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Boy Names associated with Wise
Wise baby names and what they mean, for wise, wisdom, learning, sage, with 59 results. Adoption of these boy names reached its highest in 2003 (USAGE OF 3.1%) and is somewhat less today (USAGE 2.3%, 26% LESS), with names like Lloyd falling out of fashion. The most trendy names for newborns among these are Apollo (#517), Emerson (#281), Benjamin (#6), Solomon (#388) and Hakeem (#1053), while Biston (TOP 99%) and Baston (15%) are familiar surnames. Here is the list of Wisdom names for girls.
Abednago - Eldridge
.. was the Babylonian god of wisdom .. Not in popularity charts. [Abednego]
.. great centers of learning of its .. Ailan is also a somewhat common kid's name. [Eiden, Edan, Aydan, Aidyn, Aidano, Aedan, .. 6 more]
Based on Arabic language. "Wise, intelligent." Popular, and Akeem, Ahkeem are comparable to common -eem last names Aleem (UPPER 33%), Azeem (43%). Variant of Hakeem .. [Akim, .. 2 more]
Derivative of Arabic language. "Wise man." Rather quaint as a birth name, Alem occurs more frequently as a last name. [Alerio]
Origin fr. Old Norse word. "All wise." Less popular today. Alvis was the variation last appearing (1970-1979) in the Top 2000. From Norse mythology involving the dwarf .. [Alwyss, Alviss, .. 2 more]
.. traits such as humor and wisdom .. Popular, with usage of 0.016% for Angus and variants as baby names in 2018, higher than 0.015% the previous year. [Gussie, .. 5 more]
.. through the famous oracle at Delphi .. A conventional baby name (#517 THE PREVIOUS YEAR), Apollo is also found often as a last name. [Apolo, Apollos, .. 1 more]
.. of the three wise men who .. Not that popular as a baby name, Balthasar exists more commonly as a surname. [Belshazzar, Balto, Balthasaar, .. 5 more]
.. pediatrician and oracle Benjamin Spock; British .. Benjamin is a trendy form. [Yemin, Yamino, Venyamin, Veniamin, Binyamino, Bibi, Benyamino, Benyamin, Benjy, Benjiman, .. 19 more]
.. traditional symbols of wisdom in German .. Used somewhat frequently as children's names, Berton, Bertram, etc. are comparable to the conventional Benton. [Bertrum, Bertrand, Berton, Bartram, Bart, .. 8 more]
.. of his great learning, was modest .. Not that common as a children's name, Bonaventure exists more commonly as a last name. [Bueaventura, .. 1 more]
.. to many institutions of higher learning. Usage of Boston as a boys' name in 2018 was up 7.1% compared to a year ago. See also Bolton.
.. three Magi or "wise men" who .. Jasper is conventional (UPPER 45%) as a masculine name. [Kaspar, Jasper, .. 6 more]
Root fr. Irish, Gaelic element. "Wise advisor or man." Conrow, Connoy are common surnames. See also Connor.
.. success guru Dale Carnegie. Adoption of Dale and variants as boys' names in 2018 was down 67.9% compared to 10 years ago. [Dayle, Dallan, Daley, Daile, Dael, .. 3 more]
.. poet known for his great learning. Dallin (UPPER 44%), Dallen (55%), Dalan (73%), Dallon (76%) and Dalon (80%) occur frequently as last names. [Dalon, Dalan, .. 4 more]
.. Delphi, home of a famous oracle .. Used somewhat frequently as birth names, Delphin, Delvin, etc. are similar to the popular Melvin. [Delvin, Delphinus, Delfinus, Delfinos, Delfino, .. 3 more]
Origin fr. Welsh element. "Wise." Usage of Drew and variants as baby names in 2018 was 4.4% less than the previous year. Short form of Andrew .. [Drue, .. 1 more]
From Irish, Gaelic. "Dark wise one." Dayer and Deyer are creative forms. Originally an Irish surname. [Dwire]
Origin fr. German. "Sage ruler." Eldrick and forms were favored 118 years ago, but now, Eldridge has become less in vogue. Also a variant of Elbridge or .. [Eldrige, .. 4 more]
Quick Reference
Summary Index of Wise names [and variants] for boys.
1. Abednago - EldridgeAbednago [Abednego], Aidan▼ [Eden, Edan, Eiden, Eidan, Aydin, Ayden, ..], Akeem▼ [Akim, Akhim, Ahkeem], Alem [Alerio], Alvis [Alwis, Alwyss, Alviss, Alvise], Angus [Gus, Ennis, Angie, Gussie, Anngus, Aengus], Apollo▲ [Apolo, Apollos, Apollon], Balthasar [Balto, Baltazar, Balthazar, Belshazzar, Balthazaar, Balthasaar, ..], Benjamin▲ [Yemin, Yamin, Jamin, Yamino, Venyamin, Veniamin, ..], Bertram▼ [Bertrum, Bertrem, Bertran, Bertrand, Bertranno, Bertrando, ..], Bonaventure [Bueaventura, Bonaventura], Boston▲, Caspar [Kaspar, Jasper, Gasper, Gaspar, Gasparo, Gaspard, ..], Conroy, Dale▼ [Dayle, Dalle, Daley, Dalen, Dallin, Dallan, ..], Dallan [Dal, Dalon, Dalan, Dallon, Dallin, Dallen], Delphin [Delvin, Delphino, Delfinus, Delfinos, Delphinus, Delphinos, ..], Drew▼ [Dru, Drue], Dwyer [Dwire], Eldridge▼ [Eldrige, Eldrick, Eldrich, Eldrege, Eldredge]
Elvis [Elvo, Elvys, Elvio, Alvys, Alvis, Elviss], Emerson▲ [Em], Ethan [Etan, Ethen, Eitan, Aitan], Favian, Finlay [Lee, Leigh, Finnlie, Finnley, Finnlea, Finndley, ..], Frode, Ganesh [Ganesha], Gobind [Govind, Govinda, Gobinda], Godric [Godrick, Goodrick, Goderick], Gregory▼ [Grygor, Grisha, Grigory, Grzegorz, Griogair, Grigorios, ..], Gurdeep, Gurinder [Gurvinder], Gyan [Gyandev], Hakeem▲ [Hakim, Akeem, Haakim], Jack [Jaq, Jak, Jacq, Jacky, Jacko, Jacqin, ..], Lloyd▼ [Loyd, Floyd], Mackenzie▼ [Mckenzie, Mckensie, Mackensie], Magus, Melchior [Melker, Melkior, Malkior, Malchior], Mendel [Mendell, Mendeley]
Mentor, Navon, Nebo, Nestor [Nester, Nestore, Nestorio, Nesterio], Phineas [Pinkus, Pinhas, Pincus, Pincas, Pinchos, Pinchas, ..], Randi, Reginn [Regin], Sage [Sayge, Saige], Salvio [Salvian, Salviano, Salviatus], Shan [Shann, Shandon], Shanahan, Sofus [Sophus], Solomon▲ [Sol, Sollie, Soloman, Solaman, Shalmon, Salomone, ..], Strahan [Strachan], Suman, Timon, Vivek, Wyandanch, Yoelvis