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Boy Names associated with Wealthy
Wealthy baby names and what they mean, for wealthy, rich, prosperous, flourishing, with 43 results. Usage of these boy names reached its peak a century ago (ADOPTION OF 3.22%) and is now significantly lower (ADOPTION 0.5%, DOWN 85%), with names like Franklin becoming less stylish. Eden (#488) and Zahir (#970) are two of the more contemporarily stylish birth names among these, while Uden (TOP 29%) and Amar (13%) are common surnames. Here is the list of Wealthy names for girls.
Adair - Lidio
Origin fr. Old German element. "Wealthy spear." Amair is also a somewhat popular boys' name. From "ead gar" .. [Adayre, Adaire, .. 1 more]
Saint Aldric (ninth century) was a .. Aldrich (TOP 1%), Rich (1%), Ritch (7%), like Allrich (TOP 79%), Amrich (65%), are common -ch suffix last names. [Ritchy, Ritchie, Ritch, Rich, Elldrich, Eldritch, Eldrich, Audric, Alldridge, Alldrich, .. 12 more]
Root fr. Arabic word. "Prosperous long life." Unconventional, with usage of 0.005% for Ammar and variants as baby names in 2018, lower than 0.006% the year before. [Amr, Ammer]
.. well as the rich hues of .. Less popular today. Arun was last listed in 1995 in the Top 2000. See also Alun.
Stems fr. Old German word. "Wealth." Aktha and Antha are creative variations. Source form of Otto.
Derivative of Spanish, Old English languages. "Wealthy guard." Duardo (TOP 70%) and Duarte (1%) exist frequently as last names. Variant of Edward. [Duardo]
Origin fr. Irish, Gaelic word. "Wealthy protector." Eamon and variants became less trendy in 2018, falling on average -15 rankings as boys' names with Eamon leading the decline. Variant of Edmund .. [Eamonn, Eaman, Eames, Aymon, Amon, .. 2 more]
Derived fr. Old English word. "Wealthy, bright." Unusual, with the masculine -ert ending, like Eckbert. See also Egbert.
.. from êad meaning "riches" and hû .. Adoption of Eden and variants as birth names in 2018 was up 3.4% compared to a year ago. [Edyn, Eadin, .. 5 more]
Root fr. Old English element. "Wealthy spear." Eadgar, Eadger, Neddy and Ogier are more rare as forms of Edgar. From êad meaning "riches" and gâ .. [Teddie, Eadgar, .. 10 more]
Root fr. Old English word. "Wealthy sea." Edmar was not among 2018's Top names. See also Edgar.
Source fr. Old English language. "Wealthy protector." Eadmund, Eamonn, Edmonde, Edmondine and Edmondo are more rarefied as versions of Edmund. From êad meaning "riches" and mund .. [Teddy, Ted, Odon, Eumann, Edmwnd, Edmondine, Edmonde, Edmon, Eadmund, .. 10 more]
Derived fr. Old English language. "Wealthy counsel." Edred is unusual as a boys' name. See also Eldred. .. from êad meaning "riches" and raed ..
Root fr. Old English language. "Rich and powerful." Edric and variants are at the peak of their popularity today. From êad meaning "riches" and rî .. [Edrik, Edrick, Edrich, .. 3 more]
Stems fr. Old English word. "Wealthy guard." Ed, Edison, Ewart and Teddie are commonplace as variations of Edward. From êad meaning "riches" and weard .. [Teddy, Teddie, Ted, Neddie, Ekewaka, Edwards, Edvard, Edison, Edik, .. 18 more]
Derivative of Old English language. "Wealthy friend." Usage of Edwin, Edlin, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 46.1% compared to the previous decade. From êad meaning "riches" and wine .. [Teddy, Ted, Ned, Ed, .. 10 more]
.. free landowner, usually a prosperous farmer .. Usage of Franklin and variants as children's names in 2018 was down 7% compared to a decade ago. [Franklynn, Franklyn, Franklinn, Francklyn, .. 2 more]
From fred or frid meaning "peace" .. Used widely as birth names, Ricky, Frederick, etc. sound like the common Rickey. [Rikki, Rike, Rich, Fritz, Friedrick, Friedrich, Fredric, Frederik, Frederico, Freddie, .. 31 more]
Origin fr. Hebrew element. "Flourishing." Compare last names Jania (UPPER 69%), Janca (28%). Biblical .. [Jannai]
.. for its two rich kings, Midas .. Not in Top 2000. [Lydio, .. 1 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Wealthy names [and variants] for boys.
1. Adair - LidioAdair [Adare, Adayre, Adaire], Aldrich [Ritch, Richy, Ritchy, Richie, Ritchie, Ritchey, ..], Ammar [Amr, Ammer], Arun, Autha, Duarte [Duardo], Eamon [Eaman, Eames, Aymon, Aimon, Eamonn, Eamann], Edbert, Eden▲ [Edyn, Edun, Edon, Edin, Ednan, Eadin], Edgar▼ [Ted, Ned, Ogier, Neddy, Teddie, Edgardo, ..], Edmar, Edmund▼ [Ted, Ned, Odon, Teddy, Neddie, Eumann, ..], Edred, Edric [Edrik, Edrick, Edrich, Ederic, Ederick, Eddrick], Edward▼ [Ted, Ned, Lalo, Teddy, Teddie, Neddie, ..], Edwin▼ [Ted, Ned, Teddy, Neddy, Teddie, Neddie, ..], Franklin▼ [Frank, Franklyn, Franklynn, Franklinn, Francklyn, Francklin], Frederick [Rik, Rike, Rick, Rikki, Rikke, Ricky, ..], Janna [Jannai], Lidio [Lydio, Licio]
Lucretius, Ned▼, Obert, Odell▼ [Odie, Dell, Odall], Odilo [Odile, Ottild, Otildo, Odilon, Odilio, Ottildo], Odo, Odolf [Odulf, Odolff], Ofir [Ophir, Ofeer], Omar [Omer, Omarr], Othman, Otis▼ [Otys, Ottis, Otess, Oates], Ottfried [Ottfrid], Otto▼ [Otys, Otho, Otha, Ottis, Ottone, Othello, ..], Pluto, Richard [Ritchy, Ryszard, Ritchie, Ritsherd, Ritshard, Ritchyrd, ..], Richmond▼, Sinbad [Sindbah], Tamir, Ted▼ [Tedd, Teddy, Tedric, Teddie, Teddey, Tedrick], Udolf [Udolph, Udolfo]
Verdell [Vernell], Villard, Zahir▲ [Zahur, Zayyir, Zaheer]