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Popular Girl Names in England

Top 10 Baby Names in 2013

Popularity rankings for Top 1-10 of Top 1-100 baby girl names in England in 2013. Here is the list of Popular Boy Names in 2013.

1.Amelia, var. Emilia, Amelie, Amalia, Amilia, .. 43 more
2.Olivia, var. Alivia, Alyvia, .. 23 more
3.▲1Emily, up two years: 5→4→3, var. Emilia, Emilee, Emilie, Amelie, Emelia, Emmalee, Amalia, Emalee, Emmaleigh, .. 66 more
4.▲2Ava, up more than three years: ..→9→6→4, var. Avah, Ayva, .. 8 more
5.▲3Isla, up more than three years: ..→15→8→5, var. Islay
6.▼3Jessica, var. Jessyka, .. 40 more
7.▲6Poppy, up more than three years: ..→14→13→7
8.▲2Isabella, var. Izabella, Isabela
9.▲2Sophie, var. Sophia, Sofia, Sofie
10.▼3Mia, var. Miah, .. 2 more

Top Gains for England Baby Names 2013: Elsie, Ivy, Violet, Willow, Mollie, Victoria, Sofia, Evelyn, Matilda, Maria

Top 11-100 Baby Names

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11.▲1Ruby, var. Rubi, .. 10 more
12.▼7Lily, down two years: 3→5→12, var. Lilly, Lila, Lillie, Lilia, Lilli, .. 17 more
13.▲1Grace, var. Gracee, .. 28 more
14.▼3Evie, var. Ava, Eva
15.▼3Sophia, var. Sofia, Sophie, Sofie, .. 15 more
16.▲2Ella, var. Ellie, Elly, Ela, .. 10 more
17.▲4Scarlett, up two years: 25→21→17, var. Scarlet, Scarlette, .. 1 more
18.▼2Chloe, down more than three years: ..→12→16→18, var. Khloe, Kloe, .. 6 more
19.▼2Isabelle, var. Isabel, Isabell, Izabelle, Izabel
20.▼1Freya, var. Fraya
21.▼1Charlotte, var. Karlotte, .. 98 more
22.▲9Sienna, up more than three years: ..→36→31→22, var. Siena
23.▼1Daisy, down three years: 15→20→22→23, var. Daisi, .. 8 more
24.▲4Phoebe, var. Phoeboe, .. 5 more
25.▲1Millie, up two years: 35→26→25, var. Malia, Melia, Milly
26.▼2Eva, var. Ava, Evie, .. 11 more
27.▲5Alice, up more than three years: ..→37→32→27, var. Alyse, .. 101 more
28.▼1Lucy, down more than three years: ..→23→27→28, var. Lu, .. 26 more
29.▲5Florence, up more than three years: ..→43→34→29, var. Floria, .. 34 more
30.▲13Sofia, up more than three years: ..→47→43→30, var. Sofie, .. 1 more
31.▼2Layla, var. Laila, Lyla, Lila, Leila, Lilah, Leyla, Laylah, Lylah, Leela, Leilah, Lela
32.▼9Lola, var. Lolla, .. 1 more
33.▼8Holly, var. Hollie, .. 6 more
34.▲3Imogen, var. Imogine, .. 6 more
35.▲4Molly, up two years: 46→39→35, var. Mollie, .. 4 more
36.▲11Matilda, up three years: 53→48→47→36, var. Maltilda, .. 22 more
37.▼4Lilly, down two years: 27→33→37, var. Lily, Lila, Lillie, Lilia, Lilli
38.▲10Rosie, up more than three years: ..→55→48→38, var. Rosa
39.▼1Elizabeth, var. Elisabeth, .. 190 more
40.▼4Erin, var. Eryn, .. 24 more
41.▼11Maisie, down three years: 14→22→30→41, var. Maisy, Mazie, .. 4 more
42.▲4Lexi, var. Lexie, Lexy
43.▼8Ellie, down two years: 28→35→43, var. Elly, .. 2 more
44.▼2Hannah, down more than three years: ..→41→42→44, var. Hanna, Hana, .. 23 more
45.▲12Evelyn, up three years: 87→65→57→45, var. Evelynn, Evalyn, Evalynn, Evelin, .. 22 more
46.▼2Abigail, down three years: 34→38→44→46, var. Abbigail, Abbygail, Abigale, Abagail, Abigayle, .. 38 more
47.▲23Elsie, up two years: 87→70→47, var. Elsy
48.▼8Summer, down more than three years: ..→34→40→48, var. Summers, .. 2 more
49.▼8Megan, down more than three years: ..→29→41→49, var. Meghan, Meagan, .. 12 more
50.▼5Jasmine, down more than three years: ..→42→45→50, var. Jazmine, Jazmin, Jasmin, .. 31 more
51.▲2Maya, up two years: 58→53→51, var. Mya, Miah, Maia, Miya, Maiya
52.▼1Amelie, var. Emily, Amelia, Emilia, Emilee, Emilie, Emelia, Emmalee, Amalia, Emalee, Emmaleigh, Amilia
53.▼4Lacey, down three years: 36→40→49→53, var. Lacy, Laci, .. 11 more
54.▲15Willow, up two years: 75→69→54
55.▼5Emma, down more than three years: ..→49→50→55, var. Emmy, Emmie, Ema, .. 24 more
56.▲2Bella, up two years: 69→58→56, var. Belva, .. 6 more
57.▲6Eleanor, var. Elinor, .. 77 more
58.▲7Esme, up more than three years: ..→72→65→58, var. Isme, .. 5 more
59.▲2Eliza, up three years: 93→62→61→59, var. Elisa, Aliza, .. 8 more
60.▼5Georgia, var. Georgianne, .. 23 more
61.▲6Harriet, up more than three years: ..→71→67→61, var. Harriett, .. 15 more
63.▲9Annabelle, up three years: 89→79→72→63, var. Anabelle, Annabel, Anabel, Annabell
64.▼8Emilia, var. Melia, .. 3 more
65.▼5Amber, down two years: 52→60→65, var. Ambre, .. 4 more
66.▲22Ivy, var. Ivey, .. 5 more
67.▼8Brooke, down more than three years: ..→50→59→67, var. Brook, .. 7 more
68.▲10Rose, var. Roselina, .. 58 more
69.▼1Anna, down three years: 63→67→68→69, var. Ana, .. 18 more
70.▲1Zara, up three years: 76→73→71→70, var. Zariah, Zaria, Zaira, .. 7 more
71.▼7Leah, down more than three years: ..→56→64→71, var. Lia, Leia, Lea, .. 2 more
71.▲13Mollie, var. Molly, Malia
73.▲4Martha, up three years: 85→83→77→73, var. Martynne, .. 32 more
74.▼1Faith, down two years: 63→73→74, var. Fayth, .. 6 more
75.▼21Hollie, var. Holly
76.▼14Amy, down more than three years: ..→51→62→76, var. Amya, Aimee, Amia, Amiah, .. 18 more
77.▼4Bethany, down more than three years: ..→64→73→77, var. Bethaney, .. 10 more
78.▲22Violet, var. Violette, .. 29 more
79.▼13Katie, down more than three years: ..→57→66→79, var. Katy, .. 15 more
80.▲1Maryam, up three years: 99→94→81→80, var. Miriam, Mariam
81.▲9Francesca, up two years: 99→90→81, var. Franciska, .. 5 more
82.▼3Julia, down three years: 77→78→79→82, var. Julie, .. 42 more
83.▲11Maria, var. Mariah, Marie, Moriah, Mayra, .. 13 more
85.▼9Isabel, down more than three years: ..→66→76→85, var. Isabelle, Isabell, Izabelle, Izabel, .. 39 more
87.▼5Maddison, var. Madison, Madisyn, Madyson
88.newVictoria, var. Victoriana, .. 30 more
89.▲9Isobel, var. Isabelle, Isabel, Isabell, Izabelle, Izabel
90.▼6Niamh, down more than three years: ..→81→84→90
91.▼5Skye, down more than three years: ..→84→86→91, var. Sky, .. 2 more
92.▼17Madison, var. Maddison, Madisyn, Madyson, .. 2 more
94.▼7Aisha, var. Asha, Isha, Ayesha, .. 59 more
95.newBeatrice, var. Beatriz new, .. 23 more
96.▼1Sarah, down more than three years: ..→90→95→96, var. Sara, Sarai, Zara, Zaria, Zahra, .. 61 more
97.▼6Zoe, var. Zoey, Zoie, Zoya, Zooey, Zoee, .. 5 more
98.▼18Paige, down three years: 63→70→80→98, var. Payge, .. 5 more
99.▼16Heidi, var. Heidy, .. 6 more
100.▼4Lydia, var. Lidia, .. 4 more
100.▼1Sara, var. Sarah, Sarai, Zara, Zaria, Zahra
