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Boy Names associated with Little
Little baby names and what they mean, for little, small, slender, low, with 138 results. These boy names reached the height of their popularity 78 years ago (ADOPTION OF 5.6%) and have become significantly less conventional since (ADOPTION 2.3%, DOWN 59.1%), with names like Dell going out of style. The most fashionable names for newborns here are Rowan (#129), Brooks (#161), Ace (#255), Ronan (#294) and Sterling (#409), while Ronen (TOP 64%) and Marciel (29%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of Little names for girls.
Ace - Cale
.. of a coin of low value .. Usage of Ace, Acey, etc. as birth names in 2018 was 19.2% more than the year before. [Acie, Acey, .. 2 more]
.. the Gaelic "ailin" meaning "little rock" .. Azlan is also a slightly prominent kid's name. [Alyn, Allyn, Allon, Alleyne, Alley, Allen, Allain, Alin, Alanson, Aland, .. 15 more]
Famous from the "Little House" books .. Rare. Compare Almanzo with popular -nzo surnames Ascenzo (UPPER 90%), Atienzo (75%). See also Alanzo.
.. term for a deep, narrow valley. Akscom and Alscom are creative variations. [Anscoombe, .. 2 more]
Based on Old French, English. "Little eagle." Moderately atypical as a children's name, Arnett is found more often as a last name. Broadcaster Peter Arnett. [Ornette, Arnot, .. 4 more]
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "Small fair one; son of the .. ." Not in popularity charts.
Origin fr. Old English word. "Little person." Bassett and Basset are not often used as boys' names. .. torso is so low "bas" in .. [Basset]
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Small one." Not in Top 2000. [Beegin, .. 3 more]
.. surnames like Kleinberg, small mountain, Goldberg, .. Compare last names Bers (TOP 83%), Bergs (43%). [Burgh, Bergh, Berger, .. 1 more]
.. the term for a little brook. Blackburn, Blackburne and Blagburn were not among 2018's Top names. [Blagburn, .. 1 more]
.. also possibly mean "slender" in Gaelic .. Blain (UPPER 5%), Blaine (3%), Blane (17%) and Blaney (6%) are found frequently as last names. [Blayne, .. 3 more]
.. lived in a small hut or .. Not in popularity charts. [Both, Boothe, Boote, Boot]
From Russian, Slavic languages. "Small; battle glory." Boris is a prevalent (TOP 70%) masculine name, whereas Boriss, Borja, Borris and Borys are irregularly used. Originally from the Tartar nickname Bogoris .. [Borys, Borris, .. 2 more]
A little stream is called a .. Born and variants are seldom found as male names. [Byrn, Burne, Burn, Bourn, Borne, .. 2 more]
Derivative of Old German word. "Little bridge." Unusual, with the common -ell ending for Brickell, like Burchell, Birchell. [Brickel]
Derivative of Old English, Old German words. "Water, small stream." A very conventional birth name (#161 THE PAST YEAR), Brooks is also used commonly as a last name. Director Brooks Atkinson. [Brookie, .. 3 more]
Stems fr. Old French. "Small brown one." Less used today. Burnell was the form last found (1960-1969) in the Top 2000. [Brunell, Brunel, .. 2 more]
Derivative of Irish, Gaelic language. "Slender." Somewhat popular as children's names, Caelan, Calan, etc. sound like the familiar Colin. Anglicized form of Caolán see .. [Caley, .. 1 more]
.. Caligula, a nickname meaning "little boots" .. Caius, Cai, etc. became more trendy in 2018, gaining on average +21 rankings as children's names with Caius leading the upswing. [Keys, Keye, .. 5 more]
.. Irish Gaelic it means "thin, slender" .. Somewhat popular as birth names, Kaile, Cale, etc. are pronounced like the common Kyle. [Kayle, Kale, Cael, .. 4 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Little names [and variants] for boys.
1. Ace - CaleAce▲ [4], Alan▼ [25], Almanzo, Anscom [3], Arnett [6], Banning, Bassett [1], Beagan [4], Berg [4], Blackburn [2], Blain [4], Booth [4], Boris [4], Bourne [7], Brickell [1], Brooks▲ [4], Burnell [4], Caelan [2], Caius [7], Cale▼ [7]
Caley [3], Calhoun [3], Calumet [1], Calvin [4], Campion [1], Caolan [6], Carlin [2], Carollan [3], Cedric▼ [11], Chaparral [1], Chapman [3], Chetwin [4], Cleavant [4], Coburn [4], Concord, Cortez [3], Covert [1], Crandall [2], Creek [1], Dalziel
Dart, Deepak [1], Dell▼, Dice [1], Dirk▼ [4], Doane [1], Eberlein [2], Elgin [4], Eric▼ [31], Eunan, Fagan [3], Faunus [1], Fenn, Fiorello, Fry [2], Gair [2], Ganesh [1], Garron [9], Girvin [3], Glen▼ [13]
Golding [2], Gore [1], Gorman, Hackett [3], Hamlin [4], Harbin [1], Hawkins [1], Holcomb [2], Hussein [4], Jenkin [4], Keegan [7], Keelan [6], Kellen [9], Kern [4], Kerwin [6], Kipling [1], Klein [3], Knoll [3], Kyle▼ [8], Logan▲ [1]
Loman, Lorcan, Macy [1], Malin [3], Mannix, Marcel▲ [10], Marlon [6], Marmion [3], Maslin [6], Mellen [4], Merritt [3], Mordecai [4], Munchin [2], Nevan [1], Nevin [6], Nizar, Oscar▼ [4], Pablo [1], Paul▼ [26], Peel [1]
Pollard [3], Prewitt [4], Quennell [1], Rankin [2], Renny [1], Richard▼ [33], Ronan▲, Roslin [3], Rousseau [2], Rowan▲ [4], Rushkin, Russell▼ [3], Saarik [4], Santos▲ [3], Satchel [1], Scanlon [2], Shanley [1], Sheehan, Slim, Sonny▲ [2]
Sterling▲ [2], Sweeney [1], Tad [2], Tamarisk, Thornycroft [1], Tomlin [2], Tompkins [1], Torrence [9], Triton, Ulick, Vachel [1], Vandyke, Vaughn [1], Vireo, Watkins, Wilkinson [3], Willet [2], Zuhayr [1]