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Boy Names Starting with Bre-
Bre- baby names and what they mean, with 14 results. These boy names were at the top of their popularity in the year 1998 (USAGE OF 0.64%) and have become much less common since (USAGE 0.12%, ▼82%), with names such as Brennen becoming less trendy. Breuer (TOP 6%) and Brehm (4%) are popular Bre- last names. Here is the list of Bre- names for girls.
Breck - Brexton
Derivative of Gaelic, Old English elements. "Freckled; gap." Brek is also a moderately popular baby name.
Root fr. Old English language. "Ridge with bracken." Popular as last name. Compare Breckinridge (UPPER 66%) with popular -ge surnames Blacklidge (UPPER 65%), Broadbridge (89%).
Breed, var. Breedlove
.. Possibly an occupational name to do .. Compare surnames Breid (UPPER 75%), Brend (62%).
Brendan▼, var. Brennon1, Brennen1▼, Brennan1▼, Brendyn, Brendon▼, Brenden▼, Brendin, Brendano, Bren, Breandan
Origin fr. Irish, Gaelic, Celtic words. "Prince." Brendan, Brenden, Brendon, Brendyn, Brennan, Brennen and Brennon are more common as birth names among these variant forms.
Var. of Brinley. Root fr. Old English word. "Burnt meadow." Brenly and Brenney are creative variations. See also Branley.
Form of Brandon. Origin fr. Old English language. "Broom, gorse hill." Brennan became less popular in 2018, dropping -77 positions as a baby name to reach #662. Gender-neutral name.
Brennan3▼, var. Brenyn, Brennon2, Brennin, Brennen2▼, Brenn, Brenan
Derived fr. Irish, Gaelic language. "Teardrop." Used frequently as baby names, Brenn, Brennan, etc. are similar to the familiar Bryan.
Brent▼, var. Brentyn, Brentt, Brenton1, Brently, Brentley, Brenten1, Brentin1, Brentan1, Brennt, Brendt
Derived fr. Old English, Celtic languages. "Hill, mount." Brent, Brentley, Brently and Brenton are more commonplace as birth names among these versions.
Brenton2, var. Brenttyn, Brentton, Brentin2, Brenten2, Brentan2
Based on Old English. "Bryni's settlement." Brenton is prevalent (UPPER 75%) as a given name, while Brentan, Brenten, Brentin, Brentton and Brenttyn are rarely occurring.
Brett▼, var. Bretton1, Brette, Breton, Bret▼
From Latin language. "From Britany or Britain." Brett and variants became less trendy last year, falling on average -8 rankings as children's names with Brett leading the decline.
Form of Britton. Source fr. Old English element. "From Britain." Uncommon, with the -tton suffix for Bretton, like Britton, Brentton. See also Brexton.
From Latin language. "Short, brief." Brevard is unusual as a masculine name, occurring often (UPPER 14%) as a surname.
Brewster, var. Brewer
Origin fr. Middle English word. "Brewer." Brewster and Brewer were not Top birth names in 2018.
Var. of Braxton. Based on Old English element. "Brock's town." Adoption of Brexton was more pronounced among parents in 2018. See also Brenton.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Bre- names for boys.
1. Breck - BrextonBreck, Breckinridge, Breed [Breedlove], Brendan▼ [Brennon, Brennen▼, Brennan▼, Brendyn, Brendon▼, Brendin, Brenden▼, Brendano, ..], Brinley [Brenley], Brandon [Brennan▼], Brennan▼ [Brenn, Brenyn, Brenan, Brennon, Brennin, Brennen▼], Brent▼ [Brentt, Brentyn, Brenton, Brently, Brentin, Brenten, Brentan, Brentley, ..], Brenton [Brentin, Brenten, Brentan, Brenttyn, Brentton], Brett▼ [Bret▼, Breton, Brette, Bretton], Britton [Bretton], Brevard, Brewster [Brewer], Braxton [Brexton]