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V- Names for Boys
V baby names and what they mean, with 74 results. The most fashionable names for newborns here are Valentin (#838), Valentino (#645), Vicente (#713), Vincent (#107) and Vincenzo (#755), while Valenzano (TOP 34%) and Valenciano (16%) are conventional V- last names. Here is the list of V- names for girls.
Vachel, var. Vachell
Source fr. Old French. "Small cow." Uncommon. Compare Vachel with common -hel surnames Voshel (TOP 94%), Machel (86%).
Vail, var. Vale, Vaill, Vaile
Derivative of Old English element. "Valley." Rare as boys' names, but Vaile, Vail, etc. sound like the more conventional Val.
Short form of Valentine .. Val is a frequently occurring (TOP 89%) masculine name, and is found frequently (TOP 28%) as a last name. Unisex name.
Form of Waldemar. Based on Old German word. "Renowned ruler." Outside Top 2000.
Based on Old German word. "Renowned leader." Not Top 2000 name.
Based on Italian, Portuguese. "Valiant." Adoption of Valente was common among parents in 1993. See also Valentyn.
Valentine▼, var. Vallen, Valentyn, Valentinus, Valentinian, Valentino▲, Valentin▲, Valentijn, Val2, Valen
Stems fr. Latin. "Strong, healthy." Valentin and Valentino were Top birth names in 2018.
Valerian, var. Valeryan, Valery, Valerius, Valerien, Valerio
Derivative of Latin language. "Strong, healthy." Valery and variants are uncommon as boys' names.
Based on Old Norse. .. a warlike son of Odin. Vali, like the similar-sounding Vale, exists more often as a surname. See also Pali.
Valther, Valter
Var. of Walter. Root fr. Old German element. "Army ruler." Unconventional. Valter and Valther are not found in the US Census.
Van1, var. Vonn, Von, Vann
Based on Danish element. "Of." Van (TOP 40%) and Von (95%) are conventional as men's names, whereas Vann and Vonn are unique.
Form of Evan. Root fr. Hebrew, Welsh, Scottish elements. "God is gracious." Van is commonly used as a boys' name among the variations of Evan. Unisex name.
From Old English language. "Marshland." Usage of Vance as a birth name in 2018 was down 15.3% compared to 2017. See also Yance.
Possibly (Dutch) "from the" or a .. Moderately unfamiliar as a boys' name, Vander exists more often as a surname. See also Zander.
Source fr. Danish. "Of the dyke." Vandyke is unusual as a children's name.
Derivative of Old English language. "Banner." Used somewhat widely as a boys' name, Vane is similar to the common Van. See also Bane.
Vanya1, Vanko, Vanek
Var. of John. Derivative of Hebrew word. "God is gracious." Vano (TOP 33%), Vanco (56%) are common last names.
Vangelo, Vangelis, Vangelios
Forms of Evangel. Root fr. Greek word. "Good news." Sparing use. Vangelios, Vangelis and Vangelo are not listed in the US Demographics.
Stems fr. Russian, Hebrew languages. "God is gracious." Also used for girls. Vanya is a unique masculine name, occurring regularly (TOP 74%) as a surname.
Vardon, var. Verdun, Verdon, Varden
Origin fr. Old French element. "Green knoll." Vardon, Verdon, etc. are hardly found as given names.
Quick Reference
Summary Index of names [and variants] for V- names for boys.
1. Vachel - VardonVachel [Vachell], Vail [Vale, Vaill, Vaile], Val, Waldemar [Valdemar], Valdemar, Valente, Valentine▼ [Vallen, Valentyn, Valentino▲, Valentinus, ..], Valerian [Valery, Valerio, Valeryan, Valerius, ..], Vali, Walter [Valter, Valther], Van [Von, Vonn, Vann], Evan [Van], Vance, Vander, Vandyke, Vane, John [Vanya, Vanko, Vanek], Evangel [Vangelo, Vangelis, Vangelios], Vanya, Vardon [Verdun, Verdon, Varden]
Varick [Varrick], Varten, Varun [Varoun], Basil [Vasily, Vassily, Vasilus, Vassilij, ..], Vasilis [Vasya, Vasos, Vassily, Vassilij, ..], Vaughn [Vaughan], Veltry, Wenceslaus [Venceslao, Vyacheslav, Vyachaslav, Vlacheslav], Benedict [Venedictos], Venezio [Veneziano, Venetziano], Benjamin [Venyamin, Veniamin], Venturo [Venturio], Verdell [Vernell], Vere, Verlyn [Vyrle, Virle, Verlon, Verllin, ..], Vermont, Bernard [Vernados], Werner [Verner], Vernon▼ [Vernin, Verney, Vernen, Vernee, ..], Verrier
Verrill [Veryl, Verroll, Verrell, Verrall, ..], Fester [Vester], Vester, Vesuvio, Viator, Victor▼ [Vitor, Vitorio, Vittorio, Vittorios, ..], Vidal [Videl, Videlio], Vidar, Viggo [Vigi], Vijay [Vijun, Veejay], William [Villem, Vilhelm], Villard, Villiers, Vilmos, Vincent▲ [Vinny, Vinnie, Vinzenz, Vinicent, ..], Melvin [Vinnie], Calvin [Vinnie], Vinson, Vinton, Vireo
Virgil▼ [Verge, Vergil, Virgilio, Vergilio], Virginius [Virginio], Vischer [Visscher], Fisher [Visscher], Vito▼ [Vitus, Vitas, Vitaly, Vitalis, ..], Vivek, Vivian▼ [Vyvyan, Vyvian, Vivyan, Vivien, ..], Vladimir [Vladamir, Vladimeer], Vladislav [Vlad, Vladja], Wolfgang [Volfango], Volker, Folker [Volker, Vollker], Volney, Von [Vonn, Vontell, Vondell]