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Girl Names Starting with An-

An- baby names and what they mean, with 81 results. An- names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names reached its highest in the 1880s (ADOPTION OF 4.82%) and has become significantly less since (ADOPTION 1.7%, 64.8% LESS), with names like Angelita going out of style. The most trendy birth names in this compilation are Anastasia (#148), Antonella (#468), Andi (#825), Anaya (#424) and Anais (#848), while Antes (TOP 15%) and Anastasi (13%) are familiar An- surnames. Here is the list of An- names for boys.

An- names

Ana - Anda | Anda - Anise | Anita - Annot | Annunciata - Anwen | Anya

Ana - Anda

Ana and variants

Ana1, var. Anka, Anica, Anarosa1, Anamarie, Analena, Anamaria, Analeigh, Analee
Derived fr. Hebrew word. "Favored grace." Usage of Ana, Analeigh, etc. as children's names in 2018 was up 1.3% compared to 2017.

Anabel and variants

Anabel, var. Annabelle, Annabella, Annabel, Anabelle
Combination of Anna and Belle. Anabell is also a slightly prominent girl's name.

Source fr. Hebrew language. "Heron." Rare. Compare Anafa with popular -fa surnames Alaffa (UPPER 87%), Arfa (90%). See also Anaya.


.. The name may be derived from .. Well-used, with usage of 0.029% for Anahi as a baby name in 2018, higher than 0.028% the previous year. See also Annah.

From Persian element. "Immaculate, undefiled." Scarce. Anahita is not listed in the US Census.

Anais and variants

Anais1, var. Anayas
Stems fr. French, Hebrew languages. Anaïs is a variant of .. Popularly used, with usage of 0.019% for Anais and Anayas as children's names in 2018, higher than 0.014% a year ago.

Agnes and variants

Annise, Annisah, Annisa, Annis, Annice, Anniesse, Anneyce, Annest, Annais, Anise, Anissa, Anis, Anessa, Anais2
Var. of Agnes. From Greek. "Pure, holy." Well-used, with usage of 0.025% for Anais and variants as birth names in 2018, higher than 0.014% a year ago.


Derived fr. American language. Invented name from a combination of .. Popular girls' name. See also Amalya.

Spanish combined form of Ana and .. Rare. Analilia, like Adalicia, Attilia, ends with -ia. See also Analisia.

Ananda and variants

Ananda, var. Anda1
Origin fr. Sanskrit word. "Ultimate bliss." Ananda is commonly used as a birth name among these variations.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of An- names: Ana, Anabel, Anabelle, Anahi, Anais

Top 2000 baby names ranking of An- names: Analee, Analeigh, Analia, Anamaria, Ananda

Top 2000 baby names ranking of An- names: Anastacia, Anastasia, Anaya, Anessa, Anis

Top 2000 baby names ranking of An- names: Anissa, Anna, Annabel, Annabella, Annabelle

Top 2000 baby names ranking of An- names: Annice, Annis, Anya

Root fr. Akan. "Fourth-born child." Anani is unique as a baby name. See also Amani.

Form of Rosa. Source fr. Latin element. "Rose." A girls' name which is only intermittently used.

Anastasia and variants

Anastasia, var. Anya, Anstice, Anstass, Annastasia, Anestassia, Anna, Anasztasia, Anasztaizia, Anastazia, Anastatia, Anastay, Anastassia, Anastasiya, Anastasija, Anastashia, Anastasie, Anastasha, Anastase, Anastaise, Ana2, Anastacia
Source fr. Greek language. "Resurrection." Usage of Anastasia and variants as girls' names in 2018 was down 20.5% compared to a decade ago.

Anat, var. Anath
Origin fr. Hebrew language. "To sing." Anat and Anath are scarce as female names.

Anatolia, var. Anatolya, Anatola
Origin fr. Greek element. "Break of day." Uncommon, with the androgynous -ia suffix for Anatolia, like Analilia.

Anaya and variants

Anaya1, var. Anayeh
Origin fr. Arabic element. "Care, protection." Anayeh and forms were favored as birth names in 2016 and have remained common.

Form of Inaya. Root fr. Arabic word. "Care, protection." Anaya is a scarcely used women's name, occurring regularly (UPPER 1%) as a surname. See also Enaya.

Origin fr. Old French word. "Servant." Ancelote is a scarce female name.

Origin fr. Hebrew. "He (God) has favored me." Ancina was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Annina.

Form of Alexandra. From Greek word. "Man's defender." A children's name that is rarely used, Anda exists more frequently as a last name. See also Ande.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for An- names for girls.

1. Ana - Anda
Ana [Anka, Anica, ..], Anabel [Annabelle, Annabella, ..], Anafa, Anahi, Anahita, Anais [Anayas], Agnes [Annise, Annisah, ..], Analia, Analilia, Ananda [Anda], Anani, Rosa [Anarosa], Anastasia [Anya, Anstice, ..], Anat [Anath], Anatolia [Anatola, Anatolya], Anaya [Anayeh], Inaya [Anaya], Ancelote, Ancina, Alexandra [Anda]

Fernanda [Anda, Annda], Andie [Andi, Andena, ..], Andrea [Andy, Andrine, ..], Andromeda, Anela [Anakela], Anemone [Annaymone, Anneaymone, ..], Angel [Angle, Angelea, ..], Angela [Annjela, Annijilla, ..], Angelica [Anjelika, Anjelique, ..], Angharad, Angusina, Aanya [Anya, Ania], Ania [Aniya, Aniyah], Anice [Annys, Annis, ..], Aniceta [Anniceta, Annicetta, ..], Anika [Annika, Anneke, ..], Anima, Anina [Annina, Aninna], Anisa [Anisah, Annissa], Anise [Anis, Anisette, ..]

Anita [Annitta, Annitra, ..], Anitra, Anjali, Anjanette [Anjeanette, Annjeanette, ..], Anmol, Ann [Annie], Hannah [Anne, Annie, ..], Anna [Anoesj, Anouska, ..], Annabel [Annabelle, Annabella, ..], Annalisa [Annissa, Annelise, ..], Annamaria [Annmaria, Annemarie, ..], Anne [Anyu, Anyshka, ..], Annemae [Annemie, Annamay, ..], Anner, Annette [Annetta, Annettchen, ..], Annis [Anyssa, Anysia, ..], Anniston [Aniston], Honor [Anora, Annora], Annora [Anora, Anorah], Annot

Annunciata [Anunziata, Anunciata, ..], Annwyl [Anwylle, Annwyll], Anona, Anonna [Anona, Annona], Anouska [Anusha, Anyoushka, ..], Selma [Anselma], Anselma, Ainsley [Ansley], Ansley [Anslie, Ansleigh, ..], Ansonia [Ansonya, Annsonya, ..], Antalya [Antaliya], Anthea [Antia, Anthoula, ..], Anthemia [Anthymia, Anthemya, ..], Antigone, Antje, Antoinette [Antwinett, Antwanetta, ..], Antonia [Antonya, Antonnette, ..], Anuhea, Anwar, Anwen [Anwyn]

5. Anya

Anya [Anja, Ania]

Usage comparison for An- names
