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Boy Names Starting with Alex-
Alex- baby names and what they mean, with 4 results. Alex- names are used more often as feminine names. These boy names were at the apex of their popularity 3 decades ago (USAGE OF 1.5%) and are somewhat less conventional today (USAGE 0.8%, ▼43.8%), with names like Alexis becoming somewhat outmoded. Alexandris (TOP 88%) and Alexandrou (58%) are familiar Alex- last names. Here is the list of Alex- names for girls.
Alex - Alexis
Origin fr. Greek word. "Man's defender, warrior." Alexx is also a moderately popular baby name.
Alexander, var. Alexis1▼, Alexio1, Alexi1, Alexei1, Alexandros, Alexandro1, Alexan, Alexandre, Alex2▼
Root fr. Greek word. "Man's defender, warrior." Alexander (TOP 1%), like Allinder (TOP 34%), Arnder (88%), is a common -der suffix surname.
Var. of Alejandro. Origin fr. Spanish, Greek languages. "Man's defender, warrior." Common boys' name (#1672 LAST YEAR), and also used frequently as a last name. See also Alixandre.
Alexis2▼, var. Alexy, Alexus, Alexius, Alexios, Alexio2, Alexi2, Alexei2, Alexey
Source fr. Greek language. "Defender." Alexei, Alexey, Alexio, Alexios and Alexius are more unconventional as boys' names among the variations of Alexis.