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L- Names for Girls

L baby names and what they mean, with 273 results. The most fashionable girl names in this list are Leia (#296), Leilani (#120), Lia (#246), Logan (#309) and Luna (#23), while Leyva (TOP 1%) and Law (1%) are common L- last names. Here is the list of L- names for boys.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lacee, Lacey, Lachelle, Laci, Lacie

La- and variants

La-, var. Lawanda, Lavonne, Lavonna, Lavette, Lavonda, Latrisha, Latricia, Latreece, Latrice, Latoya, Latoria, Latonia, Latonya, Latisha, Latina, Latavia, Latifah, Latasha, Latanya, Lashawn, Lashawnda, Lashanda, Lashae, Laronda, Lasandra, Larisha, Larhonda, Laray, Laree, Larae, Laquita, Laquanda, Laquesha, Laquana, Laporsha, Lanisha, Lanita1, Lanika, Laniece, Lanesha, Lanessa, Lanelle, Lanai, Lakia, Lanae, Lakendra, Lakeisha, Ladonya, Lajuana, Laday, Lacoya, Lachelle1, Lacinda, Lacacia
Source fr. American. Combination of the La prefix with .. Lakeisha, Laquita, Lashanda, Lashawn, Latanya, Latasha, Latavia, Latifah, Latisha, Latonia, Latonya, Latoya, Latrice, Latricia, Lavonne and Lawanda have declined in popularity as baby names since 1930-1939.

Anita and variants

Lanita2, Laanita
Var. of Anita. Root fr. Spanish word. Originally a Spanish pet form of .. Common, and Laanita, Lanita are similar to popular last names Labita (TOP 58%), Laurita (32%), with the -ita suffix.

Form of Bella. Derivative of Italian, Latin words. "Beautiful." Compare surnames Labelle, Labello. See also Sabella.

Var. of Bertha. From Old German. "Bright, famous." Laberla and Laberna are creative variations.

Var. of Brenda. From Old Norse language. "Sword." Unique, with the -da ending for Labrenda, like Larinda, Lacinda.

Form of Bridget. Derived fr. Gaelic language. "Exalted one." Labridget is not in the Top 2000.

Form of Cara. Derivative of Latin, Irish, Gaelic. "Beloved; friend." Not in popularity charts. See also Lacoria.

Lacey and variants

Lacey, var. Laycie, Laisey, Laicey, Lacyann, Laicee, Lacy, Lacina, Laciann, Lacie, Laci, Lacene, Lace, Lacee
Derivative of Old French language. Nobleman's surname carried to England and .. Lacey (TOP 15%), Laci (47%), Lacie (39%) and Lacy (22%) are conventional female names.


Form of Chelle. Stems fr. Old English, Hebrew words. "Chalk landing place." Somewhat popular as a baby name, Lachelle is comparable to the familiar Machelle.

Var. of Nicole. Stems fr. Greek language. "People of victory." Outside Top 2000. See also Lucyle.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lacy, Ladonna, Lady, Laela, Laila

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Laina, Laine, Lainey, Lajuana, Lakeisha

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lakendra, Lakia, Lanae, Lanelle, Laney

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lanie, Lanita, Laporsha, Laquanda, Laquesha

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Laquita, Larae, Laree, Larhonda, Laronda

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lasandra, Lashae, Lashanda, Lashawn, Lashawnda

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Latanya, Latasha, Latavia, Latifah, Latina

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Latisha, Latonia, Latonya, Latoria, Latoya

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Latrice, Latricia, Latrisha, Lavette, Lavonda

Top 2000 baby names ranking of L- names: Lavonna, Lavonne, Lawanda, Layla, Laylah, Layne

Var. of Cora. Derived fr. Greek language. "Maiden." A scarce baby name. See also Lacara.

Var. of Vladislava. Source fr. Slavic language. "Glorious rule." Not in popularity charts. See also Laidy.


Form of Donna. Origin fr. Italian language. "Lady." Ladonna has trended downward in favor as a birth name circa 1960-1969. See also Laudonia.

Ladonna2, var. Ledonna
Modern elaborated form of Donna (Italian) .. Ladonna is a frequently occurring (UPPER 16%) women's name, while Ledonna is unconventional.

Lady and variants

Lady1, var. Laidy, Ladey
From Old English language. "Bread kneader." Ladey and Laidy are more rarefied as children's names among the variations of Lady.

Laidey, Lady2
Var. of Adelaide. Based on Old German word. "Noble kind." Used somewhat frequently as girls' names, Lady and Laidey are comparable to the common Lainey.

Derivative of Hebrew language. "Belonging to God." Lael is unusual as a baby name.

Laila and variants

Laila, var. Laylah, Layla, Laleh, Lailie, Laily, Laliah, Laela
Stems fr. Arabic word. "Night beauty." Laila, Laela, Layla and Laylah are more prevalent as birth names among these variations.

Elaine and variants

Layney, Lainey, Laine1
Var. of Elaine. From Greek word. "Sun ray." Lainey and variants grew in popularity in 2018.

Laine and variants

Laine2, var. Layne, Lanie, Laney, Laina
Source fr. English language. "Path, roadway." Laine, Laney and Lanie are Top 2000 baby names.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for L- names for girls.

1. La- - Laine
La- [Lawanda, ..], Anita [Lanita, ..], Bella [Labella], Bertha [Laberta], Brenda [Labrenda], Bridget [Labridget], Cara [Lacara], Lacey [Laycie, ..], Chelle [Lachelle], Nicole [Lacole], Cora [Lacoria], Vladislava [Lada], Donna [Ladonna], Ladonna [Ledonna], Lady [Laidy, ..], Adelaide [Laidey, ..], Lael, Laila [Laylah, ..], Elaine [Layney, ..], Laine [Layne, ..]

Lainey [Laney], Jessica [Lajessica], Lake [Laken, ..], Lakeisha [Lekisha, ..], Kendra [Lakendra], Lakshmi [Laxmi], Eulalia [Lally, ..], Esmeralda [Lolly, ..], Lala [Lalla], Lalage [Lally, ..], Laleh, Lalia [Lalya, ..], Lalika, Lalita, Lalla, Lallie [Lally, ..], Monica [Lamonica], Lana [Lanny, ..], Alana [Lannie, ..], Helen [Lina, ..]

Lanai [Lenai], Landra, Lane [Layne, ..], Anitra [Laneetra], Eluned [Lynnette, ..], Lanetta [Lanette], Langley [Langleigh, ..], Lani, Lanice, Nora [Lanora], Lantana [Lantanna], Lara [Larra, ..], Laraine [Larraine, ..], Lareina [Larreina, ..], Aretha [Laretha], Rhonda [Larhonda], Larissa [Lyssa, ..], Lark, Larkspur, Larsen [Larsson, ..]

Shana [Lashana], Shawna [Lashawna], Lassie [Lassey], Lata, Latanya [Latonya, ..], Tasha [Latasha], Latasha, Latifah [Latiffa, ..], Latisha [Lettisha, ..], Latona, Tonya [Latonya], Latoya [Letoya, ..], Latrice [Letrice, ..], Tricia [Latrisha], Lauda, Laudonia, Laufeia, Laura [Lory, ..], Laurel [Lorelle, ..], Lauren [L'Wren, ..]

Laurence [Lourence, ..], Vanna [Lavanna], Laveda [Lavette, ..], Vera [Lavera], Laverne [Loverna, ..], Yvonne [Lavette, ..], Lavinia [Luvinia, ..], Lavonne [Levonda, ..], Leah [Lia, ..], Leala [Leola, ..], Eileen [Lina, ..], Aileen [Linah, ..], Leandra [Leonelle, ..], Leanna [Lianne, ..], Eleanor [Lina, ..], Elizabeth [Lyzette, ..], Leatrice [Leetriss], Lecia [Lisha], Alicia [Licia, ..], Alida [Lydah, ..]

Leda [Lyda, ..], Ashley [Lee], Beverly [Lee], Lee [Leigh, ..], Alice [Lyssa, ..], Alina [Lynah, ..], Caroline [Lina, ..], Karolina [Lyna, ..], Allegra [Leggra, ..], Lehava [Lehavit], Leila [Lyla, ..], Leilani [Lalani], Leith [Lethe, ..], Lela, Leland, Lelia [Lilia, ..], Lemuela [Lemuellah, ..], Arlene [Lina, ..], Lena [Lina, ..], Madeline [Lynn, ..]

Olena [Lenya, ..], Lenis [Lenos, ..], Lenna [Leonarda, ..], Lenore [Leonore, ..], Yalena [Lenyushka, ..], Leoda [Leota], Leona [Leowna, ..], Leonarda [Leonarde, ..], Leonie [Leontine, ..], Leonora [Leora, ..], Leontyne [Leontine, ..], Leora [Liora, ..], Leslie [Lezlie, ..], Alexandra [Lissandrine, ..], Leta [Lita, ..], Letha [Lethia, ..], Letitia [Letycja, ..], Aleta [Letty, ..], Levana [Livaun, ..], Levina

Levona, Lewana [Livana, ..], Alexis [Lexy, ..], Lexie [Lexya, ..], Leya, Lezith, Lia [Liya, ..], Liana [Lianne, ..], Liane [Lianne, ..], Libby [Lilibeth, ..], Liberty, Licia [Lisia, ..], Lida [Lyda, ..], Lidwina [Lidwine, ..], Elisabeth [Lisolette, ..], Elise [Lize, ..], Lieselotte, Liesl [Lisl, ..], Ligia [Lygia], Eligia [Ligia]

Delilah [Lilah, ..], Dalila [Lila], Lila [Lylah, ..], Lilac [Lilach], Lilias [Lillias, ..], Lilibeth [Lilybell, ..], Lilith [Lillith], Lillian [Lilyann, ..], Lily [Lilyanne, ..], Limor [Leemor], Lin, Adeline [Lina], Lina [Lyna, ..], Carmel [Lita, ..], Eliana [Lina], Adelinde [Linda], Linda [Lynndie, ..], Melinda [Lynda, ..], Belinda [Lindy, ..], Linden [Lindynn, ..]

Lindsay [Lynzy, ..], Linette [Lynnette, ..], Linnea [Lynnea, ..], Liora [Liorit, ..], Elvira [Lira], Lirit [Liri, ..], Lisa [Liza, ..], Melissa [Lisa], Melisande [Lisandra], Lisandra [Lizandra, ..], Alyssa [Lyssa, ..], Millicent [Lissa], Lissa [Lyssa, ..], Elissa [Lyssa, ..], Alix [Lissandre], Elita [Lita], Lita [Leta], Carmen [Lita], Liv, Olivia [Livvy, ..]

Livia [Lyvia, ..], Liya [Leeya], Liz [Lyzz, ..], Eliza [Lyza, ..], Liza [Lyza, ..], Lizbeth [Lyzbeth, ..], Lizena, Lizette [Lyzette, ..], Llesenia, Loelia, Logan [Logann], Loida [Loyda], Loire [Loirane, ..], Heloise [Lois], Lois, Dolores [Lolita, ..], Lola [Lolla, ..], Charlotte [Lotty, ..], Carol [Lottie, ..], Lolita

Loni [Lonnie, ..], Lora [Lowra, ..], Lorelei [Lurline, ..], Lorelle [Lowrelle, ..], Loren [Loryn, ..], Lorena [Lorrina, ..], Lorenza [Lorenzina, ..], Loretta [Lowretta, ..], Lori [Loris, ..], Lorna [Lorrna], Lorraine [Lorrayne, ..], Karlotta [Lottie, ..], Lottie [Lotty, ..], Lotus, Lou [Loulou, ..], Louise [Lulu, ..], Lourdes [Lurdes, ..], Love [Lovey, ..], Joyce [Loyce], Luana [Luwana, ..]

Luba [Lyubah, ..], Lubomira [Luba], Lucerne [Lucerna], Lucetta [Lucette, ..], Lucia, Luciana, Lucille [Lusile, ..], Lucinda [Lusine, ..], Lucita [Luzita, ..], Lucretia [Lucrezia, ..], Lucy [Luzija, ..], Ludmilla [Lyudmila, ..], Luella [Lulu, ..], Luisa [Luiza, ..], Lulu, Lumina [Luminosa], Luna [Lunneta, ..], Lundy [Lundie], Guadalupe [Lupita, ..], Lupita [Lupelina, ..]

Lurleen [Lurline, ..], Lusca, Luz [Luziana, ..], Lycia, Lydia [Lydie, ..], Lyla [Lilah, ..], Lynda [Lyndi, ..], Lyndsey [Lynzie, ..], Lynette [Lynnette, ..], Lynn [Lynnett, ..], Lyric [Lyricia, ..], Lyris [Lyria, ..], Lysandra [Lyssandra, ..]

Usage comparison for L- names
