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Boy Names Starting with Mo-
Mo- baby names and what they mean, with 44 results. Mo- names are used more often as masculine names. These boy names reached the height of their popularity in the 1900s (ADOPTION OF 0.4%) and are somewhat less conventional today (ADOPTION 0.2%, ▼33%), with names like Mose becoming somewhat outmoded. The more fashionable birth names here are Moises (#462), Mordechai (#792), Mohamed (#454), Moshe (#535) and Mohammad (#605), while Mouser (TOP 7%) and Mosher (1%) are familiar Mo- surnames. Here is the list of Mo- names for girls.
Moab - Montgomery
Derivative of Hebrew element. Biblical .. Moaz is a somewhat popular boys' name. See also Joab.
From Gaelic word. "Early." Mochan (compare Moughan, Meighan) is a common -han suffix surname.
Modesto, var. Modestus
Source fr. Spanish, Latin languages. "Modest, moderate, humble." Modestus is novel as a children's name among the variant forms of Modesto.
Modred, var. Moordred
Based on Old English. "Brave counselor." Madred and Meydred are creative forms.
Form of Elmo. Derived fr. Latin, Greek, Italian elements. "To love; God's helmet." Used somewhat widely as a birth name, Moe is similar to the common Joe. See also Mo.
Derivative of Hindi, Sanskrit words. "Charming." Outside Top 2000.
Mohammed▲, Mohammad▲, Mohamet, Mohamed▲, Mohamad
Forms of Muhammad. Derived fr. Arabic. "Praiseworthy." Adoption of Mohamad, Mohammad, etc. as birth names in 2018 was down 8.2% compared to a year ago.
Based on Hindi, Sanskrit. "Servant of Mohan." Rather unusual as a baby name.
Mohave, var. Mojave
.. the Mohave desert in southern California .. Not in popularity charts.
Derivative of Native American Indian element. "People of the flint." Not in Top 2000.
Mohegan, var. Mohican
Derived fr. Native American Indian language. .. They are also known as Mohicans .. Sparing use. Mohegan and Mohican are not listed in the US Demographics.
Source fr. Irish, Gaelic word. "Monk." Monohan (UPPER 46%), Monaghan (3%) are conventional surnames.
Monckton, var. Monkton
Derived fr. Old English. "Monk's settlement." Monckton and Monkton were not among 2018's Top names.
Monroe▼, var. Monro
Stems fr. Scottish, Gaelic languages. "Mouth of the river Rotha, in Ireland." Monro (UPPER 40%) and Monroe (1%) exist often as surnames.
Montague, var. Monty1▼, Montagu, Montagew
From French word. "Pointed hill." Montagu and forms soared in popularity 58 years ago.
Montaine, var. Montayne, Montane
Origin fr. French. "Mountain." Montaine, Montane and Montayne are rarely found as male names, and Montane appears commonly (TOP 48%) as a last name.
Montana, var. Montanus, Montanna
Derivative of Latin word. "Mountain." Montana, Montanna, etc. became more trendy in 2018, rising on average +115 rankings as boys' names with Montana leading the rise.
Root fr. Japanese element. "Big boy." Montaro is not a Top 2000 name.
Monte1▼, var. Monty2▼, Montrell, Montrel, Montie1, Montes, Montez, Montel, Montay, Montae
.. TV talk show host Montel Williams. Monte, Montel, Montez, Montie, Montrel, Montrell and Monty are more commonplace as children's names among these variant forms.
Montgomery, var. Monty3▼, Montgomerie, Montie2, Monte2▼
Derived fr. Old French word. "Gomeric's hill." Montgomery, Monte, Montie and Monty are more commonly used as birth names among these variant forms.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Mo- names for boys.
1. Moab - MontgomeryMoab, Mochan, Modesto [Modestus], Modred [Moordred], Elmo [Moe], Mohajit, Muhammad [Mohamet, Mohamed▲, Mohamad, Mohammed▲, Mohammad▲], Mohandas, Mohave [Mojave], Mohawk, Mohegan [Mohican], Monahan, Monckton [Monkton], Monroe▼ [Monro], Montague [Monty▼, Montagu, Montagew], Montaine [Montane, Montayne], Montana [Montanus, Montanna], Montaro, Monte▼ [Monty▼, Montie, Montez, Montes, Montrel, Montrell, ..], Montgomery [Monty▼, Monte▼, Montie, Montgomerie]
Monty▼, Moore [More], Murray [Moray], Mordecai [Mort, Mordy, Mortdecai, Mordechai▲], Moreland [Morland, Moorland], Morell [Morrell], Maurice [Moss, Morris▼, Morrey, Morriss, Morrill, Morrice, ..], Morgan▼ [Morgen, Morgun, Morrgan], Moriel [Mori], Morio, Morland, Morley [Morly, Morlee, Moorly, Morrley, Moorley, Morleigh], Morris▼ [Moss, Morse, Morry, Morrie, Morrison, Morrisson, ..], Murrow [Morrow, Morrowe], Morse [Morrison], Martin [Morten], Mortimer [Mort, Morty, Mortymer], Morton▼ [Morten], Morven [Morvyn, Morfyn, Morfin, Morfinn], Mosaed
Moses▼ [Moss, Mozes, Mosie, Moyses, Mosiah, ..], Moss, Mostyn, Munir [Mounir, Mouneir, Mouneer]