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Boy Names Starting with Gi-
Gi- baby names and what they mean, with 52 results. These boy names reached the apex of their popularity a decade ago (USAGE OF 0.34%) and have remained as popular to this day (USAGE 0.33%, 4.3% LESS), but with names such as Giles falling out of fashion. Gideon (#308), Gianni (#416), Gibson (#974) and Giovanni (#144) are four of the more contemporarily stylish names for newborns here, while Giblin (TOP 7%) and Girton (10%) are common Gi- surnames. Here is the list of Gi- names for girls.
Giacamo - Gilford
Giacopo, Giacomo1, Giacobo, Giacobbe, Giacamo
Var. of Jacob. Derived fr. Hebrew element. "He who supplants." Gracobo and Wincobo are creative forms.
Giacinto, Giacintho
Forms of Jacinto. Root fr. Spanish, Greek languages. Masculine form of the Greek flower .. Popular as last names. Compare Giacinto (TOP 48%) with popular surnames Granito (TOP 31%), Gianquinto (95%), which also end with -to.
Form of James. Derivative of Hebrew word. "He who supplants." Not that popular as a boys' name, Giacomo occurs more conventionally as a surname. See also Giacobo.
Based on Italian, Hebrew words. "He who supplants." Outside Top 2000. See also Giacamo.
Giovanni▲, Giannos, Giannis, Gianni1▲, Gian1, Giannes
Var. of John. From Hebrew element. "God is gracious." Adoption of Gian, Giannos, etc. as baby names in 2018 was 16.5% more than a decade ago.
Gian2, var. Gianny, Gianni2▲, Gianney
Derivative of Italian, Hebrew words. "God is gracious." Usage of Gian, Gianny, etc. as boys' names in 2018 was 39.1% more than the previous year.
Gibbes1, var. Gibbs1, Gibbe1, Gibb1
Root fr. Scottish, Old English elements. "Bright hostage." Not in popularity charts.
Gibor, var. Gibbor
Origin fr. Hebrew language. "Strong one." Unusual, with the unconventional -or ending for Gibor, Gibbor, like Gaynor, Gregor.
Gibson▲, var. Gilson, Gillson, Gibbs2, Gibbons, Gibbes2, Gibby, Gibbe2, Gibb2
Based on Old English element. "Son of Gilbert." Adoption of Gibson and variants as children's names in 2018 was up 50% compared to 2008.
Gideon▲, var. Gidon, Gidi, Gideone
Stems fr. Hebrew. "He who cuts down." Gideone, Gidi and Gidon are more novel as birth names among the variant forms of Gideon.
Gifford, var. Gifferd, Giffard
Origin fr. Old English word. "Brave giver; puffy-faced." Gifford is popular as a baby name among these versions.
Gilad, var. Gilead, Giladi
Stems fr. Arabic, Hebrew words. "Hump of a camel." Unique. Gilad, Gilead, similar to Galahad, end with the androgynous -ad.
Stems fr. Hebrew word. "Joy of a people." Gilam is unusual as a boys' name. See also Gilian.
Gilbert▼, var. Giselbertus, Giselberto, Giselbert, Gill, Gilberto▼, Gilburt, Gil1, Gibb3, Gib
Based on Old French, Old German elements. "Bright promise." Adoption of Gilbert and variants as boys' names in 2018 was down 47.9% compared to 10 years ago.
Origin fr. Scottish, Gaelic words. "Servant of St Bridget." Gilbride is rare as a male name, occurring frequently (UPPER 15%) as a last name.
Gilby, var. Gillby, Gillbie, Gillbey, Gilbey
Origin fr. Old Norse, Irish, Gaelic elements. "Estate of the hostage; blond boy." Gilboy (UPPER 27%), Gilbo (28%) are common surnames.
Gilchrist, var. Gillchrist
From Irish, Gaelic language. "Christ's servant." Gilchrist and Gillchrist are scarce as male names, and Gilchrist occurs frequently (UPPER 2%) as a last name.
Form of Ermenegildo. Source fr. Old German element. "Great valor." Unique. Gildo (compare Grimaldo) ends with the unconventional masculine-sounding -ldo. See also Giladi.
Giles▼, var. Gilliss, Gillis, Gilles, Gil2, Gide
Origin fr. Greek element. "Young goat." Gide, Gilles and Gilliss are more rarefied as children's names among the forms of Giles.
Form of Guildford. Based on Old English. "Ford with yellow flowers." Gilford was favored in the 1910s. See also Milford.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Gi- names for boys.
1. Giacamo - GilfordJacob [Giacopo, Giacomo, Giacobo, Giacamo, Giacobbe], Jacinto [Giacinto, Giacintho], James [Giacomo], Giacomo, John [Gian, Gianni▲, Giannos, Giannis, Giannes, Giovanni▲], Gian [Gianny, Gianni▲, Gianney], Gibbes [Gibb, Gibbs, Gibbe], Gibor [Gibbor], Gibson▲ [Gibbs, Gibby, Gilson, Gibbes, Gillson, Gibbons, ..], Gideon▲ [Gidi, Gidon, Gideone], Gifford [Gifferd, Giffard], Gilad [Gilead, Giladi], Gilam, Gilbert▼ [Gill, Gilburt, Gilberto▼, Giselbert, Giselberto, Giselbertus, ..], Gilbride, Gilby [Gillby, Gilbey, Gillbie, Gillbey], Gilchrist [Gillchrist], Ermenegildo [Gildo], Giles▼ [Gil, Gide, Gilles, Gillis, Gilliss], Guildford [Gilford]
Gill [Gilley], Gillanders [Gillandreis], Gillean [Gillon, Gillen, Gillan, Gillion, Gillian, Gilleon, ..], Gillecalum, Gillemartin, Gilleonain, Guillaume [Gillermo], Gillespie [Gillis, Gillaspie], Gillett [Gillette], Gillies [Gilles, Gillis, Gilliss], Gilman [Gillman], Gilmer, Gilmore [Gilmour, Gillmour, Gillmore], Gilon [Gil, Gili], Gilroy [Gilray, Gillray, Gillroy, Gildroy, Gildray, Gilderoy], Gilson [Gillson], Gilzean [Gilian, Gilleon, Gilleoin], Genesis [Ginesis], Gino, Jordan [Giordano]
George [Giorgi, Giorgio, Giorgius, Giorgino, Giorgios], Godfrey [Giotto], Giovanni▲ [Giovel, Giovell, Giovani, Giovonni, Giovanny▼, Giovanno, ..], Gerald [Giraud, Girault, Girauld, Giraldo], Gerard [Giraud, Girard, Girault], Girvin [Girvon, Girven, Girvan], Julius [Giulio], Giulio [Giuliano], Giuseppe, Joseph [Giuseppe, Giuseppino], Giustino [Giusto, Giustinian, Giustiniano], Justin [Giusto, Giustino]