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Boy Names Starting with Lu-
Lu- baby names and what they mean, with 21 results. Lu- names are used more often as feminine names. Adoption of these boy names was at its apex in the year 2016 (USAGE OF 1.58%) and has remained as conventional to this day (USAGE 1.52%, DOWN 4%), but with names like Lucius becoming somewhat dated. The trendier baby names in this list are Lucas (#8), Lukas (#233), Luciano (#494), Lucian (#651) and Luke (#29), while Lund (TOP 1%) and Luo (4%) are popular Lu- last names. Here is the list of Lu- names for girls.
Luano - Luther
Male variant of Luana (Hawaiian) "enjoyment". Luan is a moderately popular birth name. See also Lunn.
Origin fr. Polish language. "Great love." Laromir and Liomir are creative forms.
Lucan, var. Lukan
From Latin word. "From Lucania." Rare, but Lucan, Lukan (71%) are similar to popular -an surnames Laman (UPPER 14%), Lagan (31%).
Lucas1▲, var. Lukas1▲
Transferred surname and variant of Luke .. Popularly used, with usage of 0.79% for Lucas and Lukas as birth names in 2018, though lower than 0.799% in 2017.
Stems fr. Latin. "Light." Unisex name. Luce is not in the Top 2000.
Luis1, Luigi, Ludwig1, Ludvik, Ludovicus, Ludvig, Ludovic1, Lucho
Var. of Louis. Stems fr. French, Old German elements. "Famous warrior." Adoption of Lucho, Luigi, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 6.6% compared to 2017.
Lucian1▲, var. Lukyan, Lukianos, Lucjan, Lucio1, Lucianus, Lucien1, Luciano▲
Derivative of Latin element. "Light." Luciano and Lucian are fashionable forms.
Based on English word. "Fortunate." Lucky is an uncommon masculine name, registering commonly (TOP 8%) as a last name. See also Lock.
Based on Latin element. Clan name possibly meaning succeed .. Not in Top 2000.
Ludlow, var. Ludlowe
Derived fr. Old English language. "Ruler's hill." Not in popularity charts.
Derived fr. Polish. "Glorious people." Not in popularity charts.
Lutwick, Ludwig2, Ludwick
Var. of Aloysius. Origin fr. Old German language. "Famous warrior." Ludwig is commonly used as a baby name among the versions of Aloysius.
Ludwig3, var. Ludovico, Ludovic2, Ludo
From German word. "Famous fighter." Less common today. Ludwig was the form last recorded (1950-1959) in the Top 2000.
Lugus, Lugh
Var. of Lleu. Based on Welsh element. "Shine." Lugh and Lugus are rare as children's names.
Form of Lewis. Derivative of Old German. "Famous warrior." Usage of Luis as a baby name in 2018 was 6.6% less than 2017. See also Luigi.
Luis3, var. Luiz
Based on Spanish, Old German languages. .. See also Lewis. Adoption of Luis and Luiz as baby names in 2018 was down 51.1% compared to the previous decade.
Luke▲, var. Lukas2▲, Lukacs, Lucky2, Luck, Lucio2, Lucius▼, Lucien2, Lucian2▲, Lucas2▲, Luc
Root fr. Greek element. "From Lucanus." Adoption of Luke, Lucky, etc. as baby names in 2018 was down 2.9% compared to 2017.
Root fr. Scottish, Gaelic elements. "Marsh." Gender-neutral name. Lundy is not a Top 2000 name.
Derived fr. Irish, Gaelic. "Strong, warlike." Lunn is not a Top 2000 name. See also Linn.
Luther▼, var. Lutero
Derivative of Old German word. "Soldier of the people." Luther is found commonly (UPPER 2%) as a last name.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Lu- names for boys.
1. Luano - LutherLuano, Lubomir, Lucan [Lukan], Lucas▲ [Lukas▲], Luce, Louis [Luis, Luigi, Lucho, Ludwig, Ludvik, Ludvig, Ludovic, Ludovicus], Lucian▲ [Lucio, Lukyan, Lucjan, Lucien, Luciano▲, Lukianos, Lucianus], Lucky, Lucretius, Ludlow [Ludlowe], Ludoslaw, Aloysius [Ludwig, Lutwick, Ludwick], Ludwig [Ludo, Ludovic, Ludovico], Lleu [Lugh, Lugus], Lewis [Luis], Luis [Luiz], Luke▲ [Luck, Lukas▲, Lucky, Lucio, Lukacs, Lucius▼, Lucien, Lucian▲, ..], Lundy, Lunn, Luther▼ [Lutero]
Laverne [Luvern, Luverne]