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Girl Names Starting with Lu-
Lu- baby names and what they mean, with 31 results. Lu- names are used more often as feminine names. Usage of these girl names was at its apex during the years 1880-1889 (USAGE OF 1.96%) and has become significantly diminished since (USAGE 0.95%, ▼52%), with names such as Lula becoming somewhat dated. Luna (#23), Luciana (#349), Lucia (#183) and Luisa (#1112) are four of the more chic girl names here, while Lugo (TOP 1%) and Lujan (1%) are familiar Lu- last names. Here is the list of Lu- names for boys.
Lu - Luna
Lulu1▼, Lulita, Lula1▼, Lujzika, Luise, Lujza, Luisa1▲, Luella1▼, Ludwiga, Ludovica, Ludovika, Lu1▼
Var. of Louise. Stems fr. Old German language. "Famous warrior." Luisa (compare Leposa, Lesa) is a popular -sa suffix last name.
Var. of Lou. Short form of Louann .. Lu is generally used as a children's name among the variations of Lou.
Luana, var. Luwana, Luannie, Luanne▼, Luannah, Luann▼, Luanna, Luane, Luanda
Derived fr. Hawaiian element. "Enjoyment." Luana, Luann, Luanna and Luanne are more widely used as children's names among these versions.
Luba1, var. Lubah
Derived fr. Yiddish word. "Dear." Luba is a conventional (TOP 95%) female name, whereas Lubah is unique.
Lubomira, var. Luba2
Stems fr. Slavic element. "Person who loves peace." Luba is frequently occurring (TOP 95%) as a female name, whereas Lubomira is unconventional.
Lucerne, var. Lucerna
Source fr. Latin. "Lamp." Not in Top 2000.
Lucetta1, var. Lucette1
Based on Latin language. "Light." Used somewhat frequently as baby names, Lucetta and Lucette are similar to the familiar Lisette.
Derivative of Italian, Latin. "Light." Widely used, with usage of 0.095% for Lucia as a girls' name in 2018, though lower than 0.096% in 2017. See also Lexia.
Derivative of Italian, Armenian elements. "Light; moon." Luciana was popular presently. See also Lacina.
Lucille1▼, var. Lusile, Luseele, Lucyle, Lucilla1, Lucile1▼, Lucilia1, Lucila, Lucienne1, Luciela
Origin fr. French, Latin elements. "Light." Adoption of Lucille, Lucile, etc. as girls' names in 2018 was down 5.3% compared to 2017.
Lucinda1▼, var. Lusine, Lucinna, Lucinda2▼, Lucina1, Lucena
Derivative of Latin language. "Light." Somewhat common as girls' names, Lucinda, Lucena, etc. are similar to the familiar Luciana.
Lucita1, var. Luzita, Lusita1
Derived fr. Spanish, Latin. "Light." Lucita, Lusita and Luzita were not Top birth names in 2018.
Lucretia▼, var. Lucrezia, Lucresha, Lucreisha, Lucreesha, Lucrecia, Lucreecia, Lucrece
Stems fr. Latin word. "Succeed." Lucrece, Lucreecia, Lucreesha, Lucreisha and Lucresha are more novel as baby names among the versions of Lucretia.
Lucy, var. Luzija, Luz, Lusita2, Lucza, Lucyna, Lucyja, Lucita2, Lucine, Lucinda3▼, Lucille2▼, Lucina2, Lucilla2, Lucilia2, Lucile2▼, Lucie, Lucienne2, Lucida, Lucianna, Luciana2▲, Luci, Lucia2▲, Lucette2, Lucetta2, Luce, Lu3▼
Stems fr. Latin word. "Light." Luce, Lucette, Lucida, Lucilia and Lucine are more exclusive as baby names among the variant forms of Lucy.
Ludmilla, var. Ludmila
Origin fr. Slavic word. "Graceful people." Uncommon, with the androgynous-sounding -lla suffix for Ludmilla, like Lucilla.
Luella2▼, var. Lulu2▼, Lula2▼, Luelle, Lu4▼
Origin fr. Old English, Old German elements. "Famous warrior; other, foreign." Luelle is uncommon as a baby name among the variations of Luella.
Luisa2▲, var. Luiza, Luisana
Based on Spanish, Old German words. Feminine of Louis .. Luisa has increased in popularity since 1940-1949.
Source fr. Swahili, Tanzanian, Hawaiian languages. "Precious; pearl; calm, peaceful, protected." Lulu has dwindled in favor as a children's name circa the 1880s. See also Lela.
Lumina, var. Luminosa
Stems fr. Latin. "Brilliant light." Lumina and forms were favored as birth names in the 1880s.
Luna▲, var. Lunneta, Lunette, Lunetta, Luneth
From Latin word. "Moon." Used frequently as baby names, Lunetta, Luna, etc. sound like the popular Lanette.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Lu- names for girls.
1. Lu - LunaLouise [Lulu▼, Lula▼, Lujza, Luise, Luisa▲, Lulita, Luella▼, Lujzika, ..], Lou [Lu▼], Luana [Luane, Luann▼, Luwana, Luanne▼, Luanna, Luanda, Luannie, Luannah], Luba [Lubah], Lubomira [Luba], Lucerne [Lucerna], Lucetta [Lucette], Lucia▲, Luciana▲, Lucille▼ [Lusile, Lucyle, Lucile▼, Lucila, Luseele, Lucilla, Lucilia, Lucienne, ..], Lucinda▼ [Lusine, Lucina, Lucena, Lucinna, Lucinda▼], Lucita [Luzita, Lusita], Lucretia▼ [Lucrece, Lucrezia, Lucresha, Lucrecia, Lucreisha, Lucreesha, Lucreecia], Lucy [Luz, Lucza, Luzija, Lusita, Lucyja, Lucyna, Lucita, Lucine, ..], Ludmilla [Ludmila], Luella▼ [Lu▼, Lulu▼, Lula▼, Luelle], Luisa▲ [Luiza, Luisana], Lulu▼, Lumina [Luminosa], Luna▲ [Luneth, Lunneta, Lunette, Lunetta]
Lundy [Lundie], Eluned [Luned, Lunet, Lunette], Guadalupe [Lupe▼, Lupita], Lupita [Lupe▼, Lupelina], Lorelei [Lura▼, Lurline, Lurlene, Lurleen, Lurette], Lourdes [Lurdes], Lurleen [Lura▼, Lurline, Lurlene, Lurette], Elizabeth [Lusa], Lusca, Lavinia [Luvina, Luvena, Luvinia, Luvenia▼], Luz [Luziana, Luzette, Luzelena]