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Boy Names associated with White
White baby names and what they mean, for white, fair, pale, blond, with 90 results. These boy names reached the top of their popularity in the year 2012 (ADOPTION OF 1.08%) and are somewhat less popular today (ADOPTION 0.74%, ▼31%), with names such as Barry becoming less stylish. Bowie (#982), Finn (#166), Finnegan (#414) and Gael (#132) are four of the more contemporarily stylish baby names in this compilation, while Bonning (TOP 59%) and Bunning (26%) are popular surnames. Here is the list of White names for girls.
Adil - Boyne
Origin fr. Arabic language. "Righteous, fair." Aadil is also a marginally prominent baby name. [Adiel, .. 1 more]
.. the Roman Empire called Alba "white" .. Alban (UPPER 10%), comparable to Abban (UPPER 80%), Aban (51%), is a common -ban suffix surname. [Aubin, Auban, Albie, .. 14 more]
Based on English element. "White, pale skinned." A moderately untypical boys' name, Albin exists more commonly as a last name. From the root word "albino" .. [Aubin, Albyn, Alben, Al, .. 2 more]
Source fr. Latin, Celtic languages. "White; rock, crag." Used somewhat widely as a children's name, Albion is comparable to the common Alvin. See also Alben. Albion is an ancient poetic name ..
Derivative of Italian word. "White." Alfio was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Alfie.
Source fr. Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Fair." Alphin (TOP 15%), Alwin (29%) are popular surnames. From Albinus (Latin) "white" via Ailpein. [Mcalpine, Macalpin, .. 2 more]
Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic. "White." A slightly quaint birth name, Alva exists more frequently as a last name. Also related to Latin Albin .. [Alvah, .. 1 more]
Derived fr. Hindi, Sanskrit. "White." Arjun and forms were favored by parents in 2014 and have remained common. Refers to the whiteness of milk .. [Arjun]
From Irish, Gaelic. "Pale bridge." Bain (UPPER 1%), Bayne (4%) and Bainbridge (6%) are found regularly as surnames. Also a place name for an .. [Baynebridge, Baynbridge, Bain, .. 2 more]
Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "Small fair one; son of the .. ." Barning and Boning are creative forms. See also Canning.
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "Fair haired." Used frequently as boys' names, Berry, Barry, etc. are similar to the familiar Jerry. .. of "fionnbharr", meaning "fair haired" see .. [Berry, Barrington, Barrey, .. 6 more]
Derivative of Spanish, Greek. "Pale green gemstone." Not Top 2000 names. Masculine version of Beryl .. [Berillo]
Stems fr. Polish, Slavic words. "White haired child." Not in popularity charts. See also Beals.
Stems fr. Old English language. "Pale, white." Blakeman and variants were favored as baby names in 2012 and have become less common. Transferred use of the surname .. [Blakeman, .. 1 more]
Derivative of Old English language. "Pale meadow." Blakelee, Blakely, etc. are barely found as first names. Place name .. [Blakelie, Blakeleigh, .. 2 more]
Derivative of Old English language. "White island." Blakeney, like the similar Blakeley, exists more often as a surname. Place name .. [Blakeny, .. 1 more]
From Spanish element. "Fair, white." Outside Top 2000. [Bianco]
Derivative of Scottish, Gaelic words. "Blond." Bow, Bowen and Bowie are hardly found as men's names. Colonel James Bowie, scout and originator .. [Bowen, .. 1 more]
.. to Gaelic "buidhe", meaning "yellow, blond" .. Boyd and Boid became less popular in 2018, falling on average -31 rankings as boys' names with Boyd leading the fall. [Boid]
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "White cow." Rare, with the androgynous-sounding -ne ending for Boyne, Boine, like Bayne. Also a historic place name in .. [Boyn, .. 2 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of White names [and variants] for boys.
1. Adil - BoyneAdil [Adiel, Adeel], Alban [Aubin, Auben, ..], Albin▼ [Aubin, Alpin, ..], Albion, Alfio, Alpin [Mcalpin, Mcalpine, ..], Alva▼ [Alba, Alvah], Arjuna [Arjun], Bainbridge [Bayne, Baynebridge, ..], Banning, Barry▼ [Bazz, Berry, ..], Berilo [Berillo], Bialas, Blake [Blakely, Blakeman], Blakely [Blakelie, Blakeley, ..], Blakeney [Blakeny, Blakenie], Blanco [Bianco], Bowie▲ [Bow, Bowen], Boyd▼ [Boid], Boyne [Boyn, Boyde]
Caerwyn, Calogero [Kalogerus, Kalogeros], Candido [Candide, Candidio], Carwyn [Caerwyn], Dewitt▼ [Witt, Dwight], Duane▼ [Dwayne, Dwaine, ..], Dwight▼, Eilwyn, Eirwyn, Elvio, Elwyn [Elwin, Elwynn], Fairbairn, Fairchild, Finbar [Fionnbarr, Fionnbharr, ..], Fingal [Finn, Fionghall, ..], Finlay [Lee, Leigh, ..], Finn▲ [Fynn, Fionn], Finnian [Phinian, Phinean, ..], Fintan [Fiontan, Fionntan], Finnegan▲ [Finegan]
Frost, Fulvio, Gael▲ [Gale], Galvin [Galvon, Galven, ..], Gannon, Gavin▼ [Gwayn, Gwayne, ..], Gaynor [Gayner, Gaynnor, ..], Gilby [Gillby, Gillbie, ..], Giustino [Giusto, Giustiniano], Gwayne, Gwyn [Wyn, Gwynedd, ..], Gwynfor [Wynfor, Wynford], Heddwyn [Hedwyn, Hedwynn], Heimdall [Heiman, Heimann], Kenyon▼, Kerem, Laban [Lavan], Mackinley [Mckinley, Mckinlay], Minor▼ [Mynor, Meinor, ..], Morgan▼ [Morgun, Morrgan]
Odhran [Oran, Odran], Oran▼ [Orrin, Orren, ..], Oren [Orrin, Orren, ..], Randi, Rubio, Trevin▼ [Trevyn, Trevon, ..], Wapiti, Wedgwood [Wedgewood], Weissman [Weissmann], Wentworth, Whitbeck, Whitby [Whitbey, Whitebie], Whitcomb [Whitcumb, Whitcombe], White [Whitey], Whitehead, Whitelaw [Whitlaw], Whitfield, Whitford, Whitley, Whitlock
Whitman, Whitmore [Witmore, Wittemore, ..], Whitney, Whittaker [Whitaker, Whitacker], Wilbur▼ [Wilber, Willbur], Wycliff [Wycliffe], Wycombe [Wycomb], Wyman, Wyn, Wynn [Wynne, Wynton, ..]