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Girl Names Starting with Alex-
Alex- baby names and what they mean, with 5 results. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest 2 decades ago (USAGE OF 2.2%) and is now much reduced (USAGE 0.5%, DOWN 75.9%), with names like Alexys becoming somewhat outmoded. Alexanian (TOP 34%) and Alexion (81%) are popular Alex- last names. Here is the list of Alex- names for boys.
Alex - Alexis
Stems fr. Greek language. "Man's defender." Alee is also a marginally favored girl's name.
Alexis1▼, Alexa1, Alex2
Var. of Alix. Stems fr. Old German element. "Noble." Adex and Ailex are creative forms.
Alexandra▼, var. Alexsandra, Alexis2▼, Alexine1, Alexina1, Alexie, Alexia1▼, Alexene, Alexi1▼, Alexena, Alexea, Alexandrine, Alexandrina, Alexandria1▼, Alexandrene, Alexandretta, Alexandrena, Alexandreana, Alexandrea▼, Alexandre, Alexanderine, Alexander▼, Alexanderia, Alexanda, Alexa2, Alex3
Origin fr. Greek element. "Man's defender." Alexandra (cf. Alcantara, Altamira) is a common -ra suffix last name.
Derivative of Greek word. .. Also a place name in Louisiana .. Popular, with usage of 0.069% for Alexandria as a baby name in 2018, but lower than 0.073% the year before. See also Alixandra.
Alexis3▼, var. Alexys▼, Alexus▼, Alexius, Alexine2, Alexina2, Alexia2▼, Alexanne, Alexi2▼, Alexanna, Alexa3, Alex4
Derivative of Greek. "Defender." Adoption of Alexis and variants as birth names in 2018 was 65% less than a decade ago.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Alex- names for girls.
1. Alex - AlexisAlex, Alix [Alex, Alexa, Alexis▼], Alexandra▼ [Alexi▼, Alexis▼, Alexie, Alexia▼, Alexine, Alexina, Alexene, Alexsandra, ..], Alexandria▼, Alexis▼ [Alexi▼, Alexys▼, Alexus▼, Alexia▼, Alexius, Alexine, Alexina, Alexanne, ..]