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Boy Names associated with Victory
Victory baby names and what they mean, for victory, supplants, conquest, victorious, with 70 results. These boy names were at the top of their popularity during the years 1880-1889 (ADOPTION OF 17.1%) and are now much less common (ADOPTION 3.8%, ▼77.8%), with names like Victor becoming less stylish. Cairo (#518) is the most trendy name for newborns among these, while Colen (TOP 18%) and Carro (17%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Victory names for girls.
Alfred - Garmon
.. before the Norman Conquest of Britain .. Common as surnames. Compare Elfred, var. and popular -ed surnames Alsayed (TOP 99%), Allred (1%). [Fredo, Freddy, Avery, Alfredos, Alfredo, Alfie, .. 16 more]
.. with the Norman Conquest, and popular .. Usage of Archibald as a birth name has fallen off circa 1880-1889. [Baldie, Archimbaldo, Archie, Archer, .. 9 more]
.. before the Spanish conquest of the .. Outside Top 2000.
.. Deborah to win victory in a .. Not in Top 2000. [Barrak, .. 1 more]
.. to England with the Norman Conquest .. Bernard has faded in favor as a baby name circa the 1920s. [Vernados, Bernis, Bernie, Barny, Barnie, .. 18 more]
.. for his father's conquests in Britain .. Not Top 2000 name.
From Arabic language. "Victorious." Usage of Cairo as a children's name in 2018 was up 38.1% compared to a year ago. See also Chiro. Place name ..
Source fr. German, Greek words. "People of victory." Slightly atypical as a baby name, Claus is found more frequently as a surname. Variant of Nicholas, representing a short .. [Klaus, Clause, Claes]
.. of Nicholas (Greek) "people of victory" .. Colin (TOP 31%) and Cole (56%) are prevalent as male names, while Cailean, Colan, Col, Colle and Colyn are rarely occurring. [Colyn, Col, Cailean, .. 3 more]
.. some time after the Norman Conquest .. Con (TOP 47%), Conan (55%), Conant (4%), Conn (2%) and Connie (39%) appear regularly as surnames. [Connie, Con, .. 2 more]
From Irish, Gaelic word. "Victorious champion." Not in Top 2000. [Cosgrave]
Derived fr. Greek element. "People of victory." Common, with usage of 0.023% for Coulson and Colson as birth names in 2018, higher than 0.018% in 2017. Surname derived from Nicholas. [Colson]
.. Babylon after its conquest by Cyrus .. Darius (TOP 50%) and Dario (80%) are commonly occurring as male names. [Derry, Darrius, .. 5 more]
Derivative of Spanish, Hebrew words. "He who supplants." Usage of Diego and Dago as boys' names in 2018 was 50.4% less than the previous decade. Variant of James .. [Dago]
.. critical battle and victory in Jewish .. Ebenezer, Ebbaneza, etc. are rarely found as masculine names. [Evenezer, Eveneser, Ebenezar, Eb, .. 6 more]
.. of England since the Norman Conquest .. A very conventional boys' name (#169 THE PAST YEAR) which is also found somewhat frequently as a surname. [Teddy, Teddie, Neddie, Ekewaka, Edison, Edik, Eadbhard, .. 20 more]
.. to Britain with the Norman conquest. Stacey (TOP 2%), Eustace (14%), Eustis (22%), Eustache (32%) and Eustaquio (34%) exist often as surnames. [Stacey, Eustashe, .. 12 more]
Based on Arabic element. "Victory." Fawzi, Fauzi and Fawziy were not among 2018's Top names. From fawz. [Fawziy, .. 1 more]
Source fr. Arabic language. "Victorious." Firoz and Firus are not in the Top 2000. [Firus]
.. achieve a bloodless victory over invading .. Garmon, like the similar-sounding Garman, occurs more usually as a surname. See also Garion.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Victory names [and variants] for boys.
1. Alfred - GarmonAlfred▼ [Fred, Fredo, Freddy, Freddie, ..], Archibald▼ [Archy, Baldie, Arquibaldo, Arquimbaldo, ..], Atahualpa, Barack [Barak, Barrak], Bernard▼ [Bernt, Bernis, Burnard, Vernados, ..], Britannicus, Cairo▲, Claus [Klaus, Claes, Clause], Colin▼ [Col, Cole, Colyn, Colle, ..], Conan [Con, Conn, Connie, Conant], Cosgrove [Cosgrave], Coulson [Colson], Darius▼ [Derry, Derrius, Darrius, Darious, ..], Diego [Dago], Ebenezer [Ebenzer, Evenezer, Eveneser, Ebenezar, ..], Edward▼ [Ted, Teddy, Teddie, Neddie, ..], Eustace [Stacey, Eustis, Eustiss, Jevstachi, ..], Fawzi [Fauzi, Fawziy], Firoz [Firus], Garmon
Ghalib, Giacomo [Lapo, Jacopo], Hamish, Harjit [Harjeet], Hereward, Hewett [Hewie, Hewitt, Hewlitt, Hewlett], Iago [Yago, Jago], Jack [Jaq, Jak, Jacq, Jacqin, ..], Jacob [Yaqub, Yakup, Yakov, Shamus, ..], Jacques [Jaq, Jock, Jaques, Jacque], Jaime [Jayme, Jaymie, Jaimie, Jaimey], Jaimini, James▼ [Jimmy, Jimbo, Seamus, Jimmie, ..], Jamie▼ [Jayme, Jamey, Jamee, Jaimie], Jascha [Jasha], Jay▼ [Jeh, Jaye, Jayron, Jayronn, ..], Jim▼ [Jimmy, Jimson, Jimmie, Jimmey, ..], Jock [Jocko], Kernaghan [Kernohan, Carnahan], Klaus [Klaes, Klaas]
Kobi [Koby, Kobe, Kobie, Kobey, ..], Lawrence▼ [Lorry, Lorrenz, Lowrance, Lorrence, ..], Mansur [Mansour, Mansoor], Mead [Meed, Meade], Nels▼, Nicandro [Nikander, Nikandreo, Nicandros, Nikandrios, ..], Nicholas▼ [Nils, Nilos, Nikos, Nikolos, ..], Nick▼ [Niko, Nykko, Nixon, Nikos, ..], Nicodemus [Nikodim, Nikodema, Nicodemo, Nikodemus], Nicomedes [Nicomedo, Nikomedes], Nikostratos [Nicostrato, Nicostratus, Nicostratos], Norman▼ [Normie, Normen, Normand, Normando], Olimpio [Olimpo, Olympus, Olympio, Olympios], Seamus [Shamus, Seumus, Seumas], Seward [Siward, Sewerd], Shamus, Siegfried [Sigfryd, Sigvard, Sygfried, Sigfried, ..], Sigbjorn [Siegbjorn], Sigmund▼ [Zygmunt, Zikmund, Szymond, Zsigmond, ..], Signe [Signy]
Sigwald [Siegwald], Sigurd, Tracy▼ [Trace, Treacy, Tracey], Trenton▼ [Trentin, Trenten], Troy▼ [Troi, Troye], Vernon▼ [Vernin, Verney, Vernen, Vernee, ..], Victor▼ [Vitor, Vitorio, Vittorio, Vittorios, ..], William▼ [Wim, Wilson, Wilmot, Wilmott, ..], Yaakov [Yago, Yakov, Yakob, Yacov, ..], Zafar [Zaphar]