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Boy Names Starting with Sh-
Sh- baby names and what they mean, with 78 results. Sh- names are used more often as feminine names. These boy names were at the apex of their popularity during 1970-1979 (ADOPTION OF 1.3%) and are now much less conventional (ADOPTION 0.2%, DOWN 85.1%), with names like Shannon falling out of fashion. Shepherd (#718), Shepard (#963), Shiloh (#709) and Shlomo (#1065) are four of the more fashionable birth names among these, while Shilts (TOP 17%) and Sheard (10%) are conventional Sh- last names. Here is the list of Sh- names for girls.
Shaan - Shan
Based on Hebrew, Hindi languages. "Peaceful; pride." Suhaan is also a somewhat common boys' name. See also Shan.
Shabat, var. Shabbat
Source fr. Hebrew element. "Finish, stop." Common as surnames. Compare Shabat (UPPER 93%), Shabbat and common surnames Sumabat (UPPER 69%), Shubat (69%), with the -bat suffix.
Root fr. Hebrew. "Dawn, sunrise." Shascha and Stachar are creative forms. See also Sachar.
Shad1▼, var. Shadow, Shadoe, Shadd
Derived fr. English element. .. Also a nature name. Shadd, Shadoe and Shadow are more unconventional as boys' names among the variations of Shad.
Shadi, var. Shade, Shaday
Derivative of Arabic. "Singer." Shadi and forms were favored during 1880-1889.
Shadrach, var. Shadrick, Shadrack, Shad2▼
Derived fr. Babylonian language. "Command of Aku." Shadrack and forms were popular with parents during 1970-1979.
Shafiq, var. Shafik, Shafeek
Stems fr. Arabic. "Compassionate, merciful." Shafie, Shafir are common last names.
Shafir, var. Shefer, Shafar, Shafeer
Derived fr. Hebrew element. "Handsome." Shafir (UPPER 46%) and Shafar (82%) exist frequently as last names.
Based on Persian. "Son of the king." A rare baby name, Shahzad is used more frequently as a last name.
Source fr. Hebrew, Aramaic. "Gift." Uncommon, with usage of 0.004% for Shai as a birth name in 2018. See also Shae.
Root fr. African element. Outside Top 2000. Gender-neutral name.
Shakil1, var. Shaquille▼, Shaquil, Shaqueel, Shakille, Shakil2, Shakill, Shakhil, Shakeel
Based on Arabic language. "Handsome." Shakeel (TOP 62%) and Shakil (80%) are found commonly as last names.
Shakir, var. Shaqueer, Shakeer
Derived fr. Arabic. "Grateful." Shakir is common as a birth name compared to Shakeer, Shaqueer.
Form of Solomon. Derived fr. Hebrew word. "Peace." Not that prominent as a children's name.
Shalom, var. Sholom
Derivative of Hebrew element. "Peace." Adoption of Shalom and Sholom as children's names in 2018 was 100% less than the previous year.
Shamir, var. Shameer
Root fr. Hebrew language. "Flint." Shamir and Shameer are unconventional men's names, and Shamir appears often (UPPER 75%) as a surname.
Form of Seamus. Stems fr. Irish, Hebrew elements. "He who supplants." A somewhat untypical birth name, Shamus occurs more conventionally as a surname.
From Gaelic, Hebrew words. "He who supplants." Less used today. Shamus was last found in 2007 in the Top 2000.
Var. of Jacob. From Hebrew. "He who supplants." Less widespread today. Shamus was last listed in 2007 in the Top 2000.
Shan, var. Shann, Shandon
Derived fr. Gaelic element. "Old, wise." Shann is unusual as a boys' name among the variant forms of Shan.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for Sh- names for boys.
1. Shaan - ShanShaan, Shabat [Shabbat], Shachar, Shad▼ [Shadd, Shadow, Shadoe], Shadi [Shade, Shaday], Shadrach [Shad▼, Shadrick, Shadrack], Shafiq [Shafik, Shafeek], Shafir [Shefer, Shafar, Shafeer], Shahzad, Shai, Shaka, Shakil [Shaquil, Shaqueel, Shakille, Shaquille▼, ..], Shakir [Shakeer, Shaqueer], Solomon [Shalmon], Shalom [Sholom], Shamir [Shameer], Seamus [Shamus], Shamus, Jacob [Shamus], Shan [Shann, Shandon]
Shanahan, Shandy [Shandey], John [Shawn▼, Shaun▼, Shane▼, Shaughn], Shane▼ [Shayn, Shayne▼, Shaine], Sean [Shawn▼, Shaun▼, Shane▼, Shaughn], Shani, Shanley [Shannley], Shannon▼ [Shanon, Shanen, Shannen, Shannan, ..], Shaquille▼ [Shaque, Shaquil, Shaquile, Shaqueel, ..], Sharif [Sherif, Shereef, Shareef], Shashi, Shasta, Saul [Shaul], Shavon [Shovon, Shivaun, Shavonne], Shaw, Shawn▼ [Shonn, Shawnn, Shawnel, Shawnell, ..], Shawnee [Shawnie, Shawney], Cheyenne [Shayan, Shayanne], Shayan, Seaghdha [Shea]
Shea [Shay, Shays, Shaye, Shaylon, ..], Sheehan, Sheffield, Selby [Shelby▼, Shelbie, Shelbey], Shelby▼ [Shelbie, Shelbey], Seldon [Shelden], Sheldon▼ [Sheldin, Shelden], Shelley [Shelly], Shelton, Samuel [Shem], Shem, Samson [Shem], Shenandoah, Shepherd▲ [Shepp, Shepperd, Sheppard, Shephard, ..], Shepley [Shipley, Shepply, Sheplea, Shepleigh], Sherborn [Sherburn, Sherburne, Sherbourn, Sherborne], Sheridan [Sheredan, Sheridon, Sherridan], Sherill [Sherrill], Sherlock [Shurlock, Sherlocke], Sherman▼ [Shermon, Shermann, Shearman]
Sherrerd [Sherrod, Sherard, Sherrard], Sherwin [Sherwyn, Sherwinn, Sherwind, Sherwynne, ..], Sherwood [Shurwood, Sherwoode], Shia, Shiloh▲ [Shilo, Shylo, Shyloh], Simeon [Shimon], Simon [Shimon], Shipton, Shiriki, Shiva, Shlomo▲ [Shlomi, Shelomo, Shelomi], Shoda, Shomer, Shoshone [Shoshoni], Shoval, Schubert [Shubert], Hugh [Shug, Shuggie], Shura [Shoura]