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Girl Names Starting with Phil-

Phil- baby names and what they mean, with 15 results. Phil- names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names was at its apex during 1910-1919, but now, names such as Philomena has gone out of style. Philp (TOP 14%) and Philps (51%) are popular Phil- last names.

Phil- names

Phila - Philyra


Derivative of Greek word. "Loving." Common. Compare Phila and popular last names Chila (TOP 40%), Psaila (98%), with the -ila suffix. See also Paola.

Source fr. Greek element. "Loving people." Not in Top 2000.

Philana and variants

Philana1, var. Phillina, Phillane, Philline, Philina1, Philene, Philena, Phila2
From Greek language. "Lover of mankind." Uncommon. Philana, Philene, etc. are not listed in the US Demographics.

Philantha, var. Philanthie, Philanthia
Based on Greek. "Lover of flowers." Philantha, Philanthia and Philanthie are not in the Top 2000.

Form of Filia. Stems fr. Greek language. "Friendship." Philia was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Pelia.

Philiberta, var. Philberthe, Philberta
Based on Old German. "Very bright." Not Top 2000 names.

Form of Phylicia. Root fr. American. Blend of Felicia and Phyllis, made .. Not Top 2000 name. See also Phelicia.

Philippa, var. Philly, Phillipina, Phillipa, Phillie, Philippine, Philippe, Philina2, Philipa, Philette, Philana2, Phil
Source fr. Greek language. "Horse lover." Phillippa is a slightly prominent kid's name.

Phyllis and variants

Philys, Phillis, Philis
Var. of Phyllis. Derived fr. Greek word. "Greenery." Philis and Philys are more rarefied as girls' names among the variations of Phyllis.

Phillida, var. Phillyda
From Greek word. "Greenery." Not in popularity charts.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Phil- names: Phila, Philena, Phillis, Philomena, Philomene

Philomela, var. Philomella
Derived fr. Greek language. "Lover of music." Philomela and Philomella are not frequently adopted as birth names.

Philomena and variants

Philomena, var. Philomina, Philomene
Root fr. Greek element. "Powerful love." Less widespread today. Philomena was the variation last found (1950-1959) in the Top 2000.

Philopena, var. Philippina
Feminine of Philip (Greek) lover of .. Not in popularity charts.

Philothea, var. Philotheia, Phillothea
Stems fr. Greek element. "Lover of God." Philothea, Phillothea and Philotheia are seldom adopted as girls' names.

Philyra, var. Phillyra, Phillira
Root fr. Greek word. "Lover of music." Philyra, Phillira and Phillyra are uncommon as children's names.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for Phil- names for girls.

1. Phila - Philyra
Phila, Philadelphia, Philana [Phila, Philina, Philene, Philena, Phillina, Phillane, Philline], Philantha [Philanthie, Philanthia], Filia [Philia], Philiberta [Philberta, Philberthe], Phylicia [Philicia], Philippa [Philly, Phillie, Philipa, Philina, Phillipa, Philippe, Phillipina, Philippine, ..], Phyllis [Philys, Philis, Phillis], Phillida [Phillyda], Philomela [Philomella], Philomena [Philomina, Philomene], Philopena [Philippina], Philothea [Philotheia, Phillothea], Philyra [Phillyra, Phillira]

Usage comparison for Phil- names
