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Boy Names associated with Monster
Monster baby names and what they mean, for monster, with 5 results. Usage of these boy names is at its peak presently (USAGE OF 0.01%). Champe (TOP 48%) and Shamp (15%) are common last names.
Aegeus - Perseus
.. killed the Cretan monster, the Minotaur .. Unusual, but Aegeus, Aigeus are similar to common last names Degeus (UPPER 43%), Agus (90%), which also end with -us. [Aigeus, .. 1 more]
Derivative of Greek language. "Large fish or sea monster." Cetust and Cotus are creative variations. See also Cletus. .. of the sea monsters killed by ..
.. the legendary lake monster also known .. Adoption of Champ was widespread among parents during 1910-1919.
.. the legendary sea monster Nessie, from .. Unisex name. Unique. Chessie (compare Christie, Crosslie) has the -ie suffix.
.. from a sea monster, and later .. Perseus is an atypical masculine name.