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Boy Names Starting with Sl-
Sl- baby names and what they mean, with 7 results. Sl- names are used more often as masculine names. Adoption of these boy names is at its highest presently. Slager (TOP 12%) and Slider (14%) are conventional Sl- last names.
Slade - Sly
Slade, var. Slayden, Slayde, Slaide
Source fr. Old English. "Valley." Sladen is also a slightly prominent baby name.
Derived fr. Old English word. "Hewer of slates." Slater (compare Shetler, Sherer) is a popular -er suffix surname.
Slavin, var. Sleven, Slawin
From Irish, Gaelic element. "Mountain man." Slavin, Slawin and Sleven are not Top 2000 names.
Stems fr. Czechoslovakian word. "Renowned glory." Not in popularity charts.
Based on English element. "Slender." Slim, like the similar-sounding Salim, exists more usually as a surname.
Sloan, var. Sloane
Stems fr. Irish, Gaelic word. "Man of arms, warrior." Adoption of Sloan and variants was common among parents less than a decade ago and has remained widespread.
Var. of Sylvester. Derivative of Latin language. "Of the woods." Slay (TOP 5%), Slyh (92%) are familiar surnames. See also Ely.