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Boy Names associated with Short
Short baby names and what they mean, for short, nickname, pet, diminutive, with 372 results. These boy names reached the peak of their popularity 138 years ago (USAGE OF 27.8%) and have become much less conventional since (USAGE 8.6%, DOWN 69%), with names such as Roy becoming less trendy. The more fashionable boy names among these are Ace (#255), Beau (#151), Elliot (#162), Enzo (#228) and Finn (#166), while Devis (TOP 44%) and Millan (2%) are conventional surnames. Here is the list of Short names for girls.
Aad - Amerigo
Danish nickname of Adriaan, from Adrian. Not Top 2000 name.
Short form of Abbott, Abelard and .. Popular as last names, and Abbey (UPPER 4%) is similar to popular -ey surnames Abney (UPPER 2%), Abey (53%). [Abby, .. 1 more]
.. as a teasing nickname for a .. Uncommon, with usage of 0.004% for Abbott and variants as boys' names in 2018, higher than 0.004% a year ago. [Abott, Abe, Abbe, Abad, .. 7 more]
Short form of Abner, Abraham, and .. Abe is recognizable (UPPER 70%) as a male name, whereas Abey and Abie are scantly used. [Abie, .. 1 more]
.. taken to be a contracted version. Used widely as children's names, Avram, Abram, etc. are similar to the common Avraham. [Bram, Avrom, Abriel, Abran, Abe, .. 5 more]
A nickname given to one who .. Acee and variants are barely found as male names. [Acie, Acer, .. 2 more]
.. (and occasional modern) pet form of .. Popular as children's names, Adison, Addison, etc. are comparable to the common Edison. [Adisson, Addy, .. 4 more]
Also a short form of Adam. Somewhat common as baby names, Addy, Addie, etc. are similar to the conventional Eddie. [Ado, Adi, .. 2 more]
Aramaic contracted form of the Hebrew .. Ad, Addy, etc. are seldom found as given names. [Atli, Addy, .. 4 more]
.. name Aedan, a pet form of .. Usage of Aidan as a birth name has decreased since 2003. [Eiden, Aydan, Aidyn, .. 8 more]
Russian short form of Joachim. Alim is a somewhat common kid's name. See also Atim.
A short form of names beginning .. A slightly untypical baby name, Al occurs more commonly as a last name. Gender-neutral name.
Short form of Alexander. Adoption of Alec and forms soared 23 years ago and is now reduced, with Alec becoming somewhat outmoded. [Alick]
Short form of Alexander. Often used .. Well-used, with usage of 0.174% for Alex and variants as birth names in 2018, but lower than 0.178% a year ago. [Elex, Alick, Aleks, Aleko, Alek, Alecko, Alec, .. 4 more]
.. used as a short form of .. Adoption of Alexis, Alexus, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 14% compared to a year ago. [Alexy, Alexio, Alexi, Aleksi, Alejo, .. 9 more]
.. Alfie is a pet form; Alfredo .. Adoption of Alfred, Alfeo, etc. as birth names in 2018 was up 4.1% compared to a decade ago. [Fredo, Freddie, Avery, Alfy, Alfredas, Alfie, Ailfrid, Ailfred, .. 13 more]
.. also possibly a short form of .. Somewhat common as birth names, Elgar, Alger, etc. are similar to the familiar Edgar. [Ellger, Ellgar, Elgar, Allger, .. 5 more]
.. this was a nickname for William .. Usage of Al as a children's name has declined since 1900-1909. [Allgernon, Aljernon, Algie, .. 5 more]
.. Aly is the pet form. TV .. Alistair has gained in prominence since 1880-1889. [Aly, Alister, Alastor, .. 5 more]
.. rule, took its nickname of "America" .. Americo and forms rose in popularity during 1910-1919. [Amerikus, Americus, Americo, America, .. 2 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Short names [and variants] for boys.
1. Aad - AmerigoAad, Abbey [2], Abbott [11], Abe▼ [2], Abram▲ [10], Ace▲ [4], Addison▼ [6], Addy [4], Adlai [6], Aidan▼ [11], Akim, Al▼, Alec▼ [1], Alex▼ [11], Alexis▼ [14], Alfred▼ [21], Alger [9], Algernon [8], Alistair▲ [8], Amerigo [6]
Andino, Aneirin [2], Angus [6], Archie▼, Ari▲ [6], Aris [1], Arman [2], Art, Aspen, Auden, Augustine▲ [11], Austin▼ [5], Baldie, Barney▼ [2], Barry▼ [9], Bart▼ [2], Bartlet [2], Barton [3], Bassett [1], Bastian [1]
Bay, Beau▲ [6], Bell, Ben▼ [6], Bern [4], Bert▼ [7], Biff, Bill▼ [3], Bing, Bingo, Blake [2], Bo▲ [1], Bob▼ [4], Boris [4], Brad▼ [1], Bram [3], Brand [7], Braxton▲ [1], Brevard, Brick [3]
Bubba, Buck▼ [4], Bud▼ [4], Burt▼ [2], Buster▼, Butcher [1], Buzz [3], Cade [6], Caius [7], Cal, Calvin [4], Cameron [9], Casey▼ [6], Cash▲ [1], Cathan, Cedro, Chad▼ [5], Champ, Chan, Chano
Charlie▼ [1], Charro, Chase [4], Chauncey▼ [6], Chayo, Chaz▼ [2], Che, Chevy [3], Chick [2], Chico, Chip [1], Chris▼ [3], Christie [1], Chuck▼ [1], Cisco, Clare▼ [4], Clarrie, Claus [3], Clay [1], Cletus▼ [9]
Cliff▼ [3], Coby▼ [6], Cole [2], Colin▼ [6], Coll [1], Colum [7], Conn, Corbin▲ [12], Corey▼ [15], Courtney▼ [4], Curt▼ [1], Curtis▼ [6], Cyd, Cydney, Dai, Dan▼ [1], Dante▲ [7], Davis▲ [8], Del, Dell▼
Derry [1], Des, Dev, Dick▼ [4], Dino▼, Dion▼ [9], Dolph [5], Don▼ [5], Donato [4], Drew▼ [2], Duke▲, Durand [5], Dwight▼, Dyson, Earl▼ [10], Eben [2], Ed▼ [1], Eddie▼ [1], Edsel▼, Edward▼ [27]
Egan [4], Egon, Eike, Eli▲ [5], Elisha [9], Elliot▲ [6], Elman, Elmo▼ [1], Emmet [5], Enzo▲ [1], Eric▼ [31], Eunan, Evan [15], Fairfax, Faolan [5], Fenn, Fester [1], Fico, Finbar [11], Finn▲ [3]
Finnian [11], Flann [3], Flannan, Fonso [4], Fox▲ [2], Francis▼ [43], Frank▼ [8], Fred▼ [2], Fritz▼ [1], Frost, Gable, Gael▲ [1], Gareth [7], Garson, Garth▼, Gary▼ [6], Gay, Gaylord▼ [7], Gaz [1], Ged
Gene▼ [3], Geoff [1], Gerry▼, Gill [2], Gino [3], Gus▼ [2], Hal▼, Halle, Hampus, Hank▲, Hansel [1], Hardy▼ [1], Harry▼ [3], Hawkin, Heinz [3], Hewett [5], Hewie, Hill, Hopkin [5], Hoyt [1]
Hunt, Hussein [4], Ike▼, Ilya [2], Jace▲ [6], Jake▼, Jamie▼ [5], Jamin, Jay▼ [6], Jeb, Jed▼ [2], Jediah [2], Jeff▼, Jem, Jerry▼ [5], Jesus [1], Jim▼ [6], Joachim [10], Jody▼ [3], Joe▼ [3]
Jon▼ [10], Jordan▼ [28], Jordi, Jory [2], Joshua▼ [9], Joss [2], Jude▲ [6], July [3], Ken▼ [4], Kenny▼ [2], Kester, Kim▼, Kit [1], Klaus [2], Kris▼, Lance▼ [3], Lanny▼ [1], Lapo, Larry▼, Lenny [4]
Lexer [4], Link, Lionel▲ [16], Lonnie▼ [6], Lonzo▼ [2], Lucky, Mac▲ [4], Mace [3], Madison▼ [5], Mallory [3], Mano [2], Manuel▼ [6], Marcellus [1], Martin▼ [17], Max▲ [4], Mayo, Meir [4], Mel, Mercury [3], Mike▼ [2]
Milan▲, Misha [1], Monte▼ [9], Monty▼, Morse [1], Mungo, Naldo, Nardo, Nat▼, Ned▼, Nick▼ [10], Nico▲ [3], Paco [1], Pancho, Paquito [1], Parkins [2], Pepper, Perry▼ [2], Plato [1], Prince▲ [5]
Quentin [8], Quin, Rafe [1], Rai, Rand, Randy▼ [3], Rasmus, Rastus, Ray▼ [11], Read [4], Ren [2], Reno, Renzo, Rick▼ [15], Ricky▼ [3], Rico, Rio [1], Rito, Rob▼ [3], Rocco▲ [7]
Rocky [7], Rod▼, Rory▲ [5], Rowdy, Roy▼ [4], Rudy [3], Rusty▼ [1], Sacha [2], Sam▼ [4], Sandy▼ [5], Shad▼ [3], Shaquille▼ [6], Shura [2], Silas▲ [7], Silver [1], Skip [2], Skye [2], Slim, Somers [2], Sonny▲ [2]
Spark [1], Spider [1], Springer, Spud, Stacy▼ [2], Steve▼ [1], Stoney [3], Sunny [2], Tab [3], Tad [2], Tandie [2], Tavin, Tavio, Ted▼ [6], Teo [1], Terrell▼ [12], Terry▼ [3], Thomas▼ [24], Tino [3], Toby▼ [8]
Todd▼ [1], Tom▼ [3], Tommy▼, Tony▼ [3], Torio [1], Tory▼, Trent▼ [3], Trevin▼ [6], Turbo, Ty▼ [1], Tyrell▼ [6], Tyson [7], Udo, Val, Van [3], Vander, Vanya, Vernon▼ [9], Vester [1], Waldo▼ [2]
Wally, Watt [1], Wilkes [3], William▼ [34], Willie▼ [3], Willis▼ [7], Wole, Woody, Xander▲ [2], Zander▲ [4], Zarek, Zeke▲