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Boy Names associated with Warrior
Warrior baby names and what they mean, for warrior, spear, army, soldier, with 263 results. Adoption of these boy names was at its most widespread during the years 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 18.4%) and is now much lower (USAGE 7.1%, 61.2% LESS), with names such as Gary becoming less stylish. The most trendy baby names in this compilation are Archer (#239), Finn (#166), Oliver (#5), Sebastian (#18) and Zion (#183), while Marciel (TOP 29%) and Males (19%) are popular last names. Here is the list of Warrior names for girls.
Abner - Andreas
.. chief, a valiant warrior and clever .. Auner is also a slightly prominent birth name. [Ebner, Ebbie, Avner, Abnor, Abby, .. 8 more]
.. by one of his father's soldiers .. Absalom (UPPER 58%), like Astrom (UPPER 90%), Anstrom (99%), is a popular -om suffix last name. [Avsholom, Absalon, .. 5 more]
.. was thus his one weak point .. Achilles is a fashionable form. [Quilo, Akilles, Achilleo, Achille, Achill, .. 10 more]
Root fr. Old German language. "Wealthy spear." Adair, Adare, etc. are barely found as men's names, and Adair occurs often (UPPER 1%) as a surname. From "ead gar" .. [Adayre, Adaire, .. 1 more]
A mighty warrior and hero who .. Agamemnon, Agamemno and Agamenon are unusual as baby names. [Agamenon, .. 1 more]
.. to the ancient warrior tribe Alans .. Adoption of Alan, Aland, etc. as birth names in 2018 was 5.2% less than 2017. [Alyn, Allon, Allie, Alleyne, Allen, Allain, Alen, Alann, .. 17 more]
Origin fr. English, Scottish, Greek words. "Man's defender, warrior." Adoption of Alec and Alick as birth names in 2018 was down 24.5% compared to 2008. Short form of Alexander. [Alick]
Source fr. Spanish, Greek elements. "Man's defender, warrior." Popular as birth names, Alejandro, Alejo, etc. are comparable to the common Alex. Variant of Alexander. [Alexandro, Alejo, Alejandrino]
Root fr. Russian, Greek words. "Man's defender, warrior." Alek is a rarely used first name. See also Alexy. Russian form of Alex.
Based on Greek element. "Man's defender, warrior." Popularly used, with usage of 0.174% for Alex and variants as baby names in 2018, though lower than 0.178% a year ago. Short form of Alexander .. [Elex, Alik, Aleks, Alecko, Alec, .. 6 more]
Based on Greek word. "Man's defender, warrior." Usage of Alec and Alex as children's names has waned circa 1994. From the Latin form of the .. [Zandros, Zander, Xander, Sikander, Saunder, Sascha, Sandro, Sandor, Sandero, Lexo, .. 60 more]
Based on Old English. "Elf spear." Al is a recognizable (UPPER 36%) men's name. From Aelfgar .. [Ellger, .. 8 more]
Derivative of Old German language. "Spear." Compare last names Algie (TOP 70%), Aldis (43%). See also Alois.
Derivative of Hawaiian, Old German words. "Famous warrior." Not in Top 2000. See also Alik. Variant of Aloysius.
Source fr. Old German. "Famous warrior." A somewhat quaint children's name. Latin version of Luigi or Louis .. [Lutwick, Louis, Lewis, Aloys, Aloess, .. 9 more]
Stems fr. Old English language. "Elf or magical army, warrior." Usage of Alvar, Albaro, etc. as baby names in 2018 was up 3.6% compared to a year ago. From Aelfhere .. [Alverio, Alvaro, Allvar, .. 2 more]
Derived fr. Scandinavian, Greek elements. "Man, warrior." Somewhat common as boys' names, Anders, Ander, etc. are pronounced like the conventional Andres. Variant of Andrew. [Andersson, .. 2 more]
Source fr. Latin, Greek languages. "Man, warrior." Outside Top 2000. Italian short form of Andrew.
Source fr. French, Greek. "Man, warrior." Andras, Andrej, Andreus, Andris and Andrius are more rarefied as versions of Andre. André is a variant of Andrew .. [Ries, Ohndrae, Dre, Aundre, Aundray, Andris, Andrey, Andreus, .. 14 more]
Based on Greek. "Man, warrior." A conventional children's name (#1317 THE PAST YEAR), Andreas is also found often as a last name. Also a girls' name. .. name is sometimes translated as "warrior".
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Warrior names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abner - AndreasAbner [13], Absalom [7], Achilles▲ [15], Adair [3], Agamemnon [2], Alan▼ [25], Alec▼ [1], Alejandro [3], Alek, Alex▼ [11], Alexander [70], Alger [9], Algis, Aloiki, Aloysius▼ [14], Alvar [5], Anders▲ [3], Andino, Andre [22], Andreas
Andrew▼ [49], Andrian, Andrik [2], Aramis, Archer▲, Armand▼ [13], Armin [4], Armstrong, Arthur▼ [17], Ashur [1], Aswin [3], Athol [1], Athos, Atsushi, Audey [1], Averill [12], Balder [3], Barack [2], Baron [4], Barry▼ [9]
Bayard [4], Bearach, Belisario [2], Blade, Bogart [6], Booth [4], Bowie▲ [2], Brand [7], Brian▼ [14], Burnaby, Busby [4], Caballero, Cadby [3], Cain▲ [3], Caius [7], Calvert [1], Champ, Champion [3], Charro, Chester▼ [3]
Chevalier [1], Chevy [3], Cid [1], Clancy [2], Clive [3], Clovis [4], Cochise, Conall [4], Corin [6], Corridon, Cree, Curragh, Cutler, Cyrano [1], Darrow [1], Dartagnan, David▼ [21], Dieter, Dirk▼ [4], Donahue [3]
Donnell▼ [4], Duncan▼ [2], Dustin▼ [5], Earl▼ [10], Eckhard [5], Edgar▼ [12], Egbert [2], Egil [1], Eginhard [5], Egon, Egor [2], Eike, Eilert, Einar [3], Elger [3], Elmar, Elois [2], Enda, Engelbert [4], Ermin [4]
Evan [15], Evander▲, Faisal [5], Faolan [5], Fares [1], Finlay [15], Finn▲ [3], Fitzgerald, Frank▼ [8], Galahad [1], Galt, Gareth [7], Garfield▼ [2], Garland▼ [7], Garnet [1], Garrard [3], Garrick▼ [5], Garrison [1], Garroway [1], Garry▼
Garvin [7], Gary▼ [6], Gauthier [5], Gavin▼ [14], Gaz [1], Ged, George▼ [55], Geraint [3], Gerald▼ [40], Gerard▼ [31], Gerlach [1], Geronimo [6], Gerritt [2], Gervase [12], Gobban, Godfrey [14], Gore [1], Gorham, Gunnar▲ [14], Guy▼ [1]
Haig, Hampton [1], Harbin [1], Harlow [4], Harman [4], Harold▼ [19], Harvard, Havelock, Hector [7], Herbert▼ [10], Hereward, Heribert, Herman▼ [15], Hildebrand [3], Hillard [3], Hjalmar [3], Humbert [2], Humphrey [15], Hurlbert [3], Igor [5]
Indra, Ingvar [1], Ivo [10], Ivor [7], Jarrell [1], Jarvis▼ [6], Jason▼ [12], Kay▼ [2], Keane [4], Kemp, Kempton, Kendrew, Kent▼ [3], Kenway, Kern [4], Kimberly [4], Knightley [6], Lance▼ [3], Lancelot [1], Lewis▼ [4]
Loring [1], Lothar [4], Louis▼ [16], Ludwig [3], Luther▼ [6], Mace [3], Mackinley [3], Macy [1], Malden [1], Malin [3], Marcel▲ [10], Marion▼ [1], Mather [2], Mead [2], Melvin▼ [10], Michael▼ [51], Miles▲ [4], Murphy [6], Murrow [4], Napoleon▼ [4]
Nicandro [6], Nikostratos [3], Odin▲, Oisin [2], Oliver▲ [11], Ondre [12], Orman [1], Ormond [2], Orval▼, Orvin [2], Oscar▼ [4], Page [6], Patton [5], Percival [10], Peyton▼ [2], Pike [1], Porthos, Quintrell [2], Ragnar [7], Rainer [6]
Ransom [1], Raynor [16], Reis, Rice [1], Richard▼ [33], Rider [2], Rigoberto▼ [1], Ritter, Rodeo, Roy▼ [4], Rudiger, Ryder▲ [2], Saber [2], Sandhurst [1], Saxon [3], Sebastian▲ [8], Sedgley [2], Sedgwick [3], Seger [3], Seward [2]
Simon▲ [15], Sloan [1], Spear [5], Squire [5], Steinar [3], Stetson▲ [2], Tamerlane [9], Tancred [2], Tecumseh, Templeton [3], Tex, Torger, Tristan [10], Umberto, Uriah▲ [8], Vilmos, Walter▼ [13], Warner [2], Werner [4], Wolfert
Woyzeck [3], Zion▲ [1], Zipkiyah