Home > Alex- Names

Girl Names Starting with Alex-

Alex- baby names and what they mean, with 5 results. Adoption of these girl names was at its highest 2 decades ago (USAGE OF 2.2%) and is now much reduced (USAGE 0.5%, DOWN 75.9%), with names like Alexys becoming somewhat outmoded. Alexanian (TOP 34%) and Alexion (81%) are popular Alex- last names. Here is the list of Alex- names for boys.

Alex- names

Alex - Alexis


Stems fr. Greek language. "Man's defender." Alee is also a marginally favored girl's name.

Alix and variants

Alexis1, Alexa1, Alex2
Var. of Alix. Stems fr. Old German element. "Noble." Adex and Ailex are creative forms.

Alexandra and variants

Alexandra, var. Alexsandra, Alexis2, Alexine1, Alexina1, Alexie, Alexia1, Alexene, Alexi1, Alexena, Alexea, Alexandrine, Alexandrina, Alexandria1, Alexandrene, Alexandretta, Alexandrena, Alexandreana, Alexandrea, Alexandre, Alexanderine, Alexander, Alexanderia, Alexanda, Alexa2, Alex3
Origin fr. Greek element. "Man's defender." Alexandra (cf. Alcantara, Altamira) is a common -ra suffix last name.


Derivative of Greek word. .. Also a place name in Louisiana .. Popular, with usage of 0.069% for Alexandria as a baby name in 2018, but lower than 0.073% the year before. See also Alixandra.

Alexis and variants

Alexis3, var. Alexys, Alexus, Alexius, Alexine2, Alexina2, Alexia2, Alexanne, Alexi2, Alexanna, Alexa3, Alex4
Derivative of Greek. "Defender." Adoption of Alexis and variants as birth names in 2018 was 65% less than a decade ago.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for Alex- names for girls.

1. Alex - Alexis
Alex, Alix [Alex, Alexa, Alexis], Alexandra [Alexi, Alexis, Alexie, Alexia, Alexine, Alexina, Alexene, Alexsandra, ..], Alexandria, Alexis [Alexi, Alexys, Alexus, Alexia, Alexius, Alexine, Alexina, Alexanne, ..]

Usage comparison for Alex- names
