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Girl Names Starting with Jan-
Jan- baby names and what they mean, with 23 results. Jan- names are used more often as feminine names. Usage of these girl names was at its most widespread in the 1940s (USAGE OF 2.6%) and has become much less since (USAGE 0.17%, 93.6% LESS), with names such as Janette becoming less stylish. Jang (TOP 4%) and Jani (14%) are conventional Jan- last names.
Jan - Janine
Jan1▼, var. Janne, Jannah1, Janna1▼, Jann, Janine1▼, Janah1, Janina1, Jana1▼
Derived fr. Hebrew word. "God is gracious." Jana was among 2018's Top names.
Janna2▼, Jana2▼
Forms of Johnna. Derivative of Hebrew language. "God is gracious." Janya is also a slightly prominent baby name.
Jana3▼, var. Janny1, Jannie▼, Jannalee, Jannah2, Janna3▼, Janceena, Janica1, Janalynn, Janalyn, Janalee, Janah2
Origin fr. Hebrew word. "God is gracious." Common as surnames. Compare Jana (UPPER 41%), Janceena, Janna and popular -na last names Juna (UPPER 100%), Vana (17%).
Janae1, var. Jannae, Janea, Janaye1, Janaya▼, Janay▼, Janai, Janais, Janah3, Janaeh, Janaea
Based on American language. .. Janai is also a Biblical male .. Janaea and forms grew in popularity 21 years ago and have become less widespread, with Janaya becoming less stylish.
Jancis, var. Jancess, Jances
Based on Hebrew, Latin words. "Frenchman; God is gracious." Sparing use. Jancis, Jances and Jancess are not found in the US Demographics.
Jane▼, var. Jany, Janny2, Janney▼, Jannelle1, Jannel, Janka, Janna4▼, Janit1, Janise1, Janis1▼, Janique1, Janina2, Janine2▼, Janie1▼, Janice1▼, Janica2, Jania▼, Janette1▼, Janey, Janetta1, Janeth1, Janeta1, Janet1▼, Janerita, Janessa1, Janene1, Janee, Janeane, Janean, Janella1, Janelle1, Janelba1, Janela, Janel1▼, Janeen1▼, Jandy, Janeczka, Janaye2, Janae2, Jana4▼, Jan2▼
Based on Hebrew element. "God is gracious." Usage of Jane and variants as children's names in 2018 was 23.1% less than a decade ago.
Janora, Janisha1, Janisha2, Janique2, Janika, Janiel, Janielle1, Janeille, Janeese, Janeesa, Janecia
Forms of Ja-. Derivative of American word. .. Pronunciation emphasis is on the second .. Janecia, Janisha, etc. are seldom found as female names.
Form of Jeanelle. Stems fr. English element. Diminutive form of Jeanne. Usage of Janelle as a birth name in 2018 was 33.4% less than the previous decade. See also Jonella.
Janelle3, var. Jannelle2, Janielle2, Janiella, Janely, Janellie, Janell▼, Janella2, Janelba2, Janel2▼
.. See also Jeanelle. Adoption of Janelle and variants as birth names in 2018 was 47.5% less than a decade ago.
Var. of Jenessa. Combination of Jennifer and Vanessa, or .. A conventional baby name (#978 A YEAR AGO), Janessa also exists commonly as a first name for women. See also Jennessa.
Janessa3, var. Jannessa, Janissa, Janesse1
Derivative of American word. .. See also Ja . Janesse, Janissa and Jannessa are more unique as girls' names among the variations of Janessa.
Janet2▼, var. Janot, Jannette, Janetta2, Janneth, Jannet, Janette2▼, Janit2, Janetta3, Janett, Janeth2, Janeta2
Based on Scottish element. Originally a diminutive of Jane, from .. Janet, Janeth, Janett, Janetta, Janette, Jannet and Jannette are more generally used as birth names among these variant forms.
Var. of Genevieve. Origin fr. French. .. Geneviève is the French version .. Sparing use. Janeva is not listed in the US Census. See also Jonevah.
Janevra, Janeva2
Var. of Geneva. Stems fr. Old French language. "Juniper tree." Janeva and Janevra are unique as birth names.
Janice2▼, var. Janyce, Jannis, Jannice, Janiss, Janise2, Janique3, Janis2▼, Janiece, Janicia, Janessia, Janesse2, Janess, Janessa4, Janeece
Origin fr. Hebrew language. "God is gracious." Widely used, with usage of 0.025% for Janice and variants as girls' names in 2018, though lower than 0.026% the previous year.
Form of Eugenia. Derivative of Greek language. "Noble aristocrat." Janie was favored during 1880-1889 and is now less widespread, with Janie becoming less stylish. See also Jeane.
Form of Guinevere. Root fr. Welsh. "Fair and smooth." Janifer is a sparsely used female name, registering commonly (UPPER 70%) as a last name. See also Jenyfer.
Janine3▼, Janina3
Var. of Gianina. Derived fr. Italian, Hebrew languages. "God is gracious." Janina and Janine are more generally used as birth names among the variant forms of Gianina.
Janine4▼, var. Jannine1, Jannina, Janina4, Janene2, Janeen2▼
Derived fr. English language. Simplified form of Jeannine. Jannina and Jannine are more unique as girls' names among the versions of Janine.
Jannine2, Janine5▼
Var. of Jeannine. Origin fr. French, Hebrew. "God is gracious." Used somewhat widely as baby names, Janine and Jannine are comparable to the conventional Janene.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Jan- names for girls.
1. Jan - JanineJan▼ [Jann, Jana▼, Janne, Janna▼, Janah, Jannah, Janine▼, Janina], Johnna [Jana▼, Janna▼], Jana▼ [Janny, Janna▼, Jannie▼, Jannah, Janica, Jannalee, Janceena, Janalynn, ..], Janae [Janea, Janay▼, Janai, Janah, Jannae, Janaye, Janaya▼, Janais, ..], Jancis [Jances, Jancess], Jane▼ [Jany, Janny, Janna▼, Janka, Janit, Janney▼, Jannel, Jannelle, ..], Ja- [Janora, Janika, Janiel, Janisha, Janique, Janielle, Janeille, ..], Jeanelle [Janelle], Janelle [Janell▼, Janely, Janella, Janelba, Jannelle, Janielle, Janiella, Janellie, ..], Jenessa [Janessa], Janessa [Janesse, Janissa, Jannessa], Janet▼ [Janot, Janit, Jannet, Janetta, Janneth, Janette▼, Jannette, ..], Genevieve [Janeva], Geneva [Janeva, Janevra], Janice▼ [Janis▼, Janyce, Jannis, Janiss, Janise, Jannice, Janique, Janiece, ..], Eugenia [Janie▼], Guinevere [Janifer], Gianina [Janine▼, Janina], Janine▼ [Janina, Janene, Janeen▼, Jannine, Jannina], Jeannine [Janine▼, Jannine]
Juanita [Janita], Janoah [Janowa], Ianthe [Janthia]