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Boy Names associated with Peace


Names may be associated with a word, eg. Raven is associated with "dark" but does not mean "dark".

Peace baby names and what they mean, for peace, calm, tranquil, with 62 results. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity 2 years ago (ADOPTION OF 2.5%) and have remained as popular to this day (ADOPTION 2.5%, 3%), but with names like Edgar becoming less stylish. The most trendy baby names in this compilation are Axel (#94), Calum (#1014), Oliver (#5), Paxton (#221) and Shiloh (#709), while Olivar (TOP 16%) and Shilow (94%) are familiar last names. Here is the list of Peace names for girls.

Peace names

Absalom - Geoffrey | Gjorn - Pacifico | Paxton - Walfred | Waunakee - Wilfred

Absalom - Geoffrey

Source fr. Hebrew. "Father is peace." Popular as last names. Compare Abshalom, var. with common -om last names Anstrom (TOP 99%), Astrom (90%). From Avshalom .. [Avsholom, Absolom, .. 5 more]

Derived fr. Hebrew word. "Father is peace." Avshalom is uncommon as a first name. See also Avsholom. Source form of Absalom and Axel.


Derivative of Hebrew element. "Father is peace." Axel is more familiar than the rest, although Aksel appears to be gaining popularity too. Scandinavian variant of Absalom .. [Axl, Axell, .. 5 more]

Derivative of Japanese language. "Enjoy peace." Benbir and Benjiri are creative forms. See also Kenjiro.


.. of gentleness, purity, peace, and the .. Callum and Calum are chic versions. [Colum, Colm, Callum]

.. for the Indian peace pipe, a .. Not regularly used as a baby name. [Callumet]


Derivative of Slavic language. "Famous destroyer (of peace)." Casimir, Kazimierz, etc. are barely found as given names. .. king, who brought peace to the .. [Kazimir, Kasimiro, Casmire, Casimeer, .. 5 more]

Based on Middle English element. "Peace." Also a girls' name. Concord is unconventional as a men's name, occurring often (UPPER 94%) as a surname. A Puritan virtue name and also ..


.. Germanic name Godfrey meaning "God peace" .. Cor, Coree, Coreonte, Corley and Corrick are more uncommon as variations of Corey. [Kory, Kori, Korey, Currie, Cory, Correy, Coreonte, .. 8 more]

.. General and Nobel Peace Prize winner .. Not in popularity charts. [Dagny, Dagget, Daeg, .. 1 more]

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Peace names: Axel, Calum, Casimir, Corey, Edgar

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Peace names: Federico, Ferdinand, Frederick, Galen, Geoffrey


.. saint, Edgar the Peaceful (10th century) .. Popular, with usage of 0.076% for Edgar and variants as birth names in 2018, though lower than 0.076% the year before. [Teddie, Ned, Edgard, .. 9 more]


Source fr. Spanish, Italian languages. "Peaceful ruler." Federico is a commonplace (TOP 56%) masculine name, whereas Frederico is infrequently used. Variant of Frederick. [Frederico]


.. journey (or frid peace) and nand .. Fairly unique as a birth name, existing more frequently as a surname. [Nandy, Fernande, Fernand, Ferdynand, Ferdinando, Ferdi, .. 11 more]


Derivative of Old French, Old German elements. "Peaceful ruler." Fritz (TOP 1%), Rich (1%), Frederick (1%), Fredrick (3%) and Rick (4%) occur regularly as surnames. .. or frid meaning "peace", and rî .. [Rikki, Rikke, Rike, Rich, Fredro, Fritzl, Fritzi, Fritzchen, Friedel, Fredrick, .. 31 more]

Based on Old English, German languages. "Peace." Compare last names Fread (UPPER 31%), Frees (15%). [Fried]

From Old English language. "Peaceful wolf." Outside Top 2000. [Fridulf, Freydolf, .. 2 more]

Based on Old German. "Peace helmet." Outside Top 2000. [Friedelm]


Stems fr. Greek element. "Calm." Galen is a frequently occurring (TOP 58%) masculine name. From Galênus, which derives from .. [Jaylon, Gaylen, Gaelan, .. 12 more]

Root fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "Rough peace." Garvey, Garrvey, etc. were not Top birth names in 2018. [Garvy, Garvie, Garve, .. 2 more]


Stems fr. Old German. "Peace." Geoffrey, Joffroy, etc. became less popular in 2018, falling on average -7 positions as birth names with Jeffery falling the most. .. with the ending frith meaning "peace" .. [Joffroy, Joffrey, Jephers, Jefry, Geoffry, Geoffroi, Geoffery, Geffrey, .. 20 more]

Quick Reference

Summary Index of Peace names [and variants] for boys.

1. Absalom - Geoffrey
Absalom [Absolon, Absolom, Avsholom, Avshalom, ..], Avshalom, Axel [Axl, Axil, Axill, Axell, ..], Benjiro, Calum [Colm, Colum, Callum], Calumet [Callumet], Casimir [Kazimir, Kasimir, Kasimiro, Kazimierz, ..], Concord, Corey [Kory, Kori, Korey, Curry, ..], Dag [Daeg, Dagny, Dagget, Daggett], Edgar [Ted, Ogier, Neddy, Teddie, ..], Federico [Frederico], Ferdinand [Nandy, Nando, Hernan, Hernando, ..], Frederick [Rik, Rike, Rikki, Rikke, ..], Freed [Fried], Fridolf [Fridulf, Friedolf, Freydulf, Freydolf], Friedhelm [Friedelm], Galen [Jalon, Jalin, Jaylon, Jaylen, ..], Garvey [Garvy, Garve, Garvie, Garrvie], Geoffrey [Jephry, Joffroy, Joffrey, Jephrey, ..]

Gjorn [Gjurd], Godfrey [Jul, Gyrd, Gottfrid, Gottfried, ..], Heddwyn [Hedwin, Hedwyn, Hedwynn], Humphrey [Wmffre, Onfroi, Onofrio, Onofredo, ..], Ingemar [Ing, Ingmar, Ingemur, Ingamar], Ingram [Ingrim, Ingrams, Yngraham, ..], Irenio [Ireneus, Irenaeus], Jalen [Jaylen, Jaylon, Jaylan, Jaylonn, ..], Jeffrey [Jefry, Joffre, Joffrey, Jeoffroi, ..], Jonah [Jonas, Jonasco], Kasimir [Kaz, Kazmer, Kazimir, Kazimierz], Kynaston, Manfred [Manfrid, Mannfryd, Mannfred, Manfried], Miroslav [Mirko, Mirek, Miroslaw, Miroslawy], Noah [Noe, Noak, Noach, Norrie], Oliver [Ollie, Olley, Ollivor, Olliver, ..], Onofrio [Onofre, Onophrio, Onofrius], Ottfried [Ottfrid], Paciano, Pacifico [Pacificus]

Paxton [Paxon, Paxtun, Paxten, Packston], Pazel [Paz], Placido [Placyd, Plasedo, Placydo, Placijo, ..], Rei [Reizo], Renfred, Renfrew, Ricky [Ricki, Ricci, Rickey], Rinji, Salem, Salim [Selim, Salem, Saleem], Sereno [Cereno], Shaan, Shalom [Sholom, Solomon], Sheehan, Shiloh [Shilo, Shylo, Shyloh], Shlomo [Shlomi, Shelomo, Shelomi], Siegfried [Sigfryd, Sigvard, Sygfried, Sigfried, ..], Solomon [Sol, Sollie, Soloman, Solaman, ..], Sulayman [Suleyman, Suleiman, Sulaiman], Walfred [Walfried]

Waunakee, Wilfred [Willfryd, Willfrid, Willfried, Willfredo, ..]

Usage comparison for Peace names
