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Boy Names Starting with Po-
Po- baby names and what they mean, with 19 results. Po- names are used more often as masculine names. Usage of these boy names was at its highest in the year 2015 (USAGE OF 0.05%) and has remained as widespread to this day (USAGE 0.04%, ▼8%). Porter (#417) is the most trendy baby name in this compilation, while Popp (TOP 2%) and Pogue (3%) are common Po- last names. Here is the list of Po- names for girls.
Pol - Powhatan
Poul, Poll1, Pol
Var. of Paul. Based on Latin language. "Small." Uncommon. Compare Poul with common -ul surnames Praul (TOP 73%), Pikul (23%).
Pollard, var. Pollyrd, Pollerd, Poll2
Derived fr. English element. "Small." Polard (TOP 88%), Pollara (58%) are common surnames.
Pollock, var. Polloch, Pollack
Origin fr. Old English element. .. Also the name of a type .. Pollock, Pollack and Polloch are not Top 2000 names.
Root fr. Greek language. "Crown." Palux and Pelux are creative forms.
Pomeroy, var. Pommeroy, Pommeray
Derivative of Old French element. "Apple orchard." Pomeroy, Pommeray and Pommeroy are barely found as male names, and Pomeroy is found frequently (UPPER 3%) as a last name.
Pompeo, var. Pomponio, Pompilio, Pompi, Pompeyo, Pompey
Source fr. Italian, Latin. "Five." Not in popularity charts.
Source fr. Spanish language. "Fifth." Rare, with the -ce ending, like Pace, Price.
Pons, var. Ponthus, Ponthos, Pontius
Based on Latin language. "Bridge." Pontius and variants were not Top birth names in 2018.
Based on Greek word. "Father." Pope is unique as a men's name, appearing regularly (UPPER 1%) as a surname. See also Pip.
Root fr. Hebrew element. "Fruitful, productive." Porat, like the similar-sounding Pratt, occurs more often as a last name.
Porfirio, var. Porphirios
Derived fr. Greek element. "Purple coloring." Porfirio is commonplace as a baby name among these variations.
From Hebrew element. "Fruit of God." Poriel was not among 2018's Top names. See also Doriel.
Origin fr. English element. "Gatekeeper." Porter became less trendy in 2018, dropping -19 positions as a children's name to reach #417.
.. one of the characters, along with .. Porthos is an atypical first name. See also Ponthos.
Derivative of Old English element. "Land near the port." Portland was not among 2018's Top names. See also Cortland.
Source fr. Greek language. .. the sea god, equivalent to the .. Not in Top 2000.
Derived fr. English. "Maker of pots." A baby name that is not broadly used, Potter occurs more conventionally as a surname.
Powell, var. Powel
Origin fr. Old English word. .. Author Anthony Powell. Less popular today. Powell was the form last found (1940-1949) in the Top 2000.
Source fr. Native American Indian word. "Powwow hill." Outside Top 2000.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Po- names for boys.
1. Pol - PowhatanPaul [Pol, Poul, Poll], Pollard [Poll, Pollyrd, Pollerd], Pollock [Polloch, Pollack], Pollux, Pomeroy [Pommeroy, Pommeray], Pompeo [Pompi, Pompey, Pompeyo, Pomponio, Pompilio], Ponce, Pons [Ponthus, Ponthos, Pontius], Pope, Porat, Porfirio [Porphirios], Poriel, Porter▲, Porthos, Portland, Poseidon, Potter, Powell [Powel], Powhatan