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Girl Names Starting with Si-
Si- baby names and what they mean, with 57 results. Si- names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these girl names reached its apex 20 years ago (ADOPTION OF 0.5%) and has become much lower since (ADOPTION 0.21%, ▼58%), with names like Siobhan going out of style. Sienna (#186) and Siena (#609) are two of the more fashionable girl names in this list, while Siers (TOP 17%) and Sienko (21%) are popular Si- surnames. Here is the list of Si- names for boys.
Sian - Silence
Sian, var. Sianna1, Siana1
Based on Welsh, Hebrew languages. "God's grace." Siah is a moderately common baby name.
Sianna2, Siana2
Forms of Shawna. Origin fr. English, Irish, Gaelic words. "God's grace." Unconventional, but Sianna is comparable to popular last names Senna (TOP 22%), Dianna (39%), which also end with -nna.
Sierra1▼, Siara
Forms of Ciara. Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Black." Siara and Sierra are more commonly used as girls' names among the forms of Ciara.
Sibylla1, Sibyl1▼, Sibilla1, Sibell1
Var. of Sybil. Derivative of Greek. "Prophetess, oracle." Sibyl is commonly used as a girls' name among the forms of Sybil.
Sibyl2▼, var. Sibylla2, Sibyll, Sibilla2, Sibelle, Sibell2, Sibella, Sibel, Sibbell, Sib
Derivative of Greek element. "Prophetess, oracle." Less popular today. Sibyl was the variation last recorded (1950-1959) in the Top 2000.
Sissy1, Sicili
Var. of Cecily. Stems fr. Latin, Old Welsh languages. "Blind; sixth." Sicili and Sissy were not Top birth names in 2018.
Sicily, var. Sicilly, Sicillia, Sicilia
Place name .. Outside Top 2000.
Sidnie1, Sidney1▼, Sidnee
Var. of Sydney. Derived fr. Old English. "Wide island." Sidnee and Sidnie are more rarefied as baby names among the variant forms of Sydney.
Sidney2▼, var. Sidnie2, Sidni, Sidneigh, Sideny, Siddeny
From Old English language. "Wide island." Usage of Sideny and variants soared 19 years ago and is now lower, with Sidney falling out of fashion.
Sidonia, var. Sidony, Sidonie, Sidaine
Derived fr. Latin element. "From Sidon." Sidonia is popular as a birth name among these forms.
Stems fr. Latin element. "Of the stars." Sidra is an atypical women's name. See also Siara.
Siena▲, var. Sienna▲
Origin fr. Latin. "From Siena." Siena and Sienna became more trendy in 2018, rising +80 rankings as baby names with Siena leading the rise.
Sierra2▼, var. Siera
Derivative of Spanish element. "Saw." Usage of Sierra and Siera as children's names in 2018 was up 0.7% compared to a year ago.
Sigfreda, var. Sigfryda, Sigfrieda1, Sigfrida, Sigfrieda2
Origin fr. Old German language. "Peaceful victory." Unique. Sigfryda, var. (cf. Sigmonda, Signilda) have the unusual -da suffix.
Sigismonda, var. Sigmunda, Sigmonda, Sigismunda
Based on Italian, Old German. "Victorious shield." Not Top 2000 names.
Signa, var. Signy, Signilde, Signilda, Signild, Signe▼
Root fr. Scandinavian element. Unusual name probably meaning "victory". Usage of Signe as a baby name has diminished since 1890-1899.
Sigourney, var. Sigournie, Sigornee
Uncertain origin .. Not Top 2000 names.
Sigrid, var. Sigred
From Old Norse language. "Beautiful victory." Sigrid and variants were favored during 1890-1899.
Sissy2, Sissie, Sissela, Sisiliya, Siseel, Sisile, Siselya, Sisely, Silke, Sile, Sileas
Forms of Cecilia. Origin fr. Latin, Old Welsh words. "Blind; sixth." Sisiliya and variants are seldom found as women's names, and Silke occurs often (UPPER 48%) as a surname.
Puritan virtue name that is now .. Rather uncommon as a baby name, Silence is found more often as a surname.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Si- names for girls.
1. Sian - SilenceSian [Siana, Sianna], Shawna [Siana, Sianna], Ciara [Siara, Sierra▼], Sybil [Sibyl▼, Sibell, Sibylla, Sibilla], Sibyl▼ [Sibyll, Sibell, Sibylla, Sibilla, Sibelle, Sibella, ..], Cecily [Sissy, Sicili], Sicily [Sicilly, Sicilia, Sicillia], Sydney [Sidnie, Sidney▼, Sidnee], Sidney▼ [Sidni, Sidnie, Sideny, Siddeny, Sidneigh], Sidonia [Sidony, Sidonie, Sidaine], Sidra, Siena▲ [Sienna▲], Sierra▼ [Siera], Sigfreda [Sigfryda, Sigfrida, Sigfrieda], Sigismonda [Sigmunda, Sigmonda, Sigismunda], Signa [Signy, Signe▼, Signild, Signilde, Signilda], Sigourney [Sigornee, Sigournie], Sigrid [Sigred], Cecilia [Sissy, Sissie, Sisile, Siseel, Sissela, Sisiliya, ..], Silence
Celeste [Silestia, Silestyne, Silestyna, Silestina, Silestena, Silestijna, ..], Cilia [Silia, Sillia], Silja [Silya, Sillia, Siliya, Silija, Silliya, Sillija, ..], Silken [Silkya, Silkie], Sylvia [Silvie, Silvia, Silviana, Silvanna, Silvania, Silvianne, ..], Silvana [Silva, Silvina, Silvanna], Silver [Silverie, Silverey], Silvestra, Silvia [Silvy, Silvya, Silvie, Sirvana, Silvija, Sirvanna, ..], Seema [Sina, Sima, Simah], Samantha [Simantha], Cimarron [Simeron, Simarron], Simcha, Simla, Simone [Simonne, Simonna, Simonia, Simonina, Simonette, Simonetta, ..], Sheena [Sine, Sina], Cindy [Sindy, Sindi, Sindie, Sindee], Cynthia [Sinny, Sindy, Sinnie, Sindya, Sinthia, ..], Jane [Sinead], Sinead [Sine, Sina]
Cinnamon [Sinnamon, Sinemmon], Alexandra [Sinisa], Sintra, Hyacinth [Sinty], Siobhan▼ [Sioban, Siobahn, Siobhian], Susan [Sioux, Siusan, Siouxsie], Cipriana [Sipriana, Sipriane, Siprianne], Cypris [Siprianne], Sirena [Sirene, Sirenna, Sirenia, Sireena], Cyrilla [Siri, Sirilla], Siri [Siriana], Siria, Scirocco [Sirocco], Cicely [Sis, Sissy, Sissie, Sisley], Sissy [Sissie, Sissey, Sissee], Sitka, Sivney [Sivnie, Sivneigh]