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Boy Names associated with Surname
Surname baby names and what they mean, for surname, clan, with 457 results. These Last names are used as first names because of their exotic nature, not just because they belong to the family tree. Adoption of these boy names reached its most widespread in the 1950s (USAGE OF 16.2%) and is almost as widespread today (USAGE 13.2%, ▼18.4%), but with names such as Foster becoming less stylish. The most trendy boy names among these are Elias (#67), Everett (#95), Grayson (#32), Lincoln (#40) and Lucas (#8), while Every (TOP 13%) and Bennette (13%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of Surname names for girls.
Abbott - Ascanius
.. name (as a surname) may have .. Abbott (TOP 1%), Abott (67%), comparable to Arnott (TOP 8%), Argott (84%), are popular -ott suffix surnames. [Abott, Abot, Abby, Abe, .. 7 more]
.. Also an English surname meaning "noble" .. Usage of Acer and forms is more pronounced presently. [Acie, Acey, Acer, Acee]
Surname used as a given name. Ackley and variants are barely found as first names. [Ackerly, Ackerlea, .. 6 more]
Surname used as a given name .. Acton is rarely adopted as a birth name. See also Anton.
Also a Scottish surname. Less popular today. Adair was the variant last appearing (2011) in the Top 2000. [Adayre, Adare, .. 1 more]
Surname used as a given name .. Uncommon, with usage of 0.007% for Addison and variants as children's names in 2018, lower than 0.008% in 2017. [Adisson, Adison, Addy, .. 3 more]
.. common as a surname, especially in .. Adler has risen in prominence since 1880-1889. See also Adlard.
Place name and surname used as .. Less common today. Afton was the version last found (the 1910s) in the Top 2000. [Affton]
.. of the Scottish surname Ainslie, which .. Aynslie and variants are rarely found as first names. [Aynslie, Aynslee, Ainsleigh, .. 4 more]
Surname used as a given name. Alden, Al, etc. became less trendy last year, falling on average -1 ranking as children's names with Alden falling the most. [Eldwynn, Elden, Alwine, Aldwyn, Aldwin, Aldin, .. 7 more]
Surname. Famous from the "Little House" .. Not much used as a birth name. See also Alanzo.
Surname occasionally used as a given .. Altan is a moderately popular birth name. [Eltermann, Altermann, .. 4 more]
.. of the English surname, which is .. Adoption of Alton and variants as boys' names in 2018 was up 42.5% compared to 10 years ago. [Elton, Alten, Allton, Aldon, .. 1 more]
.. became the English surnames Emery, Emory .. Less popular today. Americo was the version last appearing (the 1960s) in the Top 2000. [Amerikus, Ameriko, .. 4 more]
.. Anakim, or to the surname Annakin. Anakin and Ani became less popular in 2018, falling on average -45 positions as birth names with Anakin falling the most. [Ani]
Most likely a surname used as .. Not that popular as a baby name, Anchor exists more commonly as a last name. [Anker, Ancher]
.. Surname. Baseball great Cap Anson. A conventional boys' name (#885 LAST YEAR), Anson is also found frequently as a surname. [Hanson, Annson, .. 1 more]
An English surname from medieval times .. Archer became more trendy in 2018, rising +15 rankings as a children's name to reach #239. See also Archard.
Surname of Shakespeare's mother, and also .. Somewhat common as children's names, Arden, Ardy, etc. are comparable to the popular Alden. [Arrden, Ardy, .. 5 more]
.. name of the clan to which .. Ascanius is rare as a children's name.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Surname names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abbott - AscaniusAbbott [11], Ace▲ [4], Ackerley [8], Acton, Adair [3], Addison▼ [6], Adler▲, Afton [1], Ainsley [7], Alden▲ [12], Almanzo, Altman [6], Alton▼ [5], Amerigo [6], Anakin▲ [1], Anchor [2], Anson▲ [3], Archer▲, Arden [7], Ascanius
Ashley▼ [16], Ashton [6], Audley, Austin▼ [5], Avery▲ [2], Bachelor [5], Bailey▼ [11], Baker▲ [1], Baldwin [10], Barclay [13], Barrett▲ [8], Barton [3], Bascom, Bassett [1], Baxter [2], Baylor▲ [4], Beacher [5], Bedell [1], Ben▼ [6], Bennett▲ [4]
Benson▲ [3], Bentley [6], Berg [4], Berry▼, Beverly [4], Birch [2], Blade, Blair▼ [3], Blake [2], Bly, Bolton [3], Bond, Booker▼, Boone▲, Booth [4], Bourbon [1], Boyd▼ [1], Braden▼ [12], Bradford▼ [3], Bradley▼ [9]
Brandon▼ [8], Brant▼ [4], Branton [3], Braxton▲ [1], Bray [1], Brent▼ [10], Brenton [5], Brett▼ [11], Brewster [2], Brigham [3], Brighton, Brinley [8], Brock [3], Broderick [11], Brown, Bruce▼ [2], Bryce [1], Bryson▲ [3], Buell [4], Buford▼ [2]
Burgess [3], Burns [10], Burnet [3], Buxton, Byron▼ [10], Cable [2], Cade [6], Caden [9], Caesar [9], Caine, Cale▼ [7], Callan▲ [1], Calvert [1], Calvin [4], Cameron [9], Campbell [1], Cardell [1], Carlton▼ [4], Carlyle [4], Carnell [2]
Carpenter [1], Carrington [2], Carroll▼ [6], Carson▲ [5], Carter▲ [2], Cary▼ [2], Cassian, Cassius▲ [3], Catlin [3], Cavanagh [3], Caxton, Cecil▼ [4], Chad▼ [5], Chadwick▼ [1], Chance [7], Chancellor [4], Chandler▼, Chapman [3], Chase [4], Chauncey▼ [6]
Chester▼ [3], Claiborne [7], Clancy [2], Clark▲ [3], Claude▼ [14], Clayton [5], Clifford▼ [4], Clifton▼ [6], Clinton▼ [3], Clive [3], Coburn [4], Cody▼ [4], Cole [2], Coll [1], Colt▲ [3], Colton▲ [4], Conway [1], Cooper▲ [1], Corbin▲ [12], Corey▼ [15]
Cornelius▼ [18], Cornell [3], Cornwallis, Corridon, Cortez [3], Cory▼ [2], Coty▼, Coulson [1], Courtney▼ [4], Coy▼ [1], Craddock [3], Craig▼ [3], Craven, Creed▲ [1], Creighton [2], Croydon [1], Curtis▼ [6], Da- [24], Dale▼ [8], Dana▼ [2]
Dane [5], Danno, Darby [3], Darcel [4], Darin▼ [10], Darnell▼ [3], Darrah [2], Darrel▼ [20], Darren▼ [10], Davenport, Davis▲ [8], Dawson▲ [3], Daylon [7], De- [39], Debonair [2], Decatur, Del, Delaney [8], Delano▼, Delmon [2]
Denman, Denver▲, Derry [1], Derwin [8], Desmond▲ [3], Destin [2], Destry [2], Deverell [4], Dewey▼ [2], Dixon [2], Doherty [3], Don▼ [5], Donald▼ [1], Dorran [6], Douglas▼ [3], Draven, Drummond, Dwight▼, Dwyer [1], Dyson
Earl▼ [10], Eden▲ [7], Egan [4], Egerton [1], Eldridge▼ [5], Elian▲, Elias▲ [22], Elliot▲ [6], Ellis▲ [3], Elmer▼ [6], Elroy▼ [3], Elsdon, Elton▼ [4], Elvis [6], Emery [12], Emil▼ [18], Emlyn [1], Emmet [5], Emmons, Errol▼ [6]
Evelyn [1], Everett▲ [13], Ewart [4], Ezio, Fabian▲ [22], Fairfax, Falco [11], Faron [5], Farren [5], Fenn, Ferrer, Ferris [3], Fife [2], Fitz, Flavian [7], Flinders, Flint [1], Florian▼ [3], Forbes, Ford▲ [3]
Forest▼ [5], Foster▼, Franklin▼ [6], Fraser [4], French, Frost, Fry [2], Fulton, Gable, Galbraith [4], Gallagher, Garfield▼ [2], Garner [2], Garnet [1], Garret▼ [22], Garron [9], Gary▼ [6], Gay, Gaylord▼ [7], Gaynor [6]
Geddes [2], Gilroy [6], Gladstone, Gladwin [3], Glen▼ [13], Godwin [10], Gomer, Gordon▼ [4], Grady▲ [5], Graham▲ [4], Grant [2], Granville▼ [4], Grayson▲ [3], Gregor, Greville [1], Grey▲ [1], Griffin▲ [13], Grimaldo [1], Grosvenor [1], Hale [1]
Hamilton [4], Harding [1], Hardy▼ [1], Harper [1], Harris, Harrison▲ [3], Hart [1], Hartley [4], Harvey▼ [8], Hawkin, Hayden [4], Hedley [4], Herbert▼ [10], Hewett [5], Hilton▼ [1], Holden▲, Hopkin [5], Horace▼ [7], Howard▼ [2], Hunter [1]
Hywel [3], Irving▼ [8], Jaron▼ [13], Jarrett▼ [8], Jarrod▼ [5], Jefferson [5], Jefford, Jerald▼ [4], Jerard [2], Jerrick [8], John▼ [85], Jones, Julian▲ [8], Kane▲ [11], Kavanagh [3], Kelly▼ [1], Kendrick▲ [11], Kenny▼ [2], Kerrick, Kerry▼ [5]
Kim▼, Kornel [4], Ladd [4], Ladell [1], Lamont▼ [4], Lane▲ [2], Lee▼ [2], Leslie▼ [6], Lincoln▲ [2], Lindsay [12], Livingston [3], Loeb [4], Lucas▲ [3], Lucretius, Lundy, Lyall [1], Lydell [1], Lyndon [9], Mac▲ [4], Maccabee [2]
Macdonald [1], Mace [3], Madison▼ [5], Major▲ [3], Mallory [3], Mark▼ [18], Marlow [2], Marquis▼ [15], Marsh, Mather [2], Matthew▼ [34], Mc- [11], Mccoy▲, Melville▼, Mills, Mitchell▼ [4], Mochan [7], Monroe▼ [3], Montgomery [4], Mortimer [3]
Murdock [4], Murray▼ [4], Nick▼ [10], Noble, Nolan▲ [5], O- [4], Octavio▼ [8], Orazio [1], Ormond [2], Ovid, Palmer [3], Paris▼ [1], Parker▲ [4], Parkins [2], Parnell [2], Percy▼ [3], Perry▼ [2], Pike [1], Pollard [3], Pope
Porter▲, Powell [1], Pratt, Prince▲ [5], Proctor [2], Quade, Quincy▲ [3], Quinn▲ [2], Quintrell [2], Rainer [6], Ralston, Ramsay [3], Ramsden, Rankin [2], Rawlins [2], Regis, Remington▲, Rider [2], Roark [4], Robinson [4]
Rodney▼ [2], Rourke [2], Ryker▲ [1], Sacheverell [1], Sadler [1], Sagan, Seymour▼ [4], Shea [6], Shelley [1], Sherill [1], Sivney [2], Slater, Sloan [1], Smith [5], Spalding [1], Springer, Stillman, Storm [1], Straus [1], Stuart▼ [2]
Swinburne [5], Talbet [4], Tarquin [3], Tavaris [5], Teagan, Tempest [1], Tennant [2], Thaw, Tilton, Tory▼, Tower [1], Tracy▼ [3], Trevis, Troy▼ [2], Tyson [7], Van [3], Vere, Vernon▼ [9], Vidal [3], Virgil▼ [4]
Wadsworth [1], Wallace▼ [8], Warner [2], Watson▲, Weaver, Webster▼ [5], Wesley▲ [5], Wetherby [5], Whitby [2], Whitney, Wilbur▼ [2], Wilson▼ [1], Windsor [2], Wistar [1], Wynn [5], York [3], Zane▲ [3]