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Girl Names Starting with Au-
Au- baby names and what they mean, with 31 results. Au- names are used more often as feminine names. Usage of these girl names was at its highest in the year 2013 (ADOPTION OF 1.6%) and is almost as conventional today (ADOPTION 1.4%, ▼12.1%), but with names like Audie falling out of fashion. The most trendy baby names in this compilation are Aurora (#44), Aurelia (#653), Aubriella (#758), Austyn (#996) and Aubrielle (#806), while Audsley (TOP 70%) and Audy (52%) are popular Au- last names. Here is the list of Au- names for boys.
Auberta - Auralee
Aubine1, Auberthe, Aubertha, Auberte, Auberta1
Forms of Alberta. Based on Old English language. "Noble, bright." Rare. Compare Auberte with popular surnames Alderete (TOP 6%), Audette (8%), which also end with -te.
Derived fr. French, Old English words. Feminine of Albert .. Outside Top 2000. See also Huberta.
Var. of Albinia. Root fr. Latin. "White, fair." Aubine is unique as a birth name. See also Rubine.
Aubrey▲, var. Aubury, Aubry, Aubrie, Aubrianne, Aubriana, Aubrianna, Aubri, Aubrette, Aubreigh, Aubre, Aubree, Aubery, Aubary
Origin fr. Old German element. "Elf or magical being, power." Aubrey has increased in popularity as a birth name since 1930-1939.
Aubriella▲, var. Aubrielle▲
Source fr. American word. Blend of Aubrey and Ella. Well-used, with usage of 0.041% for Aubriella and Aubrielle as baby names in 2018, but lower than 0.042% in 2017.
Based on English language. "Moderate or reddish brown." Arburn and Maburn are creative variations.
Auda, var. Aude, Aud
From Old French. "Prosperous." Auda, Aud and Aude are barely found as women's names.
Var. of Aidan. Origin fr. Gaelic element. "Fire." Audan is not often used as a birth name. See also Auda.
Derived fr. Old English language. "Noble strength." Audra became more popular in 2018, rising +11 positions as a baby name to reach #1317. See also Audry.
Audrey▲, var. Audrye, Audry, Audris1, Audrina1▼, Audrie, Audrielle, Audria, Audri, Audreen, Audrea, Audree, Audra2▼, Audie▼, Audi, Audene, Audessa, Audelia
Based on Old English element. "Noble strength." Audra (TOP 16%), Audrea (60%) and Audria (100%) are familiar as given names.
Audriana, var. Audrianna, Audreanna, Audreana
A blend of Audrey and Anna. Audrianna and forms soared in popularity in 2011 and are less widespread today.
Of modern origin .. Usage of Audrina as a girls' name in 2018 was down 75.7% compared to a decade ago. See also Adrina.
Audris2, var. Audriss
Derivative of Old German. "Lucky." Audris and Audriss are not in the Top 2000.
Augusta▼, var. Austyne, Austyna, Austine, Austina, Augustyna, Augustyne, Augustine, Augustina, Augustia, Auguste
From Latin. "Great, magnificent." Less used today. Augusta and Augustine were versions last listed (the 1950s) in the Top 2000.
From Hawaiian. "Sloping." Scarce. Auina is not listed in the US Census. See also Anina.
Var. of Andrea. From Greek. "Manly, virile." Aundrea is a recognizable (UPPER 68%) first name.
Form of Anika. Root fr. Hausa word. "Sweet-faced." Not that popular as a girls' name. See also Aniko.
Var. of Isaura. .. Isauria was an ancient country in .. Rare, with usage of 0.007% for Aura as a birth name in 2018, higher than 0.006% the previous year. See also Ari.
Aura2, var. Auriana, Auria, Aurea, Aure
Root fr. Latin word. "Wind." Aura (UPPER 31%) and Aurea (45%) are familiar as female names, whereas Aure, Auria and Auriana are unusual.
Auralee, var. Auralei
Blend of Aura with Lee. Auralee and Auralei are rarely used as birth names.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Au- names for girls.
1. Auberta - AuraleeAlberta [Aubine, Auberte, Auberta, Auberthe, Aubertha], Auberta, Albinia [Aubine], Aubrey▲ [Aubri, Aubry, Aubury, Aubrie, Aubriana, Aubrette, Aubrianne, Aubrianna, ..], Aubriella▲ [Aubrielle▲], Auburn, Auda [Aud, Aude], Aidan [Audan], Audra▼, Audrey▲ [Audry, Audri, Audrye, Audris, Audrie, Audria, Audrina▼, Audrielle, ..], Audriana [Audreana, Audrianna, Audreanna], Audrina▼, Audris [Audriss], Augusta▼ [Austyne, Austyna, Austine, Austina, Augustyne, Augustyna, Augustine, Augustina, ..], Auina, Andrea [Aundrea], Anika [Aunika], Isaura [Aura], Aura [Aure, Aurea, Auria, Auriana], Auralee [Auralei]
Aurelia▲ [Aurita, Auriel, Aurene, Aurelie, Aurielle, Auriella, Aurellia, Aurelina, ..], Oralia [Aurelle], Oriel [Auriel, Aurielle, Auriella], Oriole [Auriel], Auriel [Auriol, Aureole, Aureola], Euron [Auron], Aurora▲ [Aurea, Aurore], Austine [Austyn▲, Austin, Austina], Australia, Autumn▲, Aviva [Auvit]