Home > Alex- Names

Boy Names Starting with Alex-

Alex- baby names and what they mean, with 4 results. Alex- names are used more often as feminine names. These boy names were at the apex of their popularity 3 decades ago (USAGE OF 1.5%) and are somewhat less conventional today (USAGE 0.8%, 43.8%), with names like Alexis becoming somewhat outmoded. Alexandris (TOP 88%) and Alexandrou (58%) are familiar Alex- last names. Here is the list of Alex- names for girls.

Alex- names

Alex - Alexis


Origin fr. Greek word. "Man's defender, warrior." Alexx is also a moderately popular baby name.

Alexander and variants

Alexander, var. Alexis1, Alexio1, Alexi1, Alexei1, Alexandros, Alexandro1, Alexan, Alexandre, Alex2
Root fr. Greek word. "Man's defender, warrior." Alexander (TOP 1%), like Allinder (TOP 34%), Arnder (88%), is a common -der suffix surname.


Var. of Alejandro. Origin fr. Spanish, Greek languages. "Man's defender, warrior." Common boys' name (#1672 LAST YEAR), and also used frequently as a last name. See also Alixandre.

Alexis and variants

Alexis2, var. Alexy, Alexus, Alexius, Alexios, Alexio2, Alexi2, Alexei2, Alexey
Source fr. Greek language. "Defender." Alexei, Alexey, Alexio, Alexios and Alexius are more unconventional as boys' names among the variations of Alexis.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for Alex- names for boys.

1. Alex - Alexis
Alex, Alexander [Alexi, Alexis, Alexio, Alexei, Alexan, Alexandro, Alexandre, Alexandros, ..], Alejandro [Alexandro], Alexis [Alexy, Alexi, Alexus, Alexio, Alexey, Alexei, Alexius, Alexios]

Usage comparison for Alex- names
