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Boy Names associated with Occupational
Occupational baby names and what they mean, for occupational, maker, worker, peddler, with 206 results. These Occupational names are baby names that relate to an activity or a profession. These boy names reached the height of their popularity 4 years ago (ADOPTION OF 4.4%) and are almost as common today (ADOPTION 3.8%, ▼12%), but with names such as Travis becoming somewhat dated. The most trendy boy names in this list are Sawyer (#99), Colt (#236), Walker (#266), Beckett (#227) and Prince (#318), while Ballor (TOP 42%) and Corter (17%) are familiar surnames.
Abbott - Butler
.. surname may have worked for an .. Common as surnames. Compare Abbott (UPPER 1%), Abott (67%) with common -ott last names Arscott (UPPER 33%), Amiott (78%). [Abott, Abot, Abad, Ab, .. 7 more]
.. possibly originating as an occupational name. Alchor and Anachor are creative variations. [Anker, Ancher]
.. Occupational name: in the Middle Ages .. Bail (UPPER 14%), Bailey (1%), Baillie (11%), Baily (8%) and Bayley (10%) occur frequently as last names. [Bayly, Bayley, Baillee, Baileigh, Bail, .. 6 more]
An occupational name. Baird, Bard, etc. are seldom found as male names. [Bayrd, Barde, Bard, .. 3 more]
Occupational name used as surname, and .. Baker has surged in prominence as a birth name since 1880-1889. [Bake]
An occupational name. Banner and Bannerman are sparsely used as male names. [Bannerman]
Originally an occupational name; the French .. Outside Top 2000. [Barbour, .. 1 more]
Occupational name and transferred use of .. Bax (UPPER 11%), Baxley (3%) and Baxter (1%) occur often as surnames. [Baxley, .. 1 more]
Also a German occupational surname from .. In favor as a baby name (#690 IN LATEST RANKINGS), Baylor also occurs frequently as a last name. [Beiler, .. 3 more]
Occupational name. Athlete Bob Beamon. Beaman, Beamann, etc. are seldom used as boys' names. [Beemon, Beamon, Beeman, Beamann, .. 1 more]
Probably an occupational name. May also .. Usage of Beckett as a birth name in 2018 was up a lot compared to 2008. Gender-neutral name.
Also possibly an occupational name for .. Adoption of Bell was more pronounced 118 years ago. Cross-gender use.
Occupational name. Game show host Tom .. Berger and Bergeron are uncommon masculine names. [Bergeron]
.. in origin an occupational name for .. Adoption of Booker was at a high a century ago and is now less, with Booker becoming less trendy. See also Baker.
Occupational name. Brazier, like the similar Frazier, exists more often as a last name. [Brazer, Braiser, .. 3 more]
Possibly an occupational name to do .. A boys' name which is little-used, Breed is used more often as a last name. [Breedlove]
Occupational name used as surname and .. Brewster, like the similar Brocke, exists more often as a surname. [Bruce, .. 1 more]
Origin fr. Old English word. "Bridge worker." Bridge and Bridger are uncommonly used given names. [Bridge]
Occupational name. Nickname Butch is sometimes .. Butcher and forms were favored as birth names 7 decades ago. [Butch]
Occupational name. Originally the household servant .. Less popular today. Butler was the variation last listed (the 1920s) in the Top 2000. [Buttler]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Occupational names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abbott - ButlerAbbott [11], Anchor [2], Bailey▼ [11], Baird [6], Baker▲ [1], Banner [1], Barber [2], Baxter [2], Baylor▲ [4], Beaman [5], Beckett▲, Bell, Berger [1], Booker▼, Brazier [5], Breed [1], Brewster [2], Bridger▲ [1], Butcher [1], Butler [1]
Cable [2], Caird [4], Calvert [1], Canning [1], Cannon▲ [2], Capp [2], Carden [3], Carpenter [1], Carter▲ [2], Carver, Chalmers [2], Chamberlain [3], Chancellor [4], Chandler▼, Channing [6], Chantrey [1], Chaplin [3], Chapman [3], Chappel [6], Clark▲ [3]
Clay [1], Cloy [2], Coffin [1], Coleman, Collier [5], Colt▲ [3], Colter, Cook [2], Cooper▲ [1], Cope, Cordell▼ [7], Coster, Cotton [1], Cox [2], Cramer [3], Crane [4], Crispin [7], Crockett [5], Crook [3], Crowther [1]
Currier [2], Cutler, Dean [5], Dexter▲ [3], Dobbs, Draper, Duncan▼ [2], Durward▼ [1], Dyer, Earl▼ [10], Eligius [6], Ellair [1], Ewart [4], Factor, Farmer, Faron [5], Farren [5], Fisher▲ [4], Fisk [1], Fletcher▲ [2]
Foster▼, Fowler, Fuller, Fyfe [3], Gage▼ [2], Gardner [8], Garner [2], Garnet [1], Garth▼, Glover, Goldsmith [2], Hackett [3], Hall, Hallward [3], Hammer [2], Harper [1], Hayward, Heilyn, Hooker, Hooper
Howard▼ [2], Hunter [1], Inman [1], Ivo [10], Jagger▲, Joyner [1], Kepler [4], Keyes [2], Kidd [1], Kiefer▼ [8], Kordell [3], Ladell [1], Lander [6], Langward, Lanier, Latimer [3], Lawyer, Lech, Leroy▼ [6], Locke [2]
Lorimer [2], Marriner [3], Marshall [7], Mason▲, Mercer [1], Miller▲ [4], Miner, Mochan [7], Muller [1], Nagel [5], Naylor [2], Packard [2], Parker▲ [4], Parsons [3], Peale [3], Pell [1], Penn [1], Perry▼ [2], Piper, Porter▲
Potter, Prince▲ [5], Proctor [2], Pryor [1], Quiller, Rance [2], Reeve [4], Roe [2], Roper, Sadler [1], Sargent [4], Sawyer▲, Sayer [3], Schubert [1], Schultz, Scout, Scribner, Seaman, Sellers [1], Sexton
Shepherd▲ [6], Sherman▼ [5], Silverman [2], Skinner, Slater, Smith [5], Snyder [2], Spear [5], Spencer▼ [2], Squire [5], Steadman [2], Stewart▼ [2], Stoddard [1], Stuart▼ [2], Sumner, Swaine [3], Tanner▼ [7], Taverner [3], Taylor▼ [6], Thatcher▲ [3]
Tillman▼ [2], Todhunter, Travis▼ [4], Tucker▲ [2], Turner▲, Tyler▼ [4], Verrier, Vischer [1], Wagner [2], Waite [3], Wakeman [1], Walker▲, Waller, Wanamaker [1], Ward▼ [3], Wayne▼ [2], Weaver, Webb [3], Webster▼ [5], Wheeler
Wheelwright, Wilder▲ [2], Wright, Wyckoff [1], Wyler, Yves [7]