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Boy Names Starting with Ke-
Ke- baby names and what they mean, with 89 results. Ke- names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these boy names reached its apex 58 years ago (USAGE OF 3.8%) and has become significantly reduced since (USAGE 0.6%, ▼83.7%), with names like Kelvin falling out of fashion. Keanu (#809) and Kendrick (#418) are two of the more trendy baby names in this list, while Keady (TOP 22%) and Kear (11%) are common Ke- surnames. Here is the list of Ke- names for girls.
Kealan - Kees
Keelin, Kealon, Kealan1
Var. of Caolan. Derivative of Gaelic element. "Slender." Kalon is a marginally favored kid's name.
Keane1, Kean1
Forms of Cian. Derivative of Irish, Gaelic word. "Ancient." Popular as last names. Compare Kean (UPPER 5%) and common -ean surnames Kolean (UPPER 72%), Lean (20%).
Keandre, var. Keondre
From American language. A contemporary blend of Ke and .. Adoption of Keandre and variants was up 14 years ago.
Form of Kane. Derivative of Irish, Gaelic language. "Battle." Keany (TOP 51%), Keaney (16%) are conventional last names. See also Kwame.
Keane3, var. Keyne, Keene, Keen1, Kean2
Origin fr. Irish, Gaelic, Old English languages. "Fighter; sharp, keen wit or eye." Keain and Kerne are creative variations.
From Hawaiian language. "The breeze." Usage of Keanu as a children's name in 2018 was up 90.1% compared to a decade ago. See also Kiean.
Kearn, var. Kearney1, Kearne
Stems fr. Irish word. "Dark." Kearn, Kearne and Kearney are not frequently adopted as boys' names.
Var. of Carney. Derived fr. Irish, Gaelic word. "The winner." Unique. Kearney (compare Kinney, Karney) uses the -ney suffix.
Kearney3, var. Kearny
Variant of Carney (Irish, Gaelic) the .. Kearney and Kearny were not among 2018's Top names.
Keaton, var. Keeton
Source fr. English language. "Place of hawks." Keaton and Keeton are unique male names.
Based on English language. John Keats was a great English .. Keats is seldom adopted as a baby name.
Kedar, var. Keder
Origin fr. Arabic element. "Powerful." Unusual. Kedar (compare Kylar, Kaspar) uses the -ar suffix.
Kedrick, var. Kedric, Keddrick
Stems fr. Old English language. "Kind and loved." Somewhat common as birth names, Kedrick, Keddrick, etc. are similar to the familiar Cedrick.
Keefe, var. Keeffe
From Irish, Gaelic element. "Noble, gentle; handsome; lovable, loved." Keefe (TOP 2%) and Keeffe (38%) appear regularly as surnames.
Keifer, Keefer
Forms of Kiefer. Root fr. German language. "Barrel maker." Keifer is popular as a boys' name among the variations of Kiefer.
Keegan, var. Kegan, Keeghan, Keegen, Keagen, Keagan
Based on Irish, Gaelic word. "Small flame; ardent." Keegan, Keagen, etc. are rarely found as first names.
Keelan, var. Kelan, Keillan, Keilan, Keallin, Kealan2, Keallan
Root fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Slender." Kealan, Keallan, Keallin, Keilan and Keillan are more unconventional as birth names among the versions of Keelan.
Keeley, var. Keely, Keelie, Kealy, Kealey
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Handsome." Unusual, with the -ey suffix for Keeley, Kealey, like Kiley, Kerrey.
Keenan, var. Kennon, Kennan, Keenon, Keenen, Keen2
Based on Irish, Gaelic word. "Ancient." Adoption of Keenan, Keenon, etc. as baby names in 2018 was down 19.2% compared to the previous decade.
Form of Kornel. Source fr. Latin language. "Like a horn." Kees was not a Top birth name in 2018. See also Rees.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Ke- names for boys.
1. Kealan - KeesCaolan [Keelin, Kealon, ..], Cian [Kean, Keane], Keandre [Keondre], Kane [Keane], Keane [Keyne, Keene, ..], Keanu▲, Kearn [Kearne, Kearney], Carney [Kearney], Kearney [Kearny], Keaton [Keeton], Keats, Kedar [Keder], Kedrick [Kedric, Keddrick], Keefe [Keeffe], Kiefer [Keifer, Keefer], Keegan [Kegan, Keeghan, ..], Keelan [Kelan, Keillan, ..], Keeley [Keely, Keelie, ..], Keenan [Kennon, Kennan, ..], Kornel [Kees]
Kefir, Kay [Keh], Kai [Keh], Keiji, Keir [Keer], Kieran [Kernan, Keiron, ..], Kyrone [Keirown, Keirone, ..], Keitaro, Keith▼, Kolby [Kelby], Kelby [Kellby, Kelbie, ..], Kell, Kellagh [Kellach], Kaelan [Kellen], Kellen [Kelle, Kellin, ..], Keller, Kelly▼ [Kelley], Kelsey [Kelsy, Kelsie], Kelton [Keltin, Keltonn, ..], Kelvin▼ [Kelwyn, Kelwinn, ..]
Kelvis [Kelvys, Kelviss, ..], Kemp, Kempton, Kemuel, Ken▼ [Kenny▼, Kennie, ..], Kenan [Keenan], Kendall▼ [Kenny▼, Kendyll, ..], Kendrew, Kendrick▲ [Kenrik, Kenricks, ..], Kenelm [Kennelm, Kenhelm], Kenji [Kenjiro], Kenley [Kenly, Kenlie, ..], Kenn, Kennard [Kenner, Kennaird, ..], Kennedy [Kennady, Kennedey, ..], Kenneth▼ [Kenny▼, Kennith▼, ..], Kenny▼ [Kenney], Kent▼ [Kentt, Kentrell, ..], Kentaro, Kenton [Kentin, Kentan]
Kenward, Kenway, Kenyatta, Kenyon▼, Keoki, Keon, Keoni [Keon], Kepler [Keppler, Keppeler, ..], Carr [Ker, Kerr], Kirby [Kerby, Kerbey, ..], Kerem, Kirk [Kerk], Kermit▼, Kern [Kearns, Kearne, ..], Kernaghan [Kernohan], Kerr, Kerrick, Kerry▼ [Kerrie, Kerrigan, ..], Kershet, Kerwin [Kerwyn, Kerwinn, ..]
Kester, Christopher [Kester], Kettil [Ketti, Ketil, ..], Kevin▼ [Kevyn, Kevron, ..], Gaius [Keys, Keyes, ..], Caius [Keys, Keyes, ..], Keyes [Key, Keys], Keyshawn▼, Kayvan [Keyvan]