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Girl Names Starting with Ray-
Ray- baby names and what they mean, with 10 results. Ray- names are used more often as masculine names. These girl names were at the peak of their popularity in the year 2017 (ADOPTION OF 0.1%) and have remained as popular to this day (ADOPTION 0.1%, 1% LESS), but with names like Ray becoming less in vogue. Raya (#1139), Raylynn (#1154), Rayna (#701) and Rayne (#815) are four of the more chic baby names among these, while Rayls (TOP 56%) and Rayos (14%) are popular Ray- last names. Here is the list of Ray- names for boys.
Ray - Rayzel
Raychel1, Raychelle, Raychel2, Ray1▼
Var. of Rachel. Stems fr. Hebrew word. "Ewe, female sheep." Popular. Compare Raychel and common surnames Rammel (TOP 28%), Rishel (11%), which also end with -el.
Rayona, Raynelle1, Rayna1▲, Rayma, Raylina1, Rayette1, Raylene1, Raye1, Ray2▼
Forms of Rae. Derivative of Hebrew language. "Ewe." Usage of Ray and variants as baby names in 2018 was up 17.9% compared to a decade ago.
Ray3▼, var. Raylene2, Rayla, Raye2
Derived fr. Hebrew language. "Ewe." Ray and forms grew in popularity a century ago.
Raynetta, Raynelle2, Rayney, Rayne1▲, Rayna2▲, Raylina2, Rayline, Raylene3, Rayleine, Rayette2, Rayann1, Raya1▲
Forms of Raina. Root fr. Latin element. "Queen." Widely used, with usage of 0.057% for Raya and variants as children's names in 2018, higher than 0.056% a year ago.
Derived fr. Israeli language. "Friend." Raya is scantly used as a female name, appearing commonly (TOP 4%) as a last name. See also Kaya.
Rayann2, var. Raynisha, Raynesha, Raynell1, Raylynn▲, Raylene4, Rayeann, Rayleen, Raycine, Rayanna, Rayana
From English element. A contemporary blend of Ray and .. Raycine and forms were popular as baby names 1 year ago and are almost as common now.
Raynell2, Rayna3▲
Var. of Rani. Origin fr. Hebrew, Sanskrit elements. "She is singing; queen." Adoption of Rayna and Raynell as children's names in 2018 was 17.9% more than the previous decade.
Rayna4▲, var. Raynee, Rayne2▲
Source fr. Scandinavian, Israeli elements. "Counsel; song." Rayna and Rayne are trendy forms.
Rayvinn, Rayven, Rayvenne
Forms of Raven. Based on English word. A large black bird made famous .. Less common today. Rayven was the variant last recorded (2006) in the Top 2000.
Var. of Raisa. Based on Hebrew, Yiddish. "Rose." Not much used as a baby name. See also Raychel.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Ray- names for girls.
1. Ray - RayzelRachel [Ray▼, Raychel, Raychelle], Rae [Raye, Rayna▲, Rayma, Rayona, Raylina, Raylene, Rayette, Raynelle, ..], Ray▼ [Raye, Rayla, Raylene], Raina [Rayne▲, Rayna▲, Rayney, Rayline, Raylina, Raylene, Raynetta, Raynelle, ..], Raya▲, Rayann [Raynell, Raylynn▲, Raylene, Rayleen, Rayeann, Raycine, Raynisha, Raynesha, ..], Rani [Rayna▲, Raynell], Rayna▲ [Rayne▲, Raynee], Raven [Rayven, Rayvinn, Rayvenne], Raisa [Rayzel]