (UPPER 1%), Alberto (5%), Albrecht (1%), Allie (10%) and Elbert (6%) occur frequently as last names. [Ulbricht, Elbert, Delbert, Dalbert, Bert, Alvert, Albie, Adelbert, Abert, .. 18 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of King names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abbas - AlbertAbbas [6], Abdullah▲ [8], Abednago [1], Abimelech, Abner [13], Abraham▲ [22], Absalom [7], Adalric [5], Adlai [6], Adolph▼ [13], Adonia [5], Adrian▲ [27], Aegeus [2], Aeneas [11], Aimery [6], Ajax [1], Alan▼ [25], Alaric▲ [14], Alban [17], Albert▼ [27]
Alexander [70], Alfonso [18], Alfred▼ [21], Algernon [8], Alistair▲ [8], Almarine [2], Aloysius▼ [14], Amerigo [6], Amir▲ [7], Andrew▼ [49], Angus [6], Anselm [8], Anthony▼ [32], Apollo▲ [3], Ara, Aram [1], Archelaus [3], Ardian, Aric▼ [14], Arnan
Arnold▼ [21], Arrigo, Arsenio [15], Arthur▼ [17], Asa [1], Asen, Ashur [1], Atahualpa, Athelstan, Atli, Atticus▲, Attila [5], Auberon [4], Aubrey▼ [15], Augustus [14], Baldemar [4], Balder [3], Baldric [4], Baldwin [10], Balthasar [8]
Bardrick [2], Bartram [1], Basil▼ [23], Benedict▲ [23], Bohemond [2], Bolivar [2], Boris [4], Bourbon [1], Boyne [3], Brendan▼ [10], Brian▼ [14], Britannicus, Bruce▼ [2], Cadogan [2], Caesar [9], Cai [3], Caius [7], Calvert [1], Canute [3], Caradoc [1]
Casimir▼ [9], Cassander [3], Cathal [1], Chamberlain [3], Charles▼ [27], Christian [25], Clarence▼ [12], Claude▼ [14], Clovis [4], Conall [4], Connor [4], Conrad [10], Constantine [10], Cormac [2], Cornelius▼ [18], Cronus [1], Cyrus▲ [2], Daedalus [2], Darius▼ [7], Darnley
David▼ [21], Dedrick [5], Delroy [5], Derby [2], Derek▼ [21], Dietrich [5], Dirk▼ [4], Don▼ [5], Donovan [6], Duncan▼ [2], Earl▼ [10], Edgar▼ [12], Edmund▼ [19], Edred, Edric [6], Edward▼ [27], Edwin▼ [14], Eifion, Egbert [2], Egon
Einion [3], Eldridge▼ [5], Elijah▲ [15], Elimelech, Ellery [3], Elrad [5], Elroy▼ [3], Emery [12], Emir▲ [3], Emmet [5], Emrys, Emyr, Enda, Enzo▲ [1], Eric▼ [31], Esteban▲ [2], Etienne, Ethelbert [2], Ethelred [1], Ethelwulf [3]
Fabian▲ [22], Fafnir [2], Fahd [2], Faisal [5], Farouk [3], Farquhar [3], Federico [1], Felim [2], Felipe [8], Fergal [5], Fiachra [1], Finbar [11], Firdos, Fitzgerald, Fitzroy, Flavian [7], Forest▼ [5], Fouad [1], Francis▼ [43], Frederick▼ [41]
Gamaliel [2], Ganesh [1], Gareth [7], Garrick▼ [5], Gauthier [5], Ged, Gentian [3], George▼ [55], Geraint [3], Gerald▼ [40], Gerritt [2], Ghazi, Godric [3], Godwin [10], Gopal [1], Gratien [2], Griffith [7], Grimaldo [1], Gustav▼ [16], Hadrian [4]
Hakon [9], Hal▼, Hamdani, Hamlet [5], Hannibal [2], Hansraj, Harold▼ [19], Harry▼ [3], Hector [7], Henry▼ [36], Herbert▼ [10], Herrick [2], Hezekiah▲ [1], Himesh, Hiram▼ [5], Hussein [4], Hywel [3], Imre [3], Ira▼, Istvan
James▼ [28], Jarah [2], Jarrell [1], Jedidiah▲ [4], Jehu, Jeremiah▲ [17], Jeroboam, Jerrick [8], Jesse▼ [6], Jethro [2], John▼ [85], Jonathan▼ [4], Josiah▲ [3], Jotham, Juan▼ [5], Julian▲ [8], Kaiser▲, Kalani, Kasimir [4], Kendrick▲ [11]
Kenelm [2], Kenley [5], Kenton [2], Kenward, Kenway, Kerrick, Khanh [1], Kimberly [4], King, Kingman, Kingsley▲ [9], Kingston▲, Kingswell, Knute [3], Kornel [4], Kynaston, Ladislas [5], Lancelot [1], Lemuel▼ [2], Leopold [3]
Leroy▼ [6], Lidio [2], Louis▼ [16], Ludlow [1], Luther▼ [6], Maccabee [2], Mackenzie▼ [3], Mackinley [3], Magnus▲ [3], Magus, Mahesh, Malcolm [3], Malki [6], Martin▼ [17], Marvin▼ [11], Maryland [4], Maximilian▲ [27], Meilyr, Melbourne [8], Melchior [4]
Melchisedek [3], Meldrick [2], Meredith [3], Merlin▼ [7], Meshach, Michael▼ [51], Minos, Modred [1], Moses▼ [15], Mungo, Nagid, Naldo, Napoleon▼ [4], Nathan [5], Nathaniel [15], Negasi, Neil▼ [18], Nestor [4], Nezer, Niall [1]
Nicholas▼ [61], Oberon [3], Olaf▼ [9], Omar [2], Orestes [3], Oscar▼ [4], Osgood, Osric [1], Owen▲ [6], Paris▼ [1], Parnell [2], Percival [10], Peter▼ [21], Philip▼ [20], Plantagenet, Pollux, Powhatan, Prince [5], Quinton [8], Radek
Rainer [6], Rajan [3], Raleigh▼ [4], Ram [3], Ramses [3], Reeve [4], Reginald▼ [37], Regino, Regis, Rei [1], Rex▼ [1], Rexford, Rexton, Rey▲ [2], Reynold [12], Richard▼ [33], Ricky▼ [3], Rigoberto▼ [1], Roald, Robert▼ [30]
Roderick▼ [34], Rodrigo, Roman▲ [7], Romulus [1], Ronald▼ [12], Rory▲ [5], Roy▼ [4], Royal [3], Royce▲ [1], Rozen, Ryan▼ [7], Saladin, Samael, Samuel [7], Sandhurst [1], Saul [4], Savoy, Sebastian▲ [8], Shadrach [3], Shahzad
Simba, Sion [1], Snowden [1], Solomon▲ [9], Sophocles, Stefan [7], Stephanus [5], Stephen▼ [26], Steve▼ [1], Steven▼ [4], Stuart▼ [2], Sulayman [3], Swaine [3], Taj [1], Tamerlane [9], Tarquin [3], Ted▼ [6], Terry▼ [3], Theodoric [12], Theseus
Thierry, Till [3], Timon, Titus▲ [2], Triton, Tudor, Umberto, Uriah▲ [8], Uther, Uziah [1], Valdemar [1], Valentine▼ [9], Vasilis [9], Victor▼ [13], Vladimir [4], Vladislav [2], Waldemar [1], Waldo▼ [2], Walfred [1], Wallace▼ [8]
Walter▼ [13], Wenceslaus [8], William▼ [34], Windsor [2], Xerxes, York [3], Zadok [2], Zarek, Zedekiah [3]