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Boy Names Starting with Che-

Che- baby names and what they mean, with 18 results. Che- names are used more often as feminine names. These boy names were at the peak of their popularity in the 1910s (ADOPTION OF 0.36%) and are now significantly less conventional (ADOPTION 0.01%, 96.4% LESS), with names such as Chester becoming less stylish. Checo (TOP 14%) and Chenier (14%) are familiar Che- last names. Here is the list of Che- names for girls.

Che- names

Che - Chezare


Form of Joseph. Source fr. Hebrew. "Jehovah increases." Chen is also a marginally favored boys' name. See also Chai.

Derivative of Spanish. .. Latin American revolutionary Che Guevara. Less widespread today. Che was last listed in the 1980s in the Top 2000.

Var. of Chilton. Based on Old English word. "Farm near the well." Chelton (UPPER 40%), comparable to Catton (UPPER 20%), Coalson (16%), is a common -on suffix last name. See also Colton.

Var. of Chaney. Stems fr. French. "Oak tree." Cheaney (UPPER 27%), Chewey (85%) are conventional surnames. See also Cheny.

Based on Native American Indian language. "People of a different speech." A peculiar baby name.

Cherut, var. Cheroot
Based on Hebrew. "Liberty." Cherut and Cheroot are unconventional as men's names.

Chesley and variants

Chesley, var. Chesly, Cheslie, Chesleigh, Cheslee, Cheslea
Stems fr. Old English, Latin. "Meadow of the camp." Cheslea, Cheslee, Chesleigh, Cheslie and Chesly are more unconventional as birth names among the variant forms of Chesley.

Chesney, var. Chesny, Chesnie, Cheny, Cheney2
Derivative of Old English. Place name referring to a camp. Chesen and Chesin are creative forms.

In Cryptozoology, the equivalent of the .. Unisex name. Rare, with the -ie ending, like Chuckie, Clemmie.

Rochester and variants

Chet1, Chester1
Forms of Rochester. Origin fr. Old English word. "Stone camp or fortress." Usage of Chester and Chet as birth names in 2018 was up 2% compared to 2017.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Che- names: Che, Chesley, Chester, Chet, Chevy

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Che- names: Cheyenne, Cheyne

Chester2, var. Chet2, Cheston, Chess
Stems fr. Old English, Latin words. "Camp of soldiers." Chess (TOP 10%), Chester (2%), Cheston (41%) and Chet (82%) appear frequently as last names.

Chetwin, var. Chetwynn, Chetwynd, Chetwyn, Chetwen
Derived fr. Old English word. "Little house on the twisted path." Unique. Chetwin (cf. Crespin, Catlin) ends with -in.

Chevalier and variants

Chevalier1, var. Chevy1
Root fr. French word. "Horseman; knight." Chevalier and Chevy are uncommonly used masculine names, and Chevalier exists often (TOP 4%) as a surname.

From French language. A V shaped heraldic insignia, often .. Rare, with the -ron ending, like Caron, Claron.

Chevy2, var. Chevall, Chevalier2, Cheval
Source fr. French word. "Horseman; knight." Sparing use, with usage of 0.008% for Chevy and variants as birth names in 2018, less than 0.008% the year before.


Source fr. Native American Indian word. "Unintelligible speakers." Somewhat atypical as a birth name. Cross-gender use.

Cheyne and variants

Cheyne, var. Cheney3
Origin fr. French. "Oak-hearted." Cheney (UPPER 2%) and Cheyne (18%) occur commonly as last names.

Var. of Cesar. Based on Latin word. "Head of hair." Sparing use. Chezare is not listed in the US Demographics.

Quick Reference

Summary Index of names [and variants] for Che- names for boys.

1. Che - Chezare
Joseph [Che], Che, Chilton [Chelton], Chaney [Cheney], Cherokee, Cherut [Cheroot], Chesley [Chesly, Cheslie, Cheslee, Cheslea, Chesleigh], Chesney [Cheny, Chesny, Cheney, Chesnie], Chessie, Rochester [Chet, Chester], Chester [Chet, Chess, Cheston], Chetwin [Chetwyn, Chetwen, Chetwynn, Chetwynd], Chevalier [Chevy], Chevron, Chevy [Cheval, Chevall, Chevalier], Cheyenne, Cheyne [Cheney], Cesar [Chezare]

Usage comparison for Che- names
