Home > Mythology Names

Boy Names associated with Mythology

Mythology baby names and what they mean, for mythology, legend, arthurian, epic, with 178 results. These boy names reached the top of their popularity during 1970-1979 (ADOPTION OF 9.76%) and have become much less common since (ADOPTION 3.9%, 60%), with names such as Anthony becoming less stylish. The trendier boy names here are Adonis (#366), Carson (#70), Finn (#166), Odin (#338) and Orion (#300), while Riden (TOP 17%) and Radden (39%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of Mythology names for girls.

Mythology names

Achilles - Arion | Arjuna - Cid | Cincinnatus - Endymion | Eoghan - Gaetano | Galahad - Icarus | Ichabod - Lodur | .. - .. | Tancred - Zephyr

Achilles - Arion


Mythology: name of the hero of .. Achillies is also a marginally favored boys' name. [Quilo, Aquil, Akilles, Achilleus, Achilleo, Achill, .. 10 more]


Greek mythology: a youth beloved of .. Adonis (UPPER 44%), comparable to Addis (UPPER 6%), Allis (13%), is a common -is suffix surname. [Adonys, Adones, .. 3 more]

.. Greek mythology: King Aegeus was the .. Algeus and Argeus are creative forms. [Aigeus, .. 1 more]

Mythology: the Trojan hero prince of .. Unique, with the androgynous-sounding -as suffix for Aeneas, Eneas, etc., like Abbas. [Enneiss, Enne, Aineas, .. 8 more]

Greek mythology: Aiolos was the god .. Unusual. Aeolus, Aiolus (cf. Alexius) have the masculine -us suffix. [Aiolus, .. 2 more]

Greek mythology: the father of Jason .. Aeson is rarely adopted as a boys' name. See also Asen.

Greek mythology: a mighty warrior and .. Rather uncommon as a baby name. [Agamenon, Agamemno]

Greek mythology: the name of two .. Not in popularity charts. [Aias]


From Norse mythology involving the dwarf .. Alviss and forms soared in popularity 108 years ago. [Alwyss, .. 3 more]

Latin mythology: Androcles was a Christian .. Rare. Androcles (compare Andries, Andrewes) ends with -es. [Androclus]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mythology names: Achilles, Adonis, Alvis, Angus, Anthony

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Mythology names: Apollo, Ara, Ares, Arion


.. Celtic mythology: Angus Og is a .. Usage of Angus and variants as birth names in 2018 was up 51.9% compared to a decade ago. [Gussie, Gus, Ennis, Angie, .. 2 more]

Greek mythology: son of the Earth .. Rare, with the -us ending for Antaeus, Anteus, like Aigeus, Artus. [Anteus, Antaios, .. 1 more]


.. According to legend, he lived alone .. Usage of Anthony, Antonio, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 48.1% compared to a decade ago. [Twan, Tony, Toni, Teunis, Antwuan, Antwon, Antwahn, Antun, Antons, Antonius, .. 22 more]

.. Mythology: name of the Celtic sun .. Aodh and Aodhagan are not Top 2000 names. [Aodhagan]


Mythology: the Greek and Roman god .. Well-used, with usage of 0.03% for Apollo and variants as boys' names in 2018, higher than 0.029% the year before. [Apolo, Apollon, .. 1 more]

Roman mythology name: the North Wind .. Aquilo, Aquilino and Aquillo are seldom found as masculine names, and Aquilino exists commonly (UPPER 16%) as a last name. [Aquillo, .. 1 more]


Ara was a legendary Armenian king. Also a girls' name. Slightly atypical as a baby name, Ara is used more often as a surname.


Greek mythology: Ares was the god .. Common, with usage of 0.027% for Ares as a birth name in 2018, higher than 0.022% in 2017. See also Ames.

Greek mythology: a creature with 100 .. Argus, like the similar Artus, exists more often as a last name. [Argos]


.. Mythology: the name of the magic .. Usage of Arion and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 2.1% compared to the previous year. [Aryon, Arian, .. 1 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Mythology names [and variants] for boys.

1. Achilles - Arion
Achilles [15], Adonis [5], Aegeus [2], Aeneas [11], Aeolus [3], Aeson, Agamemnon [2], Ajax [1], Alvis [4], Androcles [1], Angus [6], Antaeus [3], Anthony [32], Aodh [1], Apollo [3], Aquilo [2], Ara, Ares, Argus [1], Arion [3]

Arjuna [1], Art, Arthur [17], Ascanius, Astraeus [1], Aubrey [15], Bacchus, Balder [3], Bayard [4], Bertram [13], Boone, Borak, Cadmus [6], Caduceus, Carson [5], Cetus, Champ, Chessie, Christopher [32], Cid [1]

Cincinnatus, Comus, Conan [4], Connor [4], Corin [6], Cronus [1], Daedalus [2], Dag [4], Daphnis, Dardanos [4], Demetrius [19], Dennis [17], Dionysius [7], Don [5], Dylan [6], Ebisu, Edsel, Egil [1], Elvis [6], Endymion [1]

Eoghan [2], Epemetheus, Eric [31], Eros, Eustace [14], Evander, Fafnir [2], Faolan [5], Faunus [1], Faust [4], Fenris, Fergus [6], Fiachra [1], Fife [2], Finbar [11], Finlay [15], Finn [3], Firdos, Frey, Gaetano [11]

Galahad [1], Gavin [14], George [55], Geraint [3], Gobban, Griffin [13], Hari, Heber [1], Hector [7], Heimdall [2], Hercules [7], Hermes [4], Hildebrand [3], Hippolytus [6], Homer [6], Horatius, Horst [1], Hyacinth [5], Hywel [3], Icarus [2]

Ichabod [2], Ingemar [4], Ion [1], Janak [1], Jason [12], Jay [6], Jerome [20], Jovan [13], Jove, Jupiter [1], Kana, Kari, Kay [2], Ladon, Leander [11], Lech, Leif [1], Linus [2], Lleu [2], Lodur

Loki, Manfred [5], Marcus [4], Marino [5], Mars, Mentor, Mercury [3], Merlin [7], Minos, Modred [1], Mungo, Nebo, Neckarios [5], Neptune, Nereus [1], Nick [10], Njord, Odin, Odysseus [1], Oisin [2]

Olimpio [4], Orestes [3], Orion [1], Orpheus [2], Paris [1], Perseus, Pluto, Poseidon, Proteus, Raiden, Ram [3], Randi, Ravi [1], Reginn [1], Remus, Romulus [1], Saturnin [1], Shamir [1], Sherwood [2], Shiva

Tancred [2], Taran [1], Tasso, Terrell [12], Theseus, Thor [8], Till [3], Torquil [4], Tristan [10], Triton, Ulysses [2], Uther, Vali, Vidar, Wade [4], Wayland [7], Ymir, Zephyr [8]

Usage comparison for Mythology names
