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Girl Names Starting with Sar-
Sar- baby names and what they mean, with 9 results. Sar- names are used more often as feminine names. Usage of these girl names was at its peak 38 years ago (USAGE OF 2.22%) and is now significantly reduced (USAGE 0.39%, ▼82%), with names like Sarah becoming less in vogue. Sarai (#408) and Sariah (#843) are two of the more contemporarily stylish girl names among these, while Sarkis (TOP 15%) and Sarria (20%) are common Sar- last names.
Sarafina - Sarina
Form of Seraphina. Based on Hebrew word. "Burning ones." Unusual, but Sarafina is comparable to common -ina last names Suina (TOP 73%), Scardina (16%).
Sarah▼, var. Sarrey, Sarrah, Sarra, Sarotte, Sarotta, Sarka, Sarolta, Sarita1, Sarissa, Sarine, Sarina1, Sarie, Sarika, Saria, Sari, Sarhah, Sarha, Sarena1, Sarette, Sarely, Sareen1, Saran, Saramae, Saralyn, Saralynn, Saralee, Sarajean, Sarajane, Saraia, Sarahlynn, Sarai▲, Sarahlee, Sarahity, Sarahann, Sarabeth, Sara▼
Root fr. Hebrew element. "Princess." Popular, with usage of 0.373% for Sarah and variants as children's names in 2018, but lower than 0.392% the year before.
Sardinia, var. Sardegna
Place name .. Sardinia and Sardegna are unusual as girls' names.
Sarilia, Sarelia
Forms of Cerelia. From Latin. "Relating to springtime." Sarela and Serlia are creative variations.
Form of Cerise. Derivative of English, French words. "Cherry." Not Top 2000 name. See also Sarene.
Derived fr. Hebrew language. "Princess of the Lord." Unusual. Sariah is not listed in the US Census. See also Syria.
Form of Serilda. Derivative of Old German language. "Armed warrior woman." Unusual. Sarilda is not listed in the US Census. See also Marilda.
Sarina2, var. Sarita2, Sarinna, Sarene, Sarena2, Sareena, Sareen2
Derived fr. Latin, Hebrew elements. "Princess." Sarina is in the Top 2000.
Saryna, Sarina3
Forms of Serena. Derived fr. Latin word. "Serene, calm." Somewhat common as children's names, Sarina and Saryna are similar to the conventional Carina.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Sar- names for girls.
1. Sarafina - SarinaSeraphina [Sarafina], Sarah▼ [Sarka, Sarra, Sarrey, Sarrah, Sarita, Sarotte, Sarotta, Sarolta, ..], Sardinia [Sardegna], Cerelia [Sarilia, Sarelia], Cerise [Sarese], Sariah▲, Serilda [Sarilda], Sarina [Sarita, Sarene, Sarena, Sareen, Sarinna, Sareena], Serena [Saryna, Sarina]