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Boy Names associated with Old


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Old baby names and what they mean, for old, ancient, with 1815 results. These names date from olden times and ancient sources. Adoption of these boy names reached its peak a century ago (ADOPTION OF 54.51%) and is somewhat less today (ADOPTION 26.42%, 51.5%), with names such as Darnell becoming less fashionable. The more fashionable names for newborns in this compilation are Ezra (#59), Grayson (#32), Jameson (#91), Lincoln (#40) and Oliver (#5), while Bickett (TOP 11%) and Bickham (6%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of Old names for girls.

Old names

Aage - Adolph | Afton - Aldrich | Aldwin - Alton | Alun - Archelaus | Archibald - Ascot | Asgard - Audley | .. - .. | Wyckoff - Zachary

Aage - Adolph

Stems fr. Old German language. "Ancestor." Rare, but Aage is comparable to popular surnames Bage (UPPER 43%), Lage (9%), which also end with -age. See also Ace. Danish.


Origin fr. Old English word. "Father, priest." Abad (TOP 4%), Abbe (13%), Abbey (4%), Abbott (1%) and Abe (7%) appear regularly as surnames. An abbot is the head of .. [Abott, Abbie, Abbey, Ab, .. 7 more]

Source fr. Old German word. "Noble strength." Adoption of Abelard, Ab, etc. as birth names in 2018 was 1.5% less than a year ago. From Adalhard .. [Abelardo, Ab, .. 4 more]

Derived fr. Old German language. "Noble." Acel was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Aksel.

Based on Old English element. "Oak meadow." Ackerley, Ackley, etc. are not Top 2000 names. Place name .. [Ackerly, Ackley, .. 6 more]

Source fr. Old English element. "Oak tree settlement." Aceton is a moderately common birth name. See also Anton. Place name ..


Derivative of Old German element. "Wealthy spear." Adaire and variants were popular as birth names 7 years ago. From "ead gar" .. [Adayre, .. 2 more]

Stems fr. Old German. "Noble, precious." Adan (UPPER 8%), Adar (78%) are common last names. Unisex name.

Origin fr. Old German word. "Noble, precious promise." Adalgiso, Adelgiso and Edelgiso are rare as children's names. Italian and Spanish name. [Edelgiso, .. 1 more]

Root fr. Old German word. "Noble strength." Sparing use. Adalhard and variants are not found in the US Demographics. [Adellard, Adalard, .. 2 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Old names: Abbott, Adair, Addison, Aditya, Adler

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Old names: Adnan, Adolph

Derived fr. Old German. "Noble, regal ruler." Aadric and Adaldi are creative variations. [Adelrick, Adelric, .. 3 more]

Root fr. Old English. "Son of Adam." Uncommon, with the androgynous-sounding -son suffix for Adamson, Adamsson, Addamson, like Adison. [Addamson, .. 1 more]


Derivative of Old English element. "Son of Adam." Usage of Addison, Adison, etc. as birth names in 2018 was 18.3% less than the year before. Surname used as a given name .. [Adisson, Addy, Addie, .. 3 more]

From Old German words. "God is eternal; noble." Uncommon, with the unconventional androgynous-sounding -del suffix for Adel, Edel, like Arondel. More familiar as a part of .. [Edel, Adal]

From Old German. "Noble, famous." Uncommon, with the androgynous -mar ending, like Alomar.


.. of Aditi, the ancient Hindu goddess .. Sparing use. Aditya is not listed in the US Demographics.


Derived fr. Old German language. "Eagle." A common boys' name (#1064 IN 2018), Adler is also found frequently as a surname. See also Adlard. More common as a surname, especially ..


.. the Arabian peninsula in ancient times .. Usage of Adnan as a boys' name in 2018 was 30.2% more than in 2017. See also Adnon.

Root fr. Old English language. "The noble's island." Uncommon, with the -ey suffix, like Alexey, Aynsley. See also Addem. Place name.


From Old German word. "Noble, majestic wolf." Adolphe and forms peaked in popularity 138 years ago and are now less popular, with Adolphus falling out of fashion. [Dolphus, Dolph, Dolf, Adulfus, Addolph, Ad, .. 8 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Old names [and variants] for boys.

1. Aage - Adolph
Aage, Abbott [11], Abelard [6], Acel, Ackerley [8], Acton, Adair [3], Adal, Adalgiso [2], Adalhard [4], Adalric [5], Adamson [2], Addison [6], Adel [2], Adelmar, Aditya, Adler, Adnan, Adney, Adolph [13]

Afton [1], Aidan [11], Aiken [4], Aimery [6], Aimon [5], Ainsley [7], Ainsworth [1], Alain [1], Alan [25], Alard [4], Alaric [14], Albern, Albert [27], Albion, Alcott [4], Alden [12], Aldo [4], Aldous [11], Aldred [5], Aldrich [22]

Aldwin [10], Alfonso [18], Alford [2], Alfred [21], Alger [9], Algernon [8], Algis, Alison [6], Allard [5], Allen [2], Almanzo, Almarine [2], Aloiki, Alonzo [12], Aloysius [14], Alphonse [23], Alston [5], Alter, Altman [6], Alton [5]

Alun, Alvar [5], Alvaro [1], Alvin [19], Alvis [4], Amalio [1], Amerigo [6], Amory [4], Andreas, Anicho, Anscom [3], Ansel [2], Anselm [8], Ansley [13], Anthony [32], Aodh [1], Aquila [9], Aram [1], Arcadio [9], Archelaus [3]

Archibald [13], Archie, Ardian, Ardley [3], Arduino, Aric [14], Arledge [3], Arley [4], Armand [13], Armin [4], Arne [3], Arnett [6], Arno [5], Arnold [21], Arrigo, Arthur [17], Arundel [4], Arvid, Arvin [9], Ascot [3]

Asgard, Ashby [5], Ashford [2], Ashley [16], Ashton [6], Aston, Aswin [3], Atherton, Athelstan, Atley [6], Atli, Atwater [1], Atwell, Atwood [1], Atworth, Auberon [4], Aubrey [15], Auden, Audey [1], Audley

Audric, Autha, Autry [1], Avenall [6], Averett [4], Averill [12], Avery [2], Aylmer [6], Aylward, Babson [2], Bailey [11], Baker [1], Baldemar [4], Balder [3], Baldric [4], Baldwin [10], Ballard, Bancroft [5], Banner [1], Barber [2]

Barclay [13], Barden [3], Bardolf [5], Barend, Barker [1], Barksdale, Barlow [2], Barnes, Barnett [8], Barnum [1], Baron [4], Barrett [8], Barry [9], Bartlet [2], Barton [3], Bascom, Bassett [1], Baxter [2], Bayless [1], Baylor [4]

Beacher [5], Beacon, Beal [4], Beaman [5], Beamer [1], Beasley [5], Beauchamp [1], Beaufort, Beaumont, Beck [1], Beckett, Beckham, Bede [1], Bedell [1], Bedford, Beebe, Beirne, Belden [5], Belindo [1], Bellamy [5]

Belmont [1], Beltran [2], Benjamin [29], Bentley [6], Benton, Beresford, Bergen [2], Berkeley [13], Bern [4], Bernal [4], Bernard [23], Berry, Bert [7], Berthold [10], Berton [4], Bertram [13], Bertrand [1], Berwyn [3], Beverly [4], Bevis [4]

Bickford, Bing, Birch [2], Birchall [3], Birley [2], Birney [4], Birtle [1], Bishop [1], Bjorn [4], Black, Blackburn [2], Blackstone, Blackwell, Blade, Blagden, Blake [2], Blakely [4], Blakeney [2], Blanford [1], Bligh [1]

Bliss, Bly, Blythe [2], Bob [4], Boden [6], Bogart [6], Bonar [2], Bond, Booker, Boone, Borden [1], Botolf [4], Bourne [7], Boyce, Brad [1], Bradburn, Braddock, Bradford [3], Bradley [9], Brady [6]

Brainard [2], Bramwell [6], Brand [7], Brandon [8], Branley [4], Brant [4], Branton [3], Brawley [7], Braxton [1], Bray [1], Breck, Breckinridge [1], Brendan [10], Brent [10], Brenton [5], Brickell [1], Bridgely [1], Bridger [1], Briggs, Brigham [3]

Brighton, Brinley [8], Bristol [1], Britton [2], Brock [3], Brockhoist, Brockley [4], Brockton [3], Broderick [11], Bromley [4], Bromwell [1], Brooks [4], Broughton, Bruno [3], Brunswick, Brutus [1], Buck [4], Buckley, Buckminister, Bud [4]

Buford [2], Burbank, Burchard [5], Burford [2], Burgess [3], Burke [5], Burl [2], Burleigh [4], Burnaby, Burnell [4], Burnet [3], Burney [3], Burr, Burroughs [1], Burton [3], Busby [4], Butcher [1], Butler [1], Buxton, Byford

Byram, Byrd [2], Byron [10], Cable [2], Cadby [3], Caddis [2], Cade [6], Caine, Cairn [5], Calder [1], Caldwell, Calogero [3], Calvert [1], Caradoc [1], Carden [3], Carl [3], Carlos [3], Carlton [4], Carlyle [4], Carmelo [6]

Carroll [6], Carson [5], Carswell [1], Carter [2], Carvell [3], Carver, Cary [2], Cassius [3], Caxton, Cecil [4], Cedric [11], Chad [5], Chadwick [1], Chalkley [2], Chalmers [2], Chandler, Channing [6], Chantrey [1], Chapman [3], Chappel [6]

Charles [27], Charlie [1], Charlton [4], Chase [4], Chaz [2], Chesley [5], Chesney [4], Chester [3], Chetwin [4], Chick [2], Chilton [2], Chip [1], Chuck [1], Churchill [1], Cian [4], Cincinnatus, Claiborne [7], Clancy [2], Claxton, Clay [1]

Clayborne [7], Clayland, Clayton [5], Cleavant [4], Cleveland [6], Cliff [3], Clifford [4], Clifton [6], Clinton [3], Clive [3], Clovis [4], Cloy [2], Coakley [4], Cobb [1], Cobden [1], Cobham [1], Cockrell [2], Colbert [4], Colburn [4], Colby [5]

Colden [3], Cole [2], Coleridge [3], Colgate [1], Coll [1], Colley [2], Collier [5], Colt [3], Colter, Colton [4], Colville [2], Comstock, Conrad [10], Cooper [1], Cordell [7], Corey [15], Corliss [2], Cornwallis, Cort [9], Corwin [4]

Coster, Courtland [4], Courtney [4], Covell, Covington, Cramer [3], Crandall [2], Crane [4], Cranford [1], Cranley [3], Cranston, Craven, Crawford [1], Creighton [2], Cresswell [3], Crispin [7], Crofton [3], Cromwell, Crook [3], Crosley [6]

Crowell, Crowther [1], Culver [2], Curley, Curtis [6], Cuthbert [1], Cutler, Cyd, Cydney, Dabney [3], Dagobert [2], Dagwood, Dainard [7], Dalbert [2], Dale [8], Dallin [3], Dalton [5], Damaskenos [2], Darby [3], Darin [10]

Darius [7], Darnell [3], Darrel [20], Darrow [1], Darryl [7], Dart, Dartagnan, Darton, Darwin [4], Davenport, Davis [8], Dawson [3], Day [1], Dayton [2], Dean [5], Dearborn [3], Dedrick [5], Deems, Delaney [8], Delano

Delbert [4], Delius [3], Dell, Delling, Delmar [3], Delton [1], Delvin [9], Dempster, Denham, Denley [2], Denman, Dennison [4], Denver, Derby [2], Derek [21], Derland [1], Derwin [8], Desmond [3], Deverell [4], Devereux [1]

Devine, Dexter [3], Diamond, Dick [4], Dickinson, Dieter, Dietrich [5], Digby, Dirk [4], Dixon [2], Doane [1], Dobbs, Dodge [3], Dolph [5], Draper, Drury [3], Dryden, Duarte [1], Dudley, Dunley [7]

Dunstan [3], Dunton, Durward [1], Durwin [3], Dustin [5], Dyer, Dyson, Earl [10], Earland [1], Earlham, Earlston [1], Early [4], Eastman, Easton, Eaton [3], Eberhard [11], Eberlein [2], Eckhard [5], Edbert, Edel [4]

Eden [7], Edgar [12], Edison [3], Edmar, Edmund [19], Edred, Edric [6], Edsel, Edward [27], Edwin [14], Egbert [2], Egerton [1], Egil [1], Eginhard [5], Egon, Egor [2], Eilif, Einar [3], Einion [3], Elbert [1]

Elbridge [1], Elden [5], Elder [1], Eldon [1], Eldred [2], Eldridge [5], Elford [1], Elger [3], Elgin [4], Ellard [2], Ellery [3], Ellington, Elliot [6], Ellis [3], Ellison [5], Ellsworth [2], Ellwood [1], Elman, Elmar, Elmer [6]

Elmore, Elois [2], Elrad [5], Elsdon, Elston [2], Elton [4], Elvin [7], Elwell [1], Elwin [5], Elwood [2], Emerson [1], Emery [12], Emil [18], Emiliano [2], Emlyn [1], Emmanuel [23], Emmet [5], Endicott [1], Engelbert [4], Enrique [3]

Enzo [1], Erhard [2], Eric [31], Erland [2], Erling, Ermenegildo [1], Ermin [4], Ernest [9], Erving [1], Erwin [1], Esbjorn [2], Escott [1], Eskel [3], Esme [4], Esmond [1], Essex, Eston, Ethelbert [2], Ethelred [1], Ethelwulf [3]

Ethelwin [2], Euan [5], Eugene [24], Eustace [14], Everard [12], Everest, Everett [13], Everild [5], Everley [2], Everton, Ewald [4], Ewing [2], Ezra [7], Fabian [22], Factor, Fafnir [2], Faine [2], Fairbanks, Fairchild, Fairfax

Fallows [1], Faramond [5], Farley [14], Farmer, Farnell [3], Farnham [3], Farnley [6], Farold, Faron [5], Farr, Farren [5], Faxon, Feivel [1], Felton [2], Fenn, Fenton [1], Fenwick, Ferdinand [16], Ferenc [1], Fernley [7]

Ferrand [4], Fielding [3], Fife [2], Filbert [6], Filmore [3], Finlay [15], Finn [3], Fisher [4], Fitz, Fitzgerald, Fitzhugh, Fitzpatrick, Fitzroy, Fleetwood, Fleming [3], Fletcher [2], Flint [1], Florent [9], Folker [3], Ford [3]

Forest [5], Fortune [5], Foster, Fowler, Fox [2], Frank [8], Franklin [6], Frederick [41], Freeborn, Freed [1], Freeman [7], Fremont, Frewin [1], Frick, Fridolf [4], Friedhelm [1], Frode, Frost, Fry [2], Fulbright [4]

Fulk [4], Fuller, Fulton, Gable, Gabriel [21], Gael [1], Gage [2], Gale [8], Galfrid [1], Galt, Galton [3], Gamaliel [2], Gamble [5], Gannet [1], Garfield [2], Garland [7], Garman [5], Garner [2], Garnet [1], Garnock

Garrard [3], Garret [22], Garrick [5], Garroway [1], Garry, Garson, Garth, Garton [1], Garvin [7], Gary [6], Gauthier [5], Gay, Gaylord [7], Gaz [1], Ged, Genesis [4], Gennaro [4], Gentian [3], Geoff [1], Geoffrey [28]

Geraint [3], Gerald [40], Gerard [31], Gerasim, Gerontius, Gerritt [2], Gervase [12], Gibbes [4], Gibson [8], Gifford [3], Gilbert [13], Gilby [4], Giles [11], Gillett [3], Gilman [1], Gilmer, Gilson [1], Glade [1], Gladstone, Gladwin [3]

Glanville, Glenavon [3], Glover, Goddard [9], Godfrey [14], Godric [3], Godwin [10], Golding [2], Goldsmith [2], Goldwin [5], Gomer, Goodman [3], Goodwin [3], Goodyear, Gordon [4], Gore [1], Gorham, Gorrell, Gorton [1], Gower

Graham [4], Grantland [3], Granville [4], Graves, Gray [2], Graydon [1], Grayson [3], Greeley [3], Greenwood, Gresham, Greville [1], Grey [1], Gridley [2], Grimshaw, Grimsley [4], Griswold [1], Grosvenor [1], Grover, Guildford [2], Guillaume [6]

Gunnar [14], Gunnbjorn, Gunnleif, Gus [2], Guy [1], Gwynedd, Habakkuk [2], Hackett [3], Hackman, Hadden [5], Hadley [5], Hadwin [5], Hagley [4], Haig, Hakon [9], Hal, Halbert [1], Halden [5], Hale [1], Halen [2]

Haley [7], Halford [1], Hall, Hallam [1], Hallberg [3], Halldor, Halle, Halley, Halliwell [4], Hallstein, Hallward [3], Halsey [3], Halstead [3], Halton [3], Halvard [7], Hamar, Hamilton [4], Hamill [3], Hamlet [5], Hamlin [4]

Hammer [2], Hammond, Hampden, Hampton [1], Hancock [1], Hanford, Hank, Hanley [11], Harbin [1], Harcourt, Harden [2], Harding [1], Hardwick [1], Hardwin [4], Hardy [1], Harford [3], Hargrove [2], Harlan [6], Harley [9], Harlow [4]

Harman [4], Harold [19], Harper [1], Harrington, Harrison [3], Harry [3], Hart [1], Hartford, Hartley [4], Hartman [1], Hartwell [2], Harvard, Harvey [8], Harwood [1], Haslett [5], Hastings [4], Havelock, Haven [4], Haward [1], Hawes [1]

Hawk [1], Hawkins [1], Hawley [2], Hawthorne [1], Hayes [1], Hayward, Haywood [2], Hazard [1], Hazleton, Hazlewood, Hedley [4], Heimdall [2], Heimrich, Heinrich [3], Heinz [3], Helge [3], Henderson [4], Hendrick [1], Henley [2], Henry [36]

Herbert [10], Hereward, Heribert, Herman [15], Hernando [2], Herndon, Herne [2], Hernley [4], Herrick [2], Hewett [5], Hewie, Hewson, Heywood, Hildefuns, Hildebrand [3], Hill, Hillard [3], Hilliard [5], Hilton [1], Hitchcock

Hjalmar [3], Hobart [5], Hockley [4], Hockney [1], Hobbes [2], Hobson [1], Hodgson [2], Holbrook [2], Holcomb [2], Holden, Holiday [1], Hollis [2], Holman, Holt, Hooker, Hooper, Horatius, Horsley [4], Horst [1], Horton [2]

Hosea [3], Houghton [1], Houston [4], Howe [1], Howland [2], Hoyt [1], Hubert [11], Hudson, Hugh [14], Hugo [1], Hulbert [4], Humbert [2], Humphrey [15], Hunt, Hunter [1], Huntington [2], Huntley [4], Hurlbert [3], Hutton [1], Huxford

Huxley [4], Hyatt [2], Ib, Imre [3], Indra, Inglebert [2], Ingram [6], Inman [1], Irwin [5], Isham, Isidore [14], Ivor [7], Jack [8], Jackson [10], Jagger, James [28], Jameson [3], Jarman [2], Jarrell [1], Jarrett [8]

Javan [3], Jeff, Jefferson [5], Jefford, Jeffrey [24], Jerrick [8], Joffrey [1], Johnson [2], Joss [2], Joyner [1], Kaden [20], Kaemon, Kalogeros [1], Kari, Karl [15], Karmel [8], Kay [2], Keane [4], Kedrick [2], Keenan [7]

Kelby [3], Kell, Kellen [9], Keller, Kelsey [2], Kelton [6], Kendall [9], Kendrick [11], Kenelm [2], Kenley [5], Kennard [3], Kent [3], Kenton [2], Kenward, Kenway, Keon [1], Kerwin [6], Kettil [4], Keyes [2], Khalid [1]

Kimberly [4], King, Kingman, Kingsley [9], Kingston, Kingswell, Kipp [2], Kirby [6], Kirk [5], Kirkland [1], Kirkley [4], Kirkwell, Kirkwood, Knightley [6], Knoll [3], Knox, Konrad [3], Kurt [1], Kynaston, Lacy [2]

Ladell [1], Lamar [4], Lamont [4], Lance [3], Lancaster [4], Lancelot [1], Landon [5], Lang [1], Langdon [2], Langford, Langhorne [1], Langley [4], Langston [3], Langward, Langworth, Lanier, Lanny [1], Lanzo [1], Larrimore [4], Lathrop

Lauriston, Lawford, Lawson, Lawton [2], Lee [2], Leggett [3], Leighton [2], Leland [4], Leonard [22], Leonardo, Leopold [3], Lester [2], Leviticus, Lewis [4], Liam [1], Lincoln [2], Lindberg [3], Lindell [8], Lindhurst [3], Lindley [4]

Lindsay [12], Lindford [2], Linley [4], Linn [4], Linton [3], Lisle [4], Litton [4], Livingston [3], Lleu [2], Llewellyn [6], Locke [2], Lockhart, Lockwood, Loki, Long [1], Longfellow, Lonnie [6], Lonzo [2], Lord, Loring [1]

Lothar [4], Loukas [2], Louis [16], Lowell [5], Lowman, Ludlow [1], Luis [1], Luther [6], Lyall [1], Lyle [4], Lyndon [9], Lynford [2], Lynley, Lytton, Mabry [5], Mac [4], Macy [1], Magus, Maitland [1], Malachi [9]

Malden [1], Malin [3], Mallory [3], Manchester, Manfred [5], Manley [3], Manning [1], Mansel [1], Mansfield, Manton [2], Manville [4], March [2], Marden [3], Markham, Marland [4], Marley [3], Marlon [6], Marlow [2], Marmion [3], Marquis [15]

Marr [1], Marsden [2], Marsh, Marshall [7], Marston [1], Marvell [1], Marwood, Maslin [6], Mather [2], Maxfield, Maxwell [1], Mayfield, Mayhew, Maynard [6], Mead [2], Medford [1], Medwin [3], Meinrad, Melbourne [8], Meldon [1]

Meldrick [2], Melville, Melvin [10], Mercury [3], Merritt [3], Mersey, Merton [2], Mervin [8], Methuselah [1], Middleton, Miguel [1], Milbank [1], Milan, Milburn [7], Miles [4], Milford [1], Millard [3], Miller [4], Mills, Milton [6]

Minster, Mitford, Modred [1], Monckton [1], Montgomery [4], Moore [1], Moreland [2], Morell [1], Morgan [3], Morland, Morley [6], Morse [1], Mortimer [3], Morton [1], Mungo, Murray [4], Naldo, Napoleon [4], Nash, Naylor [2]

Ned, Nereus [1], Nesbit [5], Neville [5], Newcomb [1], Newell [3], Newland, Newlin, Newman [4], Newport, Newton, Nickleby, Nixon, Norbert [4], Norman [5], Norris, Northcliff [3], Northrop [1], Norton, Norville [6]

Norvin [5], Norward [1], Norwell, Norwood, Oakes [3], Oakley [5], Obadiah [8], Oberon [3], Obert, Odell [3], Odilo [6], Odin, Odo, Odolf [2], Ogden [2], Oisin [2], Olaf [9], Olimpio [4], Oliver [11], Onslow [2]

Orazio [1], Orford, Orlando [9], Orman [1], Ormond [2], Orrick [1], Orson [8], Orton, Orval, Orville [5], Orvin [2], Osborn [6], Oscar [4], Osgood, Osier, Osmar, Osred, Osric [1], Oswald [9], Oswin [4]

Othman, Otis [4], Ottfried [1], Otto [10], Owen [6], Oxford [1], Paley, Palmer [3], Parker [4], Parnell [2], Parr, Parrish [3], Parry [2], Parsons [3], Parton, Patterson [2], Patton [5], Paxton [4], Peabody, Peale [3]

Peel [1], Pelham [1], Pendleton, Penley [6], Penn [1], Percival [10], Percy [3], Peregrine [3], Perry [2], Peverell [3], Peyton [2], Phelps, Phineas [8], Phipps [3], Pickford, Piper, Pitney [1], Pitt, Plantagenet, Platt

Pollock [2], Pomeroy [2], Portland, Powell [1], Pratt, Prescott [3], Presley [7], Preston, Prewitt [4], Price [3], Proteus, Proverb, Quennell [1], Quiller, Quimby [1], Quincy [3], Quinn [2], Quinton [8], Rad, Radbert

Radburn [5], Radcliff [4], Radek, Radford [3], Radley [4], Radnor, Rafe [1], Ragnar [7], Rainart [7], Rainer [6], Raleigh [4], Ralph [7], Ralston, Ramiro [1], Ramon [3], Ramsay [3], Ramsden, Ramses [3], Rance [2], Rand

Randall [13], Randi, Randolph [7], Ranger [2], Rankin [2], Ransford, Ransley [2], Ransom [1], Raoul [3], Rawlins [2], Ray [11], Rayburn [7], Raymond [19], Raynor [16], Read [4], Reading [3], Redford [3], Redley [4], Redman, Redmond [3]

Reed [4], Reginn [1], Reid [4], Remington, Renfred, Renshaw [1], Renton, Renwick, Rexford, Rexton, Reynard [9], Richard [33], Richmond, Ricky [3], Rickward [2], Rider [2], Ridge [1], Ridgeway, Ridgeley [4], Ridley [4]

Rigoberto [1], Riley [2], Ring [1], Ripley [2], Risley [5], Riston [1], Rives, Roald, Roark [4], Robert [30], Robinson [4], Rochester [3], Rockley [3], Rocklin, Rockwell, Rodeo, Roderick [34], Rodman [1], Rodney [2], Rodolfo [3]

Roger [15], Roland [16], Rolf [5], Roman [7], Romney, Ronald [12], Ronson, Roper, Roscoe [3], Roth [1], Rothwell, Rousseau [2], Rourke [2], Rowell, Rowley [4], Roxbert, Roxbury [1], Roy [4], Royce [1], Royden [2]

Royston, Rudd, Rudolph [18], Rudyard, Ruford [1], Rugby, Rune, Rumford, Rupert [1], Rurik, Rush, Rushford, Rushkin, Russell [3], Ruston [4], Rutherford [1], Rutland, Rutledge [1], Rutley, Rycroft [1]

Ryland [2], Ryley [1], Sable, Sackville, Sadler [1], Safford, Sainsbury [1], Salem, Salton, Samson [6], Sanborn [6], Sandberg [3], Sanditon, Sandhurst [1], Sanford [2], Sargent [4], Saturnin [1], Saxe [2], Scipio, Scott [4]

Scout, Scribner, Seabert [3], Seabrook [1], Seabury, Seaman, Searle, Seaton [2], Sedgley [2], Sedgwick [3], Seeley [3], Sefton, Seger [3], Sela [1], Selby [4], Seldon [3], Selig [3], Sellers [1], Selwyn [4], Senior

Seton, Severn [1], Seward [2], Sewell [2], Shadrach [3], Shan [2], Shandy [1], Shanley [1], Shannon [5], Shaw, Sheffield, Sheldon [2], Shelley [1], Shelton, Shepherd [6], Shepley [4], Sherborn [4], Sherill [1], Sherlock [2], Sherman [5]

Sherwood [2], Shipton, Sidney [3], Siegfried [6], Sigbjorn [1], Sigmund [13], Sigwald [1], Sigurd, Sill [1], Silvanus [7], Silverman [2], Silverton [1], Simeon [3], Simmons [6], Simpson, Skeet, Skerry, Skinner, Slade [3], Slater

Smedley [2], Smith [5], Snowden [1], Snyder [2], Somers [2], Somerset [2], Somerton [3], Soren, Sorrell [2], Sothern [1], Southwell, Spalding [1], Spear [5], Speed, Stafford [2], Stanbury [6], Stancliff [4], Standish, Stanfield [1], Stanford [2]

Stanley [4], Stanmore [1], Stanton [2], Stanway [3], Stanwick [2], Stanwood, Steadman [2], Steed, Steele [1], Steinar [3], Stepney [1], Sterling [2], Stetson [2], Stewart [2], Stian [3], Stiles, Stockard [2], Stockley, Stockton, Stockwell

Stoddard [1], Storm [1], Stratford [1], Strickland, Strong, Stuart [2], Sturm, Styles [1], Suffield, Suffolk, Sully [2], Sumner, Sutcliff [1], Sutton, Sven [7], Swaine [3], Swanton, Swinburne [5], Swinford [1], Swinton

Swithin [2], Sydney, Tab [3], Taft, Tait [2], Tallis [2], Tamir, Tamson [1], Tancred [2], Tandie [2], Tanner [7], Tanton, Tarleton, Taverner [3], Taylor [6], Ted [6], Tedmund [2], Telford [5], Templeton [3], Tennant [2]

Terach [1], Terence [15], Terrell [12], Terry [3], Thane [2], Thatcher [3], Thaw, Thayer, Theobald [16], Theodoric [12], Thierry, Thor [8], Thorald [5], Thorbert [1], Thorburn [2], Thorley, Thormond [3], Thorndike, Thorne [1], Thornley [3]

Thornton, Thornycroft [1], Thorpe [1], Thurlow [1], Thurman [1], Thurston [8], Tilden [2], Tilford, Till [3], Tillman [2], Tilton, Tobias [14], Todhunter, Tomlin [2], Tompkins [1], Tor [1], Torger, Torquil [4], Torr [2], Torry [4]

Tower [1], Townsend [5], Travis [4], Trenton [2], Trevin [6], Tristan [10], Trowbridge, Troy [2], True, Truesdale, Truman [3], Trumble [4], Tucker [2], Tupper, Twyford, Tyler [4], Tyr, Tyrell [6], Tyrus, Tyson [7]

Uberto, Udell [7], Udolf [2], Ugo, Ulf, Ull, Ulmer [2], Ulric [6], Umberto, Unwin [2], Updike [1], Upshaw, Upton, Upwood, Uther, Vachel [1], Vail [5], Valdemar [1], Vali, Vance

Vane, Vardon [3], Varick [3], Vernon [9], Verrill [5], Vidar, Viggo [1], Vinson, Vinton, Virgil [4], Virginius [1], Volney, Von [3], Wade [4], Wadham, Wadley [2], Wadsworth [1], Wainwright [5], Wakefield, Wakeley [3]

Wakeman [1], Walcott [3], Waldemar [1], Walden [3], Waldo [2], Waldron, Waldwick [1], Walford, Walfred [1], Walker, Wallace [8], Waller, Walsh, Walter [13], Waltham, Walton, Walworth, Walwyn [5], Warburton, Ward [3]

Wardell, Wardley [2], Ware, Warner [2], Warren [4], Warton [1], Warwick [2], Washburn [3], Washington, Waterford, Watkins, Watson, Waverley [2], Wayland [7], Wayne [2], Weaver, Webb [3], Webley, Webster [5], Wedgwood [1]

Welborne [6], Welby [4], Weldon [2], Welford [1], Wellington, Wells, Welton, Wendell [3], Wentworth, Werner [4], Wesley [5], Westbrook [5], Westby [2], Westcott [3], Westerly [1], Weston [2], Wetherby [5], Wetherell [4], Wetherly [4], Wharton [1]

Wheatley [3], Wheaton, Wheelwright, Whistler, Whitbeck, Whitby [2], Whitcomb [2], White [1], Whitehead, Whitelaw [1], Whitfield, Whitford, Whitley, Whitlock, Whitman, Whitmore [4], Whitney, Whittaker [2], Wickham, Wickley

Wilbert [5], Wilbur [2], Wiley [2], Wilford, Wilfred [10], Wilkes [3], Wilkinson [3], Willard [1], Willet [2], William [34], Willis [7], Willoughby [3], Wilmer [5], Wilson [1], Wilton, Windsor [2], Winfield [3], Wingate, Winslow, Winsted [1]

Winston [6], Winter [1], Winthrop, Winton [1], Winwood, Wolcott, Wolfe [6], Wolfert, Wolfgang [3], Woodson, Woodstock, Woodward [1], Woolworth, Worth [4], Wortham, Wray, Wright, Wyatt [3], Wyck [2], Wycliff [1]

Wyckoff [1], Wycombe [1], Wyler, Wylie [2], Wyman, Wyndham [3], Wynn [5], Wystan [1], Yale [1], Yardley [6], Ymir, Yorick, York [3], Yule [2], Zachary [13]

Usage comparison for Old names
