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Boy Names associated with Noble
Noble baby names and what they mean, for noble, aristocratic, duke, earl, with 156 results. These boy names were at the top of their popularity a century ago (ADOPTION OF 15.85%) and are now much less widespread (ADOPTION 3.23%, 79.6% LESS), with names like Arthur becoming less in vogue. The most fashionable boy names here are Ace (#255), Alaric (#976), Easton (#66), Lennox (#371) and Nolan (#64), while Fobian (TOP 77%) and Nilan (27%) are conventional last names. Here is the list of Noble names for girls.
Abelard - Albert
Stems fr. Old German language. "Noble strength." Common as surnames. Compare Abelard (TOP 68%) and popular -rd surnames Auchard (TOP 96%), Alfard (87%). From Adalhard .. [Abelardo, .. 5 more]
.. Also an English surname meaning "noble" .. Ace and variants became more popular in 2018, gaining +34 rankings as birth names with Ace gaining the most. [Acie, Acey, Acee, .. 1 more]
Derived fr. French language. "Noble." Acelyn is a slightly favored kid's name. See also Ashlin.
Stems fr. Old German word. "Noble." Rather quirky as a baby name. See also Asael.
Root fr. Old German element. "Noble, precious." Compare surnames Adam (UPPER 2%), Adas (54%).
Origin fr. German language. "Noble oath." Adalfieri, Adelfieri and Edelfieri are not frequently adopted as boys' names. Italian name. [Edelfieri, Adelfieri]
Derivative of Old German language. "Noble, precious promise." Rather unusual as a boys' name. Italian and Spanish name. [Edelgiso, .. 1 more]
Derived fr. Old German element. "Noble strength." Less used today. Adelard was the variation last listed (1910-1919) in the Top 2000. [Adellard, Adalard, .. 2 more]
Origin fr. Old German language. "Noble, regal ruler." Acelric and Adalred are creative forms. [Adelrick, Adelrich, Adalrich, .. 2 more]
From Hebrew. "Noble." Unusual, with the favored -ar suffix, like Alamar, Allvar. See also Adam.
Stems fr. Teutonic word. "Noble." Addy (UPPER 8%), Ade (14%), Addie (21%) and Adi (42%) occur commonly as last names. Also a short form of Adam. [Ado, Adi, .. 2 more]
Source fr. Hebrew, Old German. "Noble." Adel, Adal and Edel are rarely found as first names. More familiar as a part of .. [Edel, .. 1 more]
Derived fr. Old German element. "Noble, famous." Rare, with the unconventional androgynous -mar suffix, like Alamar.
From Old English word. "The noble's island." Rare, with the -ey suffix, like Andrey, Amerey. See also Arney. Place name.
Based on Old German. "Noble, majestic wolf." Somewhat atypical as a children's name, Adolph occurs more frequently as a surname. [Dolphus, Adolpho, Adollf, Adolfo, Adolf, Addolf, .. 8 more]
.. such as Alan, Earl of Brittany .. Al, Alen, Allen and Allyn are prevalent as variant forms of Alan. [Alyn, Alon, Allyn, Allin, Alleyn, Alanson, Alann, Aland, Alair, Alain, .. 15 more]
Root fr. Old German. "Noble strength." Al is a commonly occurring (UPPER 36%) masculine name, while Alard, Adlar, Adlard and Aliard are uncommonly used. [Aliard, Al, .. 2 more]
Based on Old German. "Noble, regal ruler." Alaric has become progressively more popular with parents since 1880-1889. .. son of a duke who turned .. [Ulrick, Ulrich, Ullrich, Allerick, Alleric, Aleric, Alarico, .. 7 more]
Based on Old German language. "Noble courage." Unique. Albern is not listed in the US Demographics. See also Alvert.
From Old English element. "Noble, bright." A highly familiar boys' name (#452 IN RECENT RANKINGS), Albert is also found commonly as a last name. From an Old French name, Albert .. [Ulbricht, Elbert, Bertie, Bert, Aubert, Alvertos, Albrecht, Albie, Albertus, Al, .. 17 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Noble names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abelard - AlbertAbelard [6], Ace▲ [4], Acelin, Acel, Adal, Adalfieri [2], Adalgiso [2], Adalhard [4], Adalric [5], Adar, Addy [4], Adel [2], Adelmar, Adney, Adolph▼ [13], Alan▼ [25], Alard [4], Alaric▲ [14], Albern, Albert▼ [27]
Alger [9], Alison [6], Allard [5], Alston [5], Andrew▼ [49], Aneirin [2], Ansel [2], Anthony▼ [32], Arthur▼ [17], Ashley▼ [16], Ashraf, Athelstan, Athol [1], Auberon [4], Audey [1], Autry [1], Aylmer [6], Aylward, Barek, Barnett [8]
Barnum [1], Baron [4], Bohemond [2], Brian▼ [14], Bruce▼ [2], Campbell [1], Caradoc [1], Cecil▼ [4], Chamberlain [3], Clarence▼ [12], Conan [4], Cosmo [3], Courtney▼ [4], Dace [3], Darcy [4], De- [39], Delbert▼ [4], Delvin [9], Dempsey [1], Derby [2]
Dudley▼, Duke, Earl [10], Earland [1], Earlham, Earlston [1], Early▼ [4], Easton▲, Edel [4], Edgar▼ [12], Edsel▼, Edward▼ [27], Efigenio [5], Egerton [1], Elbert▼ [1], Ellard [2], Ellington, Ellsworth▼ [2], Ellwood [1], Elman
Elmer▼ [6], Elrad [5], Elwood▼ [2], Eoghan [2], Erland [2], Erling, Errol▼ [6], Esme [4], Ethelbert [2], Ethelred [1], Ethelwulf [3], Ethelwin [2], Eugene▼ [24], Fabian▲ [22], Fakhri, Fitzpatrick, Franklin▼ [6], Fremont, Gardner [8], Gaston [2]
Gene▼ [3], Gibbes [4], Gibson▲ [8], Gino [3], Godwin [10], Grady▲ [5], Granville▼ [4], Greville [1], Guaire, Hakon [9], Hamilton [4], Herbert▼ [10], Hobart▼ [5], Howard▼ [2], Hugh▼ [14], Jarl [1], Keefe [1], Keith▼, Kerem, King
Lafayette▼, Lennox▲ [1], Leopold [3], Lord, Majid [2], Marmaduke [2], Marquis▼ [15], Montgomery [4], Moore [1], Mortimer [3], Nabil [1], Najib [3], Noble, Nolan▲ [5], Osei, Paddy [4], Patrick▼ [25], Percy▼ [3], Plantagenet, Robert▼ [30]
Seward [2], Seymour▼ [4], Snowden [1], Talbet [4], Tempest [1], Thomas▼ [24], Uncas, Vane, Vere, Vernon▼ [9], Villiers, Wasim, Wellington, Windsor [2], Yevgeny [1], York [3]