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Boy Names Starting with Gr-

Gr- baby names and what they mean, with 29 results. Gr- names are used more often as masculine names. Usage of these boy names was at its apex during the years 1960-1969 (USAGE OF 1.31%) and has remained as conventional to this day (USAGE 1.19%, 9.2% LESS), but with names such as Greg going out of style. The most fashionable birth names here are Grayson (#32), Greyson (#77), Graham (#181), Grey (#727) and Griffin (#224), while Grafton (TOP 6%) and Grisham (3%) are popular Gr- last names. Here is the list of Gr- names for girls.

Gr- names

Grady - Gridley | Griffin - Grover

Grady - Gridley

Grady and variants

Grady, var. Graidy, Graidey, Gradey, Gradee, Gradea
Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Descendant of Grádaigh." Gradyn is also a somewhat common boys' name.

Graham and variants

Graham, var. Gram, Grahame, Graeme, Graeham
Derivative of Old English element. "Gravel homestead." Popular as last names, and Graham (TOP 1%), Graeham are similar to popular -ham last names Grenham (TOP 75%), Grasham (48%).

Granger and variants

Granger, var. Grange, Grainger
Origin fr. Middle French element. "Farmer." Grainger (TOP 5%), Grange (12%) and Granger (1%) appear commonly as last names.

Grant and variants

Grant, var. Grantley1, Grantham
Derived fr. English, Gaelic languages. "Tall, big." Grant (UPPER 1%) and Grantham (2%) are found frequently as last names.

Grantland, var. Grantly, Grantley2, Grantleigh
Derivative of Old English language. "The large fields." Grantleigh and variants are not in the Top 2000.

Granville and variants

Granville, var. Grenville, Granvill, Granvile, Granvil
Stems fr. Old French element. "Large town." Less common today. Granville was the variant last appearing (1960-1969) in the Top 2000.

Gratien, var. Graziano1, Graciano1
Derivative of Latin language. "Pleasing." Catien and Gartien are creative variations.


Based on Old English language. Place name .. Less widespread today. Graves was last recorded in 1880-1889 in the Top 2000.

Gray and variants

Gray1, var. Grey1, Graye
Root fr. Old English element. "Gray-haired." Adoption of Gray and forms was more pronounced among parents in 2018.

Graydon and variants

Graydon1, var. Grayton
Stems fr. Old English element. Possibly son of the gray haired .. Graydon (UPPER 16%) and Grayton (62%) appear commonly as last names.

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gr- names: Grady, Graeme, Graham, Graig, Granger

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gr- names: Grant, Granville, Graves, Gray, Graydon

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gr- names: Grayson, Greely, Greg, Gregg, Greggory

Top 2000 baby names ranking of Gr- names: Gregor, Gregorio, Gregory, Greig, Grey, Greyson

Grayson and variants

Grayson, var. Greyson, Greydon, Graydon2
From Middle English, Old Norse words. "Son of a steward." Usage of Grayson and variants as boys' names in 2018 was significantly more than the previous decade.

Graziano2, var. Graciano2, Gracian
Stems fr. Italian word. "Beloved, dear." Graziano, Gracian and Graciano are barely found as masculine names.

Greeley and variants

Greeley, var. Greely, Greeleigh, Greelea
Based on Old English language. "Gray meadow." Greely is popular as a baby name among the variant forms of Greeley.

From Old English. "Green wood." Greenwood is intermittently used as a given name, existing often (TOP 1%) as a surname.


Source fr. Scottish, Greek languages. Scottish form of Gregory, and an .. Gregor grew in popularity 58 years ago. See also Gregoire.

Gregory and variants

Gregory, var. Grzegorz, Grygor, Grisha, Griogair, Grigorios, Grigory, Grigori, Grigor, Greig, Gregoriy, Gregos, Gregorius, Gregorios, Gregorio, Gregor2, Gregori, Gregoor, Gregoire, Greggory, Gregers, Gregg, Greger, Greg, Greer, Graig, Greagoir
Derivative of Latin, Greek elements. "Watchful, vigilant." Gregos and forms were favored as birth names 6 decades ago and are now less common, with Gregory becoming somewhat outmoded.

Origin fr. Old English word. "Village surrounded by pasture." Gresham is unconventional as a male name, existing commonly (TOP 2%) as a last name. See also Gersham.

Greville, var. Grevill
Root fr. Old French element. Place name .. Unique, with the unusual androgynous -lle suffix for Greville, like Gaille.

Grey2, var. Gray2
Root fr. Old English word. "Grey hair or beard." Gray (TOP 1%) and Grey (2%) appear regularly as surnames.

Gridley, var. Gridly, Gridlie
Source fr. Old English element. "Level meadow." Compare last names Grigley (TOP 62%), Grilley (39%).